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  • Problem is tempty......they are addictive....
    I was on them for 6 years.....
    Was very hard to get off them.....


    • enaid......rofl..........Mine usually needs a couple of lolly pop sticks as a splint.....lol


      • Originally posted by veilside01702 View Post
        Here HOD.....are you on my old tablets??
        They had that effect on me as well........lol
        I made 5 cups of tea.......kept getting up and making another as I sat down.....lol
        My other half just sat and watched and ROFL'ing.....
        She told me what I had done and pointed at the 5 cups of hot tea in front of me....lol
        As you can guess I stopped taking those tablets immediately........lol
        Originally posted by veilside01702 View Post
        Hi enaid..........Only for epilepsy and cluster headaches.....lol
        I had about 5 months on them and don't remember much for that time at all.....lol
        Used to spend a whole day staring at the wall......was awfull.....
        All I got out of it was realisation that the wall needed re-painting.....lol
        Bloody hell,
        Honestly we must be on the same meds. I take so many every four hours, I rattle. Mine are for uncontrolled epilepsy (no kidding)

        It made me laugh when I read your comment.

        Best wishes,
        Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


        • But at least I get to use "Not tonight I have a headache!".......lol


          • wow its gone quiet on this thread, is it somthing I said?
            Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


            • Just been playing catchup on here and have noticed you are all posting piccies etc. errrrrr how do you do that then. Simple english pls.
              The only time I have ever done it is by cutting and pasting.



              • No Hod, I think we have all laughed too much and we were getting a little naughty (as usual)


                • meds tried so far....
                  Tramadol, Topiramate, Metformin, Methysergide, Lamotrigine, prednisalone, verapamil, melatonin, indomethacin, sumatriptan and various NSAID's (Non Steroidal Anti Inflamatory Drugs).......lol
                  I am like a walking drug encyclopaedia now.......or a lab rat.....lol


                  • hey saphire..... use the go advanced button on quick reply....
                    then click the button at top showing paper clip for attachments.....click choose file from computer......then upload.......then post your post.....lol


                    • I am worried now......
                      If saphire doesn't know how to post a picture........lol
                      If you need help I could pop over and show you how......lol


                      • Took me ages last night to do it Sapphire but only beecause I couldn't find my pic at the other end! If you can do that it's easy.


                        • OOOOOh yes please veilside, judging by your piccie it will be a 'pleasure' hun, pmsl. In the meantime I will practice with the instructions you have given me.



                          • Sapphie click on Go advanced
                            see paper clip at top
                            find file
                            jobs a good un

                            (cant get it easier than that!)


                            • Originally posted by veilside01702 View Post
                              meds tried so far....
                              Tramadol, Topiramate, Metformin, Methysergide, Lamotrigine, prednisalone, verapamil, melatonin, indomethacin, sumatriptan and various NSAID's (Non Steroidal Anti Inflamatory Drugs).......lol
                              I am like a walking drug encyclopaedia now.......or a lab rat.....lol
                              I wont try to list which drugs have taken, but here is a piccie to give you a clue.

                              oh and for saphire, a picture address, like photobucket is a good way of getting pictures on the threads, to save space I use the url address as above. But you can also put a full picture using photobucket as well.

                              Good Luck
                              Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                              • Bloody hell veilside i'm not surprised you get headaches, must be getting the lids of all those bottles, but you left of asprin and paracetemol
                                Seriously hun my OH has to take shed loads of meds every day and I know what he goes through, so I do feel for you and happy and anyone else who relies on loads a meds every day.
                                I won't post a piccie up of myself here don't want to make you feel worse



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