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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Dear Jan,

    Being a father of two sons I might be able to help and advise on sons and their bedroom. Right; my youngest is the scruffest tw*t when it comes to bedrooms. Until about a year ago we would not enter his room without fly killer and air freshner. Then he asked if it was ok to bring his girlfriend home at the weekend. I said yes if he kept his room tidy.Hey presto, now without coaxing every friday he cleans his 'love pit' in preperation. Only trouble now is having to listen to his girlfriends silly giggles and the headboard banging on the wall.
    Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      My son has always been far tidier than my daughter, however he's now gone into ultra tidy mode, basically the whole house, because his girlfriend is coming round tonight!!, we're all going out for a meal for daughter's birthday then said girlfriend is staying (for the first time) i've told him she's gotta sleep on the sofa but I don't think that's gonna happen. I've also told him not to make too much noise.......
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      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Enaid, I'm with you Our cubby hole under the stairs was always known as the glory hole as well. Still is occasionally, but not at the moment cos son has just tidied it out, for reasons given in last post. Although I don't know why he bothered, don't think his girlfriend is going to be going in there
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        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Originally posted by WendyB View Post
          Although I don't know why he bothered, don't think his girlfriend is going to be going in there
          That depends on whose defination of glory hole you are using.

          Right can we stop all the double entendres now, please because its hard to work with tears strewaming down my face.



          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            I read the first remark with regards to 'glory holes' this morning and thought nothing of it, then I was watching (well listening to) 'To Buy or Not to Buy' and they saw a cupboard under the stairs and one of them said something about a glory hole.

            I do confess to cracking up at that point, its amazing how you dont hear something for absolute ages, and then twice on one day!


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              you lot are terrable, the glory hole is a vortex of water in a park in central America. The water flows into a caven below the lake.
              Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Oh you lot are sooooo naughty. Anyway I thought a glory hole was what is offered by ladies of the night msl:



                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Well the hole under me stairs kept the thread going this morning. I'll have a look round for another topic tomorrow pmsl


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Do you think we can have a day today, where my naive and shy personality is not upset by the people who know of other meanings to he simple words I write.
                    I can no longer go under t stairs without falling about in fits of laughter and imagining some very risque thoughts lol
                    I have to write that Happy and Wendy it must be catching, my lad is bringing his new girlfriend for the weekend
                    He has stayed at hers for the last 3or 4 and its been bliss here, suppose it was to be expected. I am in no way an unsociable person and I am looking forward to meeting her.
                    I don't know if it's with having our Tilly here, but I am a bit dubious about a stranger staying in our house (she deff won't get a lie in) It may sound a bit selfish that, but it's not meant too. I think it's the thought that if Tilly and OH's wind chimes go off at the same time in the morning as is the norm, I will die of embarrassment lol. Anyway here's hoping it's the start of something big lol and he at last will flee the nest. I'll let you know lol


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Morning all

                      If Happys experience is anything to go by, I think headboards and walls may play a big part in this weekends FMB.


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        whys that then?


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          oo jan what u got planned?lol
                          my sons left home so noise at mine !
                          its my youngest sons birthday tomorrow he'll be 12 and hes staying at his brothers so they can play computer late cos his brothers boughtnhim a new one....spent more than £100 on him and i feel bad cos theres only 3 things...


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            I haven't been here for ages.... and typical!! There's no-one here....


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Just seen the news Ian Huntley survived, what a shame, they should have helped him on his way.
                              Still very dark here but dry, lets hope it stays that way.
                              The romance is still on lol, my guest will be arriving after dinner. Had to laugh she has the same name as our dog, not that that's funny it's just the thought of the dog running all over the place when some one mentions the girls name lol
                              Don't suppose I will be on here much this weekend either tis a bit rude to sit with your back to guests isn't it?
                              I hope she is one of them that insists on washing up after you've fed her as well lol I won't object. It might give the lad incentive to dry as well, that will be a bonus.
                              Well there you go that's my weekend sorted anyone got anything really exciting happening?


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Yea, I have, I need to do 161 texts by the end of tomorrow night to make sure I get paid, and tomorrow (touch wood), the ad goes in the paper for the new company that I am working for.

                                Guess who is going to be at the papershop at 6am tomorrow! lol

                                On the downside, I have to go shopping tonight when himself finishes work as we have no food in the house


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