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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Morning Enaid
    Usually the policy holder is liable for paying the excess, but the agency ay have insurance in place to cover themselves in an accident, worth a call to them.
    Also I would ask for full copies of the driving licences of the agency drivers who are to use the vehicle so you can confirm their licences are clean.

    Also didnt get much sleep last night, daughter had her jabs on monday, and now has a temperature and was up every few hours throught the night. Now i'm at work i can have a rest.lol


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      morning everyone
      Enaid I think it's fantastic that you have fought for your rights and managed to get Tilly's transport sorted the way you have. Like PK says I would check the insurance details of the agency they may well have something in place. Does your policy include legal cover hun? if not might be worth finding out how much it would be to add it.... although with a block insurance i think it may already be covered.

      PK i hope your daughter recovers soon hun


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Cheers Pk and Tempty, I will make sure everything is ok before the agency take over.
        Forgot to say yesterday :roll:I really cant stop laughing about this either .Tilly's bill came for her day center charges, totally wrong again, they have been wrong for ages now. I rang explained, the girl was very nice and she said the reason was that " the lady who used to do the billing, had retired and no one knew".
        Now wether no one knew that the lady was retiring or no one knew how to do the billing is left to the imagination. Either way that's our Local Authority for you.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Morning gang

          Its a lovely sunny day here, and here I am stuck in work. Never mind, am on my own till boss appears, at least I can read the paper and catch up on stuff. Might get round to actually doing some work later. Have loads of stuff to do today, just realised that am supposed to be paying money into bank that hubby's footie team collected at a bag apck - only problem is I've left it at home. £463 all in coins, bagged up in a bucket in my front room. Actually its too heavy for me to carry so it will just have to stay there. Gotta get Jess's hacking jacket to dry cleaners ready for Sunday, she had a spectactular fall off last Sunday and its covered in grass stains. Except the jacket is in the horsebox and the horsebox is in the garage having a new clutch fitted. Not having a good day am I. But at least all this forgetfulness means i won't have to run round like a maniac in my lunch break.

          Enaid, glad you've got it sorted out at last.

          Lugger - Pepsi is gonna be fun when you get back - but at least your extra weight might slow her down a little lol. Although her extra wieght from all the grazing might have a say in the matter as well lol. Our pony looks like a malteser he's so fat, Jess hasn't ridden him since Sunday cos she left his tack in the horsebox along with her jacket.....
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          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Hi guys,
            Well all seems ok with the world so far today, I had a bit of news yesterday, the judge in Manchester has sent our case to our local court, so that the old git can make our representations (hope he don't feck it up, I shall be training him lol). So anyway looks like we have half a chance now.
            Oh Lugger get Pepsi out and work her hard hun, oh and yerself oh Podgy One pmsl.
            Enaid my brother in law is in insurance I'll ask him when I get to have a word with him hun.

            Talk laters



            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              My daughter went to the doctors today, cos she has been ill and had a temp since her jabs.
              It turns out she has a throat infection as well.

              So no sleep tonight then as well


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                awww thats rough, poor little en, it's bad enough when they have their jabs and you think it's that that has made them poorly. You think they will be ok, then you find out they are ill for another reason and that makes you feel guilty as well.
                Hope she is soon ok, and I think you will get over not much sleep pk you can obviously fit one in at work lol. Enaid x


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Calpol, calpol and more calpol..... best drug ever invented!


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Seriously, hope she is doing better soon xxxx


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Originally posted by Delta View Post
                      Calpol, calpol and more calpol..... best drug ever invented!
                      Calpol, Ibrofen,

                      We have bottles everywhere in our house, its a lifesaver

                      We have one of those digital ear thermometers, have you ever tried to get a 17month old little terror to stay still, it like wrestling an oily octopus


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Oily octopus....lol I like that one

                        We had one of them coloured strip ones that you put on the forehead, I know they don't give it to the exact degree, but enough to know if ok or too hot.

                        Plenty of fluids too....and ice cream (well if it's the ear then it may just hurt the throat, and ice cream always makes you feel better)....plus it will help with the internal temp


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Had to check the date, it is the 14th and not Friday the 13th, you see that would have explained this mornings occurance.
                          It was going to happen we new that, just didn't expect it this morning lol.
                          I have mentioned before about my weight gain, my OH is no light weight either, the dog sleeps on the bed too, or underneath when she is scared or too hot.
                          Our Tilly is an early riser and if I don't feel just like getting up she sometimes gets in with us lol.
                          Well this morning she was making her way into bed and woosh we all went down lol, yes my pine bed that was made for two and sometimes holds four collapsed.
                          Tilly thought this was hilarious and was laughing that much she could not get up or control her bladder, so a wet broken bed.
                          So today folks I will either be a joiners side kick or shopping for a new bed.
                          Hoping this is the only thing that goes wrong today but somehow..............


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Oh dear, sorry to hear that hun, I really hope that's the lot for you today. You are all ok though?


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Oh yes we are all ok thanks some more than others lol. OH is asleep on the couch,
                              the dog has risked it and is upstairs lay on broken bed. I will get rid of Tilly to day center and charge his drill up lol.
                              Hopefully it is mendable, thing is though when we had it delivered and put it up there was a piece of wood left over..................
                              How was your Blackpool trip?


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Enaid, trust you! beds just ain't what they used to be are they???? Glad you're all okay. Perhaps that left over plank will now find a use??? If not just go and nick some palletts from somewhere - they're about the same length lol. Although probably not too comfortable but might be okay when the mattress is on top - when you've dried it of course.
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