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  • and im on my tod again... lol
    When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

    When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

    Paulo Coelho


    • is it a sign of madness talking to yourself?

      hey ho....

      *twiddles thumbs*
      When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

      When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

      Paulo Coelho


      • *** Inspecting palms for hair***
        When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

        When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

        Paulo Coelho


        • Morning all


          • Morning Delta,
            Raining again here, still it is over a day since it last rained.
            Just having a titter at Mocha's posts, she'll be getting a complex soon. We were all knackered though yesterday and a little deflated over PKEA I think, he did so well though.
            I'll be missing till tomorrow I am going seeing my mum and dad, my sister and a few friends so staying overnight. I'll be knackered again tomorrwo lil.


            • morning all I'm still knackered ! must be my age!
              ah well
              loads of work today for me cos of none arriving yesterday due to IT problems
              so i'll be glad when todays over i think....
              I so need to tidy up as well cos of all the mess from decorating ,just have to put a carpet down in the last bedroom and its done for now thank god!
              whats everyone upto today?


              • What happened with Pkea yesterday?

                Today.... I have to go to the postoffice and post my prelim to Crappy One, 2 books i have sold on Ebay and send a parcel back to Readers Union (cos I forgot the send the slip in saying I didn't want the editors choice doh!)

                Then I have to put some credit on my phone, cos I have about 20p on there, so not gonna get far with that!

                Then I have to do some washing and glare at the ironing

                Oh and i also have to put some clasps on some necklaces that I made for the craft fair on Saturday, and sort out the stuff, print of some price cards etc etc etc

                Might make a couple more fairy brooches for the show, that should take up a few hours!

                Then feed the family, have a bath and crawl into bed.

                that's my day's plans..... liable to go flits up at any point,


                • Oooh going to plan so far!

                  Other half off to work.....check
                  1st child up and off to skule.....check
                  2nd child up and ready for skule.....check
                  glared at the ironing.......check
                  stuff to be posted all wrapped up....check
                  prelim printed...... check
                  brought washing down.....check
                  started washing.... er no, but it is in the same room as the washing machine, so it's a start!
                  glared at the ironing.....check (again)


                  • morning all

                    Hmmms plans for today.....let's see
                    Hubby has 3rd interview today at 10, so gonna drop him into town and nip in to get a few bit's an bobs.... and if the the last interview is anything to go by I'll then end up sitting in the car for half an hour listening to the radio!

                    then it's back home, rotate washing on the line....start another load off.
                    the usuall pick up after the kids...hubby!
                    must get through to the courts today! so will probably end up going over there...phone has been engaged for the last 2 days straight.

                    more housework.....and will probably be lurking here on and off

                    ooooo thrilling stuff for me today ....lol


                    • lol delta
                      how's the OH today?
                      feeling better I hope


                      • morning enaid


                        • Hi Tempty just doing oh a brew, rotten morning again here, you ok?


                          • yup I'm fine and dandy here this morning
                            tis beautifull and sunny.....don't know if it's gonna last though, so franticly trying to get the washing sorted atm.
                            cat's gone mad!!!!!!
                            oh eck he's running around like a looney......lol looks soooooo funny, he's just bounced over the couch and managed to run halfway up the wall!!!!
                            oh lol lol lol......dunno what's got into him


                            • oh for goodness sake........ thats the catflap busted! silly sod has just run so fast through it he's knocked the door clean off!!!
                              Hmmmmm that's a job for hubby......don't really want a cat hole pmsl


                              • My dogs sat here witing for tats, it'll be a quickie it's raining hard.
                                ere someone was looking at a printable view of my barclay claim befire why would they do that? ant one know, and don't just say so they could print it


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