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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Huh, I bet youre the only one that will be compus mentus enough to remember anything Jan, don't forget to text me, send piccies etc etc during the evening just to remind me of what I am missing. msl:



    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      I will be taking my camera to capture all the shenanigans, and will shame you all on Monday (unless you pay for my silence)


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Out of deferrence to Mr Delta, I shall not be getting into my usual falling down/throwing up drunk state. He has to stay sober cos he got to get me and the Temptress back here.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Can't believe a little thing like having a drink with a few friends would bring all these reactions lol.
          Tempty love I have had faulty landing gear for many years now, I am still here though.:angels:

          Sappy the fact that you can not ravage your tennis coach and come for a drink with us, is no reason to throw in our faces about posh places and champagne.
          I personally would not put champagne on me chips but that's me lol. So all though it is a shame you will not get to meet me, you may soon discover you were the lucky onemsl:

          Pk an ex pc with his camera and in a round about way talking blackmail, think it's a bit naughty meself but there you go. Don't forget PK your's will not be the only camera there and some innocent situations can be made to look quite tricky lol:rolleyes:

          Delta if you have to stay sober cause your OH is present and can not drink then you must try and tie him up in the car park till the party is over

          Apart from all that it may be a good do


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Ach, the OH don't drink much anyway, I mean we can go out, get a pint and half, as you do, I drink my half, and then work my way through his drink. It's always like that, cause for celebration if he can manage a full pint!

            Anyway, we have to pour Tempty in and out of the car! lol


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Morning , morning, morning.
              Had a lie in this morning only cause I got up at 2 I thought it was morning. OH got up with our Tilly, he is a good en at times lol.
              Jack hasn't appeared this morning, so lets hope we have a bit better weather for the weekend. Not that this weekend there is anything special going on.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Well, its p'ing down here. I hate rain cos everything goes even slower on the motorway.
                Speed is reduced to 5mph, instead of the usual 10mph...lol
                Even worse near us, cos the Fu^$wits forgot to put proper drainage in as well when they built it, so its like driving through a big puddle, which is great until you hit one at 70 and youre no longer in control of your car.
                Anyway, safe and sound at work, having a brew and eating me frosties.


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Piffing it down here in lovely Lancs too.

                  Yesterday I nearly cried, I had to put the fire on, then the heating had to go on for an hour or so to take the chill off the room, and my lecky blanket also went on (jammies in bed warming up.... lovely)

                  The upset at having to finally put the heating on has nothing to do with CO2, the enviroment or anything like that, I just don't want to give NPower my money!


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    lol pk
                    hope you enjoyed yer brew and frosties
                    thankfully i have only experienced the ole aquaplane sensation once..... not fun
                    specially as i was on two wheels at the time.... was like trying to ride an ice skate!!
                    not something i care to repeat anytime soon!


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Not experienced the aquaplane sensation, but have been a passenger in a car that had a black ice moment, All of a sudden we was facing the way we had come from, scary!


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Sappy the fact that you can not ravage your tennis coach and come for a drink with us, is no reason to throw in our faces about posh places and champagne.
                        I personally would not put champagne on me chips but that's me lol. So all though it is a shame you will not get to meet me, you may soon discover you were the lucky onemsl:

                        Oh Hun didn't mean to throw it in yer faces, to be quite frank i'd rather be out and about with all of you in Sunny Wakey. I have a bad feeling about this meal on saturday, and really don't wan't to go. But hey ho such is life the good thing about it is the meal is going to be girlies only and then the boys are meeting us all around 10-11pm, hopefully we should be well happy by then as we (the ladies contingent) are starting at 3pm saturday afternoon . The men are at their lodge meeting so won't be starting on the sauce until much later, so with any luck they will for once find out what its like for us when we have to pick them up after a good day on the bevvy. :roll:
                        On the weather fron't its dull and cold here in Essex, brrrr need to wear woolies now I think.


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Originally posted by Delta View Post
                          Not experienced the aquaplane sensation, but have been a passenger in a car that had a black ice moment, All of a sudden we was facing the way we had come from, scary!
                          Been in a car thats had a blow out at 100mph if thats counts!!!!!!!!!!!
                          So scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyy
                          But my hubby managed it very well glad i wasnt drivibng as i would have panicked and been sqished by a lorry or summat and you lucky lot wouldnt know me:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: :roll::roll::roll::roll:


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Been in a car thats had a blow out at 100mph if thats counts!!!!!!!!!!!
                            So scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyy
                            But my hubby managed it very well glad i wasnt drivibng as i would have panicked and been sqished by a lorry or summat and you lucky lot wouldnt know me

                            I been in the car when the old git farted and he put the window locks on the bugger, 'cor now thats bad I'm telling you that WAS a near death experience, but not as bad as when I play dutch ovens with him after we've had a curry msl:msl:msl: Oh I do love a good old vindaloo.



                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Well its been so quiet on Beagles today I've had to resort to doing some owrk for a change1 And now I'm going home....so i can get changed and go to work1 see ya tomorrow.
                              Is no longer here


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning all.
                                Sorry you were on yer own yesterday Wendy, it does help the British work force though now and again and the people they work for as you provedmsl:

                                Tis a very dull and orrible looking day here lots of rain.
                                Tilly is off today teacher training or something, not a nice day to go any where hope she behaves lol.

                                I am today getting red lines under words that I have spelt wrong, I have never noticed this before and I would have done cause I am not a brilliant speller. Can anyone throw any light on this?


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