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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Ive FINISHED for the Year


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Would you credit, that one of our most conscientious and hard working members, has actually stayed behind in work for an extra two whole minutes, to tell us he has finished for the year.

      It just goes to show, it's always the ones that you think do the least they can and get away with it, are the ones who surprise you the most.



      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Well daylight at last, it was the shortest day yesterday folks in case you didn't know.

        Tis Saturday, I may have mentioned before, I,m not sure lol but Saturday is my telly day.
        The final of Strictly Come Dancing and Robin Hood, not sure what else is on and I'm not really bothered tbh, that'll do for me.

        Don't suppose for one minute that we are all sorted for xmas, that's just not the norm.
        Just remember though, it will come and it will go wether you are ready or not, so don't get stressed okidoki, it's just not worth it. Tis no good getting worked up about what you can't have, just make the most of what you can have and what you have got already.

        Bye the way I have written in there wether now I know it's how I say it but how is it spelt please anyone.
        I just looked that up in my little dic and it says "castrated ram" oh eck looks like I've lowered the tone once again lol


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          I don't flippin believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          5.30 this morning and we had to deice the car, was looking at the nice shiny stars on the clear sky, and now it's piffing down with rain and soooooo cloudy and overcast!!

          Oh well have been working on and off since about 6 this morning, nowt on tv so we have the Magic music channel on, listening to Chrissy music.

          Break over, back to work! lol


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Well thats it I have completed all my shopping and the pressies are wrapped. Les has announced that he needs to go shopping again tomorrow, but me well I'm done apart from going to get a newspaper and anything that takes my fancy from Tesco Extra, there is no way, no how I am venturing into town again this side of Christmas (hopefully).
            Has everyone else finished their shopping, are you all up to date, have you all done your wrapping etc etc.

            Don't forget guys the sales start on Boxing day so its time to buy your cards, wrapping paper, fancy bags, decorations etc and start a box for next Christmas its amazing how much money you will save. I'll start a thread in Managing you Finances Forum and those interested can join in and keep a record of what preparations you have made throughout the year. It might help encourage others as well and stop last minute panicks, which invariablly end up with using the credit cards, loans etc.



            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Can just about see the car at the front so daylight is on it's way.

              Well so upset last night about Robin Hood, but next week there is the last one and it's extra long lol never bad IMO.

              I think the BBC phone in lines must be better run than those of ITV. The favorite in Strictly Come Dancing won and it was a very fair and good result.
              I have really enjoyed this show and no matter what all you reality show cynics think I hope it returns.
              I think we will get the ice skating one first, if i am not mistaken.

              To answer sappy on the above post, apart from picking my meat up tomorrow, what we ain't got now we're not having lol simple as that.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                I just need milk, bread, and veggies, I have some frozen veggies but I do need an onion for my bread sauce.

                Turkey is defrosting nicely in the fridge, may take it out and leave it out in the kitchen for a few hours later, just to make sure seeing as I am planning on cooking it tomorrow (so much easier than trying to time everything to finish at the same point.... plus there won't be much room for me tatties and parsnips if I put them in with the bird!)

                I have one present left to wrap, can't wrap it till I find it, Hims has put it in a safe place!

                Was a bit bloomin cold this morning, all that rain had frozen over night, so when himself went out to defrost the car, the dog ran up the drive..... it was sooooo funny cos the drive was icy (it did just look wet) and he had legs going all over the place

                Oh well going to have another coffee and then do some more work (may even make some hemp macrame jewellery in between customers today)

                Speak to you all later x


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Well this is much more civilised, I first got up at something past 3 had a nosy and a brew and went back to bed.

                  I got in bed and couldn't sleep I started thinking, as you do. Christmas Eve aww I remember when I was little. I'd do a list and my dad would put it on he fire, but instead of burning it went up the chimney. Well it is something to do with the draught I know that now, but then I thought it was all part of the magic lol.
                  While having thought that, it came to me I would have been about 5 years old, then it struck me that would be 50 years ago, well I got upset then for some reason lol and changed the subject in my head.

                  I started to try and remember all my big pressies, I always got one and then the usual games, selection boxes etc.
                  I don't know the order in which these came, but they are the only ones I remember. This probably due to the fact that every year I can remember I asked for a pony and it never turned up, well not till I bought myself one when I was 40 lol.
                  I remember a Grand piano and stool (a little white one BTW not a proper one lol), one of them dolls that cried and a trolly (never really a dolly kid but hey ho), a Dolls House (this my dad made himself I think from kit form), a three wheeler bike called Winkie lol (don't ask), a big bike (so I'm obviously growing up here), a Grundig Tape Recorder (this was quite large lol the tapes were like dinner plates and it was called portable lol) Then leather coat lol so by this time I must be a teenager lol can't remember any more. I must have lots in betwean but they won't come to me lol.

                  Anyway I kid you not, it's just coming light and the sky to me looks like it is full of snow. It's that funny pinky colour any way shoot me down but I bet we have snow soon. Going to do me tea nad toast now back soon Enaid x


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Morning all, well its here at last and thank the lord its not foggy today.
                    Les went to collect my mum yesterday a 40 mile round trip and it took 5 and a half hours, there was a terrible accident on the A127 at 4 am and it was still closed at 2pm yesterday, we found out a poor woman lost her life crashing into a tree, allegedly because some moron threw rocks through her windscreen. God I feel sorry for her family.
                    I had some sad news yesterday, my uncle passed away in the morning, he's been battling parkinsons for 20 years and found out he had cancer of the pancreas 3 weeks ago, still at least he's not suffering now bless him. I shall phone my auntie later and my cousin to have a little chat and probably do that pretty regularly now.

                    Anyway on to happier subjects: Remembering crimbo pressies as a child, how about Stylophone, The Tressy doll who's hair grew, Sindy, Scalextric, reel to reel tape recorder and many many more.

                    I'm away now to change the beds, wash the curtains, cook the meat for tomorrow and generally do preparations. Talk laters peeps.



                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Aww Enaid.... the childhood memories tis funny but some of my best christmas's were in the place i hated living in at the time..... up on the mountains in wales.... we had an old farm house with quite a sizeable bit of land... mum was into trying to live of the land back then... so we had a few cow's... sheep.. pigs, 2 goats, chicken, ducks and geese.. I remember waking up on our first xmas there... to a beutifull blanket of crisp white snow.. i was 8 yrs old at the time. dad had allready been up and out.. the animals were fed... fire roaring in the parlor..... big sign on the living room door saying DO NOT ENTER lol... mum making breakfast.. and my 3 yr old brother trailing his blankey behind him, looking all sleepy eyed and excited at the same time. Tis funny i remember it as if it was yesterday... all the smells.. everything ... we sit down to breakfast.... us kids hardly touching what was on our plates... iching to get into the living room to open our pressies..... I remember a huge pile of pressies for my brother.... and me wondering where mine were.... I had a few little things.... my dad kept saying ..... well i don't know what's happened to your pressie hunni.... are you sure you've been a good girl? .... at this point i'm getting a bit upset....lol yes daddy... i've been good ..... thinking maybe i should have been nicer to my brother after all pmsl.. then my mum and dad look knowingly at each other and say.... maybe sant left yours in the barn! .... dad wraps me up in a blanket (still in my pj's) takes me out accros the yard and into the barn..... and there was Marley...... my very own Donkey..... with a huge red bow round his neck... that he was busy trying to eat..... and a huge red box containing his sadle and bridle etc.
                      was my best childhood christmas ever.... never had a white xmas since..... but the snow made it all the more magical. And tbh honest i don't think we were ever closer as a family then we were at that time either.... blummin ell enaid.... ya got me all nostalgic now lol.

                      MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE xxxxxx


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Awww Tempty, my eyes are leaking


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Bloody hell Tempty I just popped in for a nosey and i'm sitting here crying my eyes out, that was soooooo lovely.

                          I'll pop back again later for another cry at the nostalgic stories.



                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Well this will make you laugh not lol.
                            Went to pick my turkey crown up that I ordered last week. I said about £15 in money as i thought there was only going to be 3 of us anyway there is now 4 but not to worry.
                            Oh dear they got me 15lb in weight £28 he said, I moaned and said it was wrong so they knocked £8 off I had to pay £20, got it home and it's not the crown i usually have ie just the breast bit, it was everything but the legs.
                            So OH has butchered the bird once more the bottom and the wings are cooking in the oven now for the dog. I have now a crown but a bit larger than expected.
                            I would have gone to town on the butcher but i could see Oh's face and we had Tilly with us so i gave up the ghost. He will be told though when i go on again.

                            Good start me thinks, also burnt me thumb on the toaster this morning, awaiting the inevitable problem number 3.
                            Am having a Bloody Mary though now, so when it does come I'll be ready.


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Awww enaid hunni... I'm sorry but i did have a little giggle
                              it's usually me that daft things like that happen to...... nice to know i'm not alone
                              well at least the dog gets a little taste of xmas!!!


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Hello All

                                Well everything is done, all veggies peeled chopped n ready
                                All presents wrapped and under the tree.
                                The new aquarium is all set up with the new fishes happily swimming around.

                                Right I hope everyone has a great day, as Its more than my lifes worth to switch the computer on on Xmas Day.
                                I will catch up with you all on Boxing Day and we can tell each other what presents we got.
                                Then Early Thursday we are off to Scotland for a bit, so no computer again.

                                Take Care and All the Best,



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