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  • @ Luggers joke.
    Well just in from very sunny Southport, had a nice drive looked at a couple of caravan sites. Then we went to the front, we were going to stay and have a nice pub lunch. OH won the toss and it was fish and chips sat on the front, mind you it was lovely. Didn't have any rain until we almost got home, so all in all a nice day out.
    Knackered now, we must have walked a good few miles, but I'll get over it


    • Enaid - seriously for one post only, if you are seriously thinking of buying a caravan, let me know before you go to buy, I have some serious tips you really need to take.


      • Me and OH would love a caravan Jan, but we would want to live in it most of the year, I don't want to have to sell my house though.


        • Hi all.....just glad to see the game is driving everyone as nuts as it did me.....lol
          Don't worry enaid....you are my only interest as your personal toyboy....lol
          Sorry archer....lol
          How was everyones weekend??
          I've spent all weekend with a sick oh..........been a goffer.....water, soup, toast, tablets, bucket......lol


          • Morning All,
            Good to see you are being faithful veilside, I think it is very important in a relationship personally.
            Am also upset that you have been poorly,
            I hope that is what you meant by sick, goffer, water, soup, toast, tablets, bucket.
            If I find out you meant, stick, golfer, rain, lunch, toast (the winner) tablets, feckit.................your in trouble. lol Enaid x


            • lol enaid !
              aww hope ur OH is ok VS
              terrible day again here.yesterday was lovely but the heavy rain has come back again for today....


              • Morning all
                Tis chucking it down here today aswell, hope the kids are ok on their camping trip!! may have to succome to the temptation to ring my Bro and find out if they're ok....lol got a bad case worry mum syndrome going on right now


                • Hi Tempty,
                  Dry here at the mo, don't worry about the kids they will be fine. Relax and savour the time you have, I bet they are not bothering about you right now.
                  I know, I know you, can't help it


                  • lol enaid
                    I know.... I'm sure they're haveing a great time....... I should'nt worry really..... they're with my Bro after all.....ok I'll leave it....call them tonight maybe.....to say goodnight ...lol
                    and yer right enaid....i bet the little b*****s have'nt given me a second thought pmsl


                    • right I better get my booty into gear, we're deccorating both the boy's rooms while they're away (should give me something else to think about for a while anyway..lol) We had a late night lastnight....lazy hubby still in bed. gonna make him a coffee...if that don't work...handfull of frozen peas outta do the trick ...lol


                      • Not if you want to live, it won't. Let the poor bloke sleep.
                        My Blog


                        • Lol lugger, trust me if it were not for me and the threat of frozen peas (i have only resorted to actually having to do it once) he would never get out of bed..... he's fine once he's up..... just getting in that vertical posistion is the hard part..lol.
                          does'nt matter how much sleep he's had he's allways the same.... nightmare to get im out of bed to go to work, i swear the bloke will be late for his own funeral when that day comes!!!


                          • Good Afternoon everyone, weather not too bad here at the moment, just dull but very warm. Had a small shower this morning so hopefully Gods on county will escape the floods.
                            Old git still taking the tablets, face still swollen and he's still moaning. Why can't men just take a bit of pain with grace, as us ladies do.



                            • Hi Sappy,
                              you ok? as for OH if you slap him hard on the other side of the face, he will look better, not lob sided. While you are giving him the slap tell him to shut up moaning, in another week or so it will all be over and he wondered what all the fuss wa about lol


                              • Although if he was to give YOU a slap, it would get rid of the ngging pain in the neck.
                                My Blog


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