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  • I'm just a lightweight enaid, to be honest I don't really drink! may have the odd glass of red every now and then, and even one glass can have me giggling like an idiot in the corner LOL. Friday night threw caution to the wind and had more then a few......... all was fine till i decided to refill me glass............nuff said LOL


    • keeps hubby happy though, we buy a bottle, I'll have maybe half a glas and he get's the rest LOL


      • i'll have to tell you about me night on brandy and bailys. jeeeeeeez supped enough to sink a ship was sick in the pub couldn't stand up . Ordered a taxi so went outside to wait for it, fell cut all me arm, lost me glasses. Taxi took one look wouldn't take me home. By this time it's ****ing down with rain. The landlord decides to take me home wraps me up in sheet out of dogs basket, no lie. i am covered in sick , blood and wet through and no one knows the nomber of my house only the street, so after knocking on 2 doors they find my house knock on. My HO answers and says christ has she been run over , she should be in A& E. When they explained I was just ****ed he understood Until the morning PMSL I did get me glasses back but very lucky.


        • LOl enaid pmsl
          I'm glad it's not just me then hun. Hubby was'nt entirly impressed as we ended up giving our bed to our guests......... living room did'nt have a very sweet fragrance if ya know what I mean ewwwwww lol


          • I blamed my friend........ silly so in so kept filling my glass, so i kept drinking it lol


            • It happens love tis only to be expected with this bank charge claims lark !pmsl


              • well it's as good an excuse as any


                • yes I said the brandy curdled with the bailys and no one believed me


                  • Eeeeeeeeeeww Enaid pmsl


                    • I love bailys, don't have it very often though! can't drink much of that either..... get's a bit sickly that one


                      • mind you i thinkI proved my point on friday....... I can't drink much of anything LOL


                        • Anyway Tempty, cheque will be soon here then you can have another drink and go through it all again, that,s ok though that's celebrating


                          • Lol I won't hold my breath, I have archers paraleagal........OMG I've never come across a more useless, lazy, person in all my life. it's a wonder she remembers to even breathe she's sooooooooo slow!!


                            • Even slow, makes no difference, in fact the slower the better on their side gives our side more bloody ammo and interest for us. Patience has always been for the claiment and panic for the defendant. I know which side I would rather be on


                              • hello Hideaways, Kev and Lugger not bovvered if you are waiting for me to go won't be long, had a drink with me dinner and stuffed all round
                                just at the mo though I am watching cricket:rolleyes: which I do like really but I want the concert on really


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