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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Well at least it's not raining, managed to keep my shoes on all the way across the car park after a reminder from the attendant, I'm never gonna live that one down.

    Another day with no interweb at home but hopefully the last, new router arrived yesterday, just need to figure out what to do with it now and I've cracked it.


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Morning All.

      Well I'm at home today, which means Ive got the terrors today.
      At the moment they are watching Beebies and they are all fed and watered.
      Off to get them dressed soon, then when little miss goes for her nap me and Ethan are gonna make some bread.
      This afternoon its a trip to the dentist fro everyone except me.
      So ile be on and off today, depends on the terrors and what mischief they get upto.


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Pmsl PK, really don't understand why kids of yours should have the mischief gene


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Originally posted by iancognito View Post
          Well at least it's not raining, managed to keep my shoes on all the way across the car park after a reminder from the attendant, I'm never gonna live that one down.

          Another day with no interweb at home but hopefully the last, new router arrived yesterday, just need to figure out what to do with it now and I've cracked it.
          Nice one about the shoes jan lol.

          You mean you don't just plug it in ?


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Well what a crap day so far. Got to work (early) found I'd left my keys at home. Boss not due in till later so had to go home and get keys. Get into work to find my computer wireeless connection dead and won't repair. Rang maintenance bloke who was in a meeting. Left at 10.30 to go to a funeral 30 miles away - how I love the bloody M6! Not!! Came out of funeral to be phoned by a firend from the bookies I work nights in. Last night our shop down the road was held up at gunpoint - and a shot was fired. Great, I'm at work tonight. Got stuck on the M6 on the way back floolowing a wide load of train carriges. Got back to work at 2pm - still no computer. Its just this minute come back online. Am so far behind I'm meeting myself coming backwards!!!!!! And I'm at work till 5.30 to make up for going to the funeral and then at the bookies 5.45 till 9.45. What a poopy day.

            Rant over now lol. Hope you are all well and have had a better day than me.

            See you tomorrow. Or tonight if my internet at home ever starts working again.
            Is no longer here


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Oh eck Wendy not a very good day at all, we have often talked at work what we would do if someone came in the shop with guns. No qualms about giving them the shop money as we are told to do, just don't know how I would react if they tried to take my personal things bag etc. Anyway decided in the end they wouldn't come anywhere near me, the smell would be too bad lol.
              Hope today does improve for you, it could hardly get worse could it? Enaid xx


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                It's been a day for internet probs then. Mine gor suspended cos the new bank didn't manage to transfer the D/D over. EIther that, or RBS are playing silly beggars. ANyhow, I needed to phone and get it reconnected. Which caused all sorts of problems, cos I pay for our eldest's Tiscali account for him by credit card each month. So of course they got them mixed up. Hmmm.

                All sorted now though. AND my foot isn't broken, so hopefully keeping it up and Mrs LB bringing me endless cuppas will mean I'll be fit to go back to sea next week. Fingers crossed. I need all the money I can get, cos I've had to buy a new bloomin car, so I can't afford not to be working.
                My Blog


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Another sad story, blimey tis a day and a half today. Well yours isn't too bad Lugger as your foot isn't broken and you got your tinternet back on.
                  Sure Mrs LB will spoil you rotten as she will want you to go to sea as well I'm sure lol.
                  Pepsi still in the field is she? lol


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Yup, looks like Pepsi will be putting all the weight back on that she's lost over the past couple of weeks.

                    Oh, I forgot to mention... a LADY equine dentist. Absolutely stunning. I'll not be sorry that she has to come back and do Pepsi's teeth later. VERY pleasing to the eye. I think that's a little bit of info I won't be mentioning to Mrs LB.
                    My Blog


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      No, that could be very wise or you may get more than your foot broken lol.


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Apparently he got away with 400 quid, which is 2 floats. Didn't get the safe money. Turned up at 9.20 which is just when cashing up. I've often said its the witching hour then!

                        Had no internet at home since July, thanks to BT and Sky. Have given up and gone back to Tiscali (who BT thought we were stil with anyway) but had to wait to get my suspended account (thanks BT) cancelled with Tiscali who thought I was still with them and owed them money etc etc. I could go on but I won't bore you to death......

                        Luggers I would make sure Mrs L doesn't show up at the next dentists appointment or you might find yourself incapacitated!

                        Off to work soon, think I'll have a Subway tonight to cheer me up. And there's a bottle of wine in the fridge which will be shouting at me when I get home.....
                        Is no longer here


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          If a Subway cheers you up, you need a new life.

                          However, the bottle of wine sounds a splendid idea. I've opened another, purely for medicinal purposes. :alchie:

                          By the way... did I miss any piccies from the night out???
                          My Blog


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Morning all,
                            Hows the foot Lugger? hope it's soon better.
                            There are piccies from Wakefield do but don't ask me where they are lol, but they are definately here somewhere lol.
                            The weather is not looking too bad today fairly bright but chilly, can cope with that lol


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub


                              Couple there, PK put some on photobucket but the link has vanished!!!!


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning all, well its bright and sunny here today, although a tad foggy early this morning.
                                Went to visit mum yesterday and have had a small victory, she says she'll be ok for a day or two, so no running up and down the A127 today or tomorrow (hopefully) for me. Took me over an hour to get home yesterday from her place, friggin hell where does all the traffic come from ? Another small victory she has at last agreed to think about selling the garages and is getting them valued and then will make a decision (don't know why she wants to carry on working for at her age anyway). I lost the arguement about her selling up and moving into warden assisted accommodation near us, her answer is 'I can't stand old people' ffs she's 84 bloody hell does she think she's still a friggin teenager or what. Never mind next time she comes to stay I shall take her to have a look round one of the places, she might like them once she's seen them with any luck.
                                Anyway not much more to report except i'm feeling chilly today (had our flu jabs on tuesday perhaps thats caused me to feel chilly, does that happen to anyone else?)



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