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  • Lugger, will you marry me?


    • Who's Richard Spud? How can you not know who the Famous Richard Spud is?

      Tattie Dick has been a veritable gold mine of interesting nuggets relating to our good pals at Cabot. Someone seems to have upset him, and he has apparently left CAG. Dunno the story, but he'll be missed if it's true. He seems to be someone in the legal profession, and has raised quite a few interesting points.
      My Blog


      • Thought he was someone important!!!
        I had no dealings with dicky tata, that's why I asked.


        • Originally posted by iancognito View Post
          Lugger, will you marry me?
          Like a shot. But you'll need to wait until the law changes, cos I'm afraid it's Mr LB + Mrs LB 4 EVR.

          White, one sugar wasn't it?
          My Blog


          • Lugger is there anyway we can contact him and entice him over here ?



            • Cheeky Sapphire, I like it
              Henman is on at 1.40 did you know? I thought I had missed it.
              And no comments Lugger bout tennis, we all have different tastes thank heavens. :rolleyes:


              • I dunno Sapphire. I will try to PM him from CAG, but if he doesn't log in, he won't get the message. I'll maybe just ask if anyone has his email address otherwise. Although he was somewhat secretive, so I don't know if he trusted anyone enough to give it out.
                My Blog


                • Tennis, cricket, snooker, golf. All have the same ZZZZZZZ factor for me.

                  Admit it. It's not the tennis, is it? You just want to lust over their legs. Shameless.
                  My Blog


                  • Nah Tennis is not the one to watch for legs, thats athletics lol, you know Linford he has nice legs


                    • OOOOOh yes their legs, all nice and brown and muscly ooooo eeeer To be honest I still think Andrew Castle (he used to be Englands No. 1) still looks sexy in shorts.


                      Lugger I just took a look over the road and Richard Spud and I found this Richard Spud the CAGs Loss - Consumer Action Group


                      • Is that another one with a chip on their shoulder pmsl rofl
                        I am going worse I swear........


                        • Oh dear enaid, I think you need to lie down in a dark room hun



                          • I will after the tennis, and when I've cleaned me keyboard, I have just dunked a biccie and it dropped off


                            • Oooooooh dunking biccies my favourite.


                              Waiting for Henman to arrive on court !


                              • I know they just said he may ba a little stiff hope it doesn't spoil his game.


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