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FMB Fanclub

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  • Morning all, weather started off bright early this morning but the clouds are getting darker now. Blimey its chilly as well. We were lucky down here in the south we didn't get any of the rain etc yesterday, (see there is a good reason for living here).
    Enaid i'll be watching Henman as well hun, brilliant yesterday wasn't it.



    • Originally posted by enaid View Post
      They shut Fendy's thread for off topic lol,
      I don't know you well enough to tell you what FMB stands for but I will tell you the last two word is .... me boots so it leaves you to guess a four letter word beginning with f. Enaid lol
      Where ???????



      • Where what? Sapphire


        • Turboman.. I'll give you a clue:

          These are FMB's
          Last edited by Paradox; 30th November 2007, 09:04:AM.


          • Oh got it now Derr!!!!! on CAG, she must have had the biggest thread ever, they asked her to go through it and give them the number of the post that was relevent to her claim. We were all willing to help her, but she was adamant that she was not doing it. Fair play to her she stuck to her guns, so they shut down her thread!!!!!!


            • Morning guys, soz its late this morning. lovely and sunny here


              • There you go Turbo have you got any of them??????????
                And Sapphire I didn't see the match I was working, so hope to see hilights and the end today. Not sorry about Murry really I'm not keen, but then again he may have got to week two lol.


                • Images

                  Hi Matt

                  Back to understanding posting images--how could you have posted that within the message--like post numbers 1494 & 1498?



                  • I didn't see the match just saw the hightlights etc late last night, i was watching sky news coverage of the rescues etc up north, brilliant coverage is must add. We had company last night (OH twin brother), so had to pay a bit of attention to what was being said, mind you it was mostly chit-chat re football etc.



                    • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                      Oh got it now Derr!!!!! on CAG, she must have had the biggest thread ever, they asked her to go through it and give them the number of the post that was relevent to her claim. We were all willing to help her, but she was adamant that she was not doing it. Fair play to her she stuck to her guns, so they shut down her thread!!!!!!
                      And what was the trouble with CCA thread--was that another issue with another group (or the same group) who then set up Consumer Credit Services

                      Turbo (I'm into History) LOL


                      • To do that TM, I would've had to upload the image to an image hosting website, such as photobucket (Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket) and then eclosed the URL in Image tags. ( [IMG]URL HERE[/IMG]

                        Like this:

                        Then it'll appear in the middle of the message, rather than at the end.



                        • Don't know what happened there but that wasn't us. All we did was have a laugh maybe we did go OTT on some accasions we usually had a drink or two lol. Strange thing was it went on for ages and not a word said, then all of a sudden shut. Anyhow their loss lol .


                          • So no JPG then?

                            Originally posted by Matt View Post
                            To do that TM, I would've had to upload the image to an image hosting website, such as photobucket (Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket) and then eclosed the URL in Image tags. ( [IMG]URL HERE[/IMG]

                            Like this:

                            Then it'll appear in the middle of the message, rather than at the end.

                            So there is no simple Paste for a JPG--Got it.


                            • Got it in, well about 8 actually

                              LOL. Sorry



                              • Yes-at last!


                                As Morse said to Lewis---"Even second class post gets there in the end"--LOL

                                Just come off phone--got 3 relatives in centre of Hull with 12" of water in house!



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