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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Sorry guys for once I am staying out of the kids/parents debate, my views would probably upset everyone here and I'd end up with no 'friends' left. :rolleyes:
    Glad to know that your foot is getting better Lugger, perhaps next time you will be more careful and stand back when a 'lady' is having her beauty treatments.
    Paradox you are definately losing the plot hun pmsl.
    Hey Mochamoo you're back hun, nice to see you xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Happy Saturday everyone, its very misty here in Essex. I've had a small victory over my mum, she has agreed to come and stay for a while, so I can look after her without having to drive up and down that friggin road all the time. Now for the bad news: my house will stink with ciggie smoke as we have the age old argument about smoking in my house. I say 'no way', she says 'but i'm 84', I say 'go on just the one then', she takes it as carte blanche to puff away continuously, and what does Les say, 'feck all' to mum, but moans at me continuously about it, hey ho:
    Never mind I'm glad that she's at least getting better.
    Have a good day all.



    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Hello, can't or won't say good morning because it isn't. I think I over rummed myself last night, well in fact I know I did the bottle is empty I am feeling slightly under the weather, please though don't be sending all your sympathy over, it is self inflicted and I will get better I hope lol.
      While I am on about hangovers, there is a certain person who is having a birthday party this very evening. If there are any of you that are attending do not forget to take your video camera. You've Been Framed comes to mind and £250, but we will have to vet the piccie first
      Which leads me nicely on to this evening and the TV, I am in sole charge of the turner overer on Saturday. As the rugby has taken over from X Factor OH can keep the said turner overer in his grubby little mitts. I will watch the dancing and Robin Hood (my new hero by the way) uninterupted from the privacy of my boudoir pmsl
      I do hope England win the rugby by the way, but even all them handsome hunks rolling about in a field will not convert me. ( I may just have a little peep though on saying that lol )
      So for me the day can only get better, onwards and upwards lol think I'm still pished lol.


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Sorry Sapp you're breaking the law here, as you run a business from your address I have to inform you that your house is an enclosed public environment and therefore you risk prosecution by allowing your mum to smoke in there, I suggest you get her a shelter in the back garden, remember it has to be open on 3 sides, I can always send the HSE round if you wish!!!

        Enaid I'm sure they'll be an X factor uncut, reloaded, regurgitated ans spat out on ITV 2 and 3 tonight, don't want to be watching them blokes with odd shaped balls on a Saturday night.

        Did Paradox ever have the plot?


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Originally posted by enaid View Post
          I do hope England win the rugby by the way, but even all them handsome hunks rolling about in a field will not convert me.
          Enaid gets converted...
          My Blog


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            PMSL Lugger,
            That is a classic you're so clever lol
            Don't suppose you will be supporting us lol, but you have to put us before the frogs surely lol


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              love the pic lugger. still take more then that to convert me though I'm afraid.
              I prefer my hunks leather clad with plenty of power between their legs..... oo eck that was one for the stags pants I think lol.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                WHAT!?!?!?! Haven't you heard of the Auld Alliance?????

                Scotland and France being bestest buddies and all that.

                Actually, I will be supporting you. Mrs LB being a Yorkshire Lass and all that, I don't really have much choice.
                My Blog


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Oh yes I forgot you married an English Rose a White one though, I am of the Red variety lol.
                  I won't be watching myself as I explained but I hope we beat them frogs lol not keen on them at all and they eat horses sick sods.


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    I did once try to go veggie because I thought it was a bit hypocritical to condemn folks for eating horses when I was quite happy to stuff dead cow down my face.

                    Let myself down badly though. Fell at the first hurdle.... a lovely bacon buttie. Yum!!!!!! Well. Who can resist that sizzle????? :hungry:
                    My Blog


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      See we beat the frogs, nice one lol
                      Well my evening didn't go to plan at all, I fell asleep halfway through Robin Hood and woke up at the end of some film:rolleyes: I think there may be a repeat today in the afternoon so a second chance lol
                      I also feel awful sometimes eating meat, especially when all the new calves are being born on the farm, or I see all the baby lambs running about. The feeling soon fades though when I go through the veg section not knowing what to do with it if it ain't got the meat on the side of it .
                      I don't like Chinese food and can't get into Pasta and there seems to be a lot of veggie options there. So Indian food comes to mind and here we go, it has to be a chicken Madras, so no veggie option there either lol.
                      As today is Sunday the old fav roast beef will be on the menu I'm afraid, so no hope for me at all on he veggie side.


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Well lets face it guys, we'd be inundated with flipping cows if we didn't eat them and what would the Welsh do with all those sheep (no don't answer that one!)

                        Dunno what I'm gonna be eating this week, the Polish speciality is apparently dumplings stuffed with cabbage - yum - can't wait msl:

                        Still not packed, OH has moved the suitcases so I have to wait for him to get up before I can get to them, glad its not the lads coz if I had to wait for them to get up I might just miss my flight!!

                        OH is going to a travelodge tonight and Wetherspoons tomorrow to meet some random people off the internet - how mad is that???

                        Well, see you Thursday, behave yourselves won't you?

                        Oh yeah, well done England Egg Chasers, can someone post the rules to the game before the final for me, don't understand all this running into each other and not falling over screaming "foul", they appear to keep kicking the ball over the crossbar too, think they need some penalty shoot our practise!


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Seeing as we're on the subject of food, I'd like to publicly thank Enaid for finding this website of Polish dishes for me, thought I would share them with you:

                          Soups Chłodnik litewski: cold yoghurt-and-beetroot soup served with a hard boiled egg, originally from Lithuania.
                          Barszcz biały: sour thick wheat starch soup with marjoram, potatoes, sometimes with cream.
                          Barszcz czerwony: refreshing beetroot soup with vegetables and sour cream or served clear with dumplings.
                          Żurek: sour rye soup with potato, sausage or an egg, sometimes served in a bread loaf.
                          Krupnik: barley soup with a smattering of vegetables and smoked meat.
                          Kapuśniak: sour cabbage soup.
                          Zupa ogórkowa: hot sour cucumber soup.
                          Zupa koperkowa: dill soup.
                          Rosół z kurczaka: golden chicken consommé with noodles.
                          Zupa pomidorowa: tomato soup, often with rice or noodles.
                          Grochówka: thick pea soup.
                          Zupa grzybowa: mushroom soup with cream.
                          Flaki wołowe: beef tripe soup.
                          Hors d'Oeuvres Smalec: partially double fried lard with onion, marjoram and sometimes with apple or prune. It is spread over bread and served together with pickled cucumbers as an appetizer before the main meal.
                          Śledzie w śmietanie: herring in sour cream, usually with onion.
                          Boczek ze śliwką: bacon stuffed with prunes.
                          Tatar: steak tartar; raw minced beef with chopped onion and raw yolk.

                          Golonka w piwie: fat, but tasty pork knuckle, sometimes in beer sauce, always with horseradish; very traditional, originally from Bavaria.
                          Karkówka: tenderloin, usually roasted
                          Kotlet schabowy: traditional breaded pork cutlet (a tasty choice if you do not want any risk).
                          Kiełbasa: Polish sausages - white sausages are especially very tasty. They go well with pickled cucumbers (gherkins) in combination with beer or vodka and fresh air.
                          Żeberka w miodzie: spare pork ribs in honey.

                          Hmmm can't wait


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            A lot of our boats have Polish cooks - now, I have wondered why I can't seem to lose weight when I'm at sea. Maybe I should switch to low fat milk on my cornflakes. :roll:
                            My Blog


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Hello Lugger, long time no speaky..................... hows life on the ocean wave ???

                              Good I hope.

                              Been manic manic manic, back and forth to France over this housey purchase thingy, and back over there again on Wednesday............................. and busy buying furniture to kit it out with. Mad Mad Mad, but I have missed yeee lot and fully intend to get back on here properly once this housey thing is sorted. Just manic at the mo.

                              Fendy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                              Natwest Round 1 - Won £16,080 after 6 month battle :roll:
                              Abbey Round 1 - Won £5,580 after 5 month battle :okay:
                              Capital 1 Credit Card - Won £1230 in 2 months
                              Capital 1 Cred Card for Hubby - Won £1560 in 2 months :kiss:
                              Abbey MBNA Credit Card - Won £2210 in 3 months
                              Halifax Credit Card - Won £1680 in 2 months


                              Now Gunning for
                              Natwest round 2
                              Abbey Round 2
                              Yorkshire Bank round 1
                              A further £6000 to come back from above 3 when I win.:roll:


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                FENDY!!! WAYHAY!!!!!

                                Deux botaille de vin rouge, por favor. Or something like that.

                                "Je suis une Beaglies star,
                                je have un residence,
                                Je habite la,
                                in the south de France."

                                Ole. :clap:
                                My Blog


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