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  • morning people god u lot can type! it takes me ages to catch up by which time its time for me to go and do something! lol seem to have had a busy few weeks lately.hoping to get a couple of hours to myself this afternoon! need to take rubbish to dump and clothes to charity shop loads of them! need the space,having a clear out


    • Busy bee then Archer, I've got a course and test this morning at work.
      Tests at my age I ask you, ah well I'll have to go. I'ts just I'm always oldest and them young ens with their heads up their own asses I could kill em!!!!!


      • Morning all

        Quick question, If I am sending a SAR to Crap one, do I also need to send the CCA request? (cos I am thinking that the CCA would be included in my file?)

        And if I do send them both, can I put them both in the same envelope (obviously with 2 postal orders)?


        • i did it seperatly for Barclaycard and for MBNA, so that would be mmy advice. ( and did not receive the CCA cia the SAR route)


          • And now.....CCA request for the overdraft......lol
            Morning all

            Just seen the quote above Veilside, Overdrafts aren't covered by the CCA unless its been trtansferred to a consolidation loan - sorry xx


            • Morning too, Happy Peeps.

              Just a quick check in this morning, coz it's a busy day ahead. I doubt I'll manage to catch up tomorrow either the way you lot go on. LOL
              My Blog


              • Morning to all from Sunny Manchester


                • Morning from me too......... gonna attempt going back to work today, wish me luck x


                  • You feeling better then standing, not long to go now soon be sunning yerself, loverly!!!!!!!


                    • still here Enaid? thought you would be off on your course by now. Good luck with it. Yep, on the mend I think.... Still look likes theres a ball in my jaw line, but its a ping pong one now, rather than a tennis ball!!!!
                      As for the sun? staying in this country for my hols, so not so sure lol xxxx


                      • *************GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY************
                        Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                        • 10.00 i start will not be the first there on principle, I am only 5 mns from the place I am doing the course in.
                          Jeez i am sure we can't get much more of this rotten weather, the sun has gotta shine sometime.


                          • actually, the 10 day weather forecast on AOL doesn't look as bad as it did a couple days ago, might even be some clouds and sun on a day or two!!

                            Mind you it is beautiful here this morning, just put a load of washing out, sun is shining...... and I am back to work.... got that wrong somewhere


                            • Good Morning everyone !!!!! Any news, gossip etc etc



                              • I have. I'll email you Sapphire.
                                My Blog


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