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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • Re: Cento Client Review

    Well I have rung Cento again today and nothing much seems to be happening although they claim some of the 12 and 24 week periods companies are allowed are due on the 24th December (handy for the bank holiday I'd say) - can anyone please point me in the direction of a letter / template I could use to ask them for a written update on progress?
    I've had a look at some threads but thought someone may just know where to look.
    Thanks as ever
    Linda. :santa_cheesy:


    • Re: Cento Client Review

      What are the 12 and 24 week periods for ?

      I know of 12 day periods (for CCA) and 40 days (for Data Protection Act requests) and ummm 8 weeks (for complaints) but no idea on 12 weeks or 24 weeks?

      There isnt a template to ask for an update, you can write one up based on your cases and we'll help you with it, else you can send them a full subject access request under the data protection act to get everything they have on you - but as above this allows them 40 days to provide the information.

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


      • Re: Cento Client Review


        I think maybe they are their internal limits - the Abbeyloan information is with Legal Redress (interestingly on the 23rd Nov they said it had gone from Legal Redress to Gravity!!) and they (Legal redress) have 12 weeks to review it - this will be 24.12.09 and the Northern Rock (mortgage) is now with Gravity ("one of 2 specialist companies in the UK who review mortgages") and they have 24 weeks.

        Thanks for your reply - I will have a go at a letter and come back to you.

        My main issue is that each time I ring I seem to get a different answer and the original time scale is way past.

        Thanks again


        • Re: Cento Client Review

          Letter I am proposing to send to Cento Client with personal details removed. Please could anyone let me know if this looks Ok? With thanks.

          14th December 2009.
          To whom it may concern
          Having made payment for my claim in June I am writing to request a written update of the progress made to date.
          This is the background as I see it from letters / forms I have just checked through - 16th June - original agreement letters returned referring to Legal Redress.
          30th July - new agreement forms sent for Natwest Loan and credit card and my mortgage with the Northern Rock referring to "Legal redress / Forbes Douglas and Cento client review" as the "companies" and increasing charges to 30% - I didn't send these forms back as you advised these were a formality as I had already signed agreement forms.
          27th October - new agreement forms for Natwest loan and Abbey again received - called to ask why not for all my claims – I was advised that "some claims are automatically sent from Legal redress to Forbes Douglas whereas others need new forms".
          6th November - phone call received re successful claim on Natwest credit card advising I was due £1600 back in charges or I could pay £500 up front to have the whole balance written off. Opted to go for the charges.
          Most recent information given when I called
          Natwest loan - no reply from Natwest to requests from information so final request letter sent - they have til 6th Dec to reply
          Natwest credit card – advised by the person who answered the phone when I called that he had no information about the claim.
          Abbeyloan - sent to Legal redress and then Gravity for assessment.
          Northern Rock - sent to Gravity and Ultimate Law for assessment.
          I asked why claims are moved about and you advised "after a certain period of time they become priority and are moved on for someone to action further".
          I am a little perturbed by the number of companies who appear to be given access to my personal and financial details and also that despite an original assurance that “claims are managed within 12 weeks” I appear to be no closer to an outcome on my claims and each time I call I am given different information which often appears to conflict.
          Last edited by RedRose; 14th December 2009, 19:24:PM. Reason: Grammar on copied text.


          • Re: Cento Client Review

            Hi RedRose

            I think your letter is ok but a bit informal and conversational. I'm not sure they would believe you seriously want some answers. I've just had a play and I'd phrase it more like this:


            Dear Sir/Madam

            I am writing to request a written update of the actual progress made with my claims against XXXX, having made payment in advance for your claims management service on xx/06/09.

            I have reviewed our correspondence to date I can summarise that:


            16/06/09 - Original agreement letters returned referring to Legal Redress. (More brief info needed)

            30/07/09 - New agreement forms sent for Natwest Loan and credit card and my mortgage with the Northern Rock referring to "Legal redress / Forbes Douglas and Cento client review" as the "companies" and increasing charges to 30% - I didn't return these forms as I was advised by the telephone advisor that ‘these were a formality as I had already signed agreement forms.’

            27/10/09 - New agreement forms for Natwest loan and Abbey received again. I called to ask why not for all my claims and I was advised that "some claims are automatically sent from Legal redress to Forbes Douglas whereas others need new forms".

            06/11/09 - Phone call received regarding successful claim on my Natwest credit card advising I was due a £1600 refund of charges or I could pay £500 up front to have the whole balance written off. I opted for the refund of charges.

            (DATE) The most recent information provided when I telephoned was:
            Natwest loan - No reply from Natwest to requests for information so final request letter has been sent - they have till 06/12/09 to respond.
            Natwest credit card – advised by your telephone advisor that he had no information about the claim.
            Abbeyloan - Sent to Legal redress and then Gravity for assessment.
            Northern Rock - Sent to Gravity and Ultimate Law for assessment.

            I asked the telephone advisor why claims are moved about and was advised "after a certain period of time they become priority and are moved on for someone to action further". I dispute that this should seemingly provide your company with a new 12week period to work on that claim. All claims should be of equal priority.

            In addition, I am alarmed that there are multiple trading companies who are given access to my personal and financial details.
            I am also concerned that despite an original assurance that “claims are managed within 12 weeks” I appear to be no closer to an outcome on my claims and every time I telephone I am given different information; which often appears to contradict previously given information.

            Please update me in writing of actual process with each of my claims, explain when and why my claims have been transferred to different legal companies to handle.
            I expect to receive a response to my request within a prompt time frame, to provide appropriate reassurance that your company is providing a genuine claims management service.

            If you do not respond properly to my request, then I will seek further legal advice and shall consider reporting my concerns with Trading Standards and The Ministry Of Justice. (up to you!!)

            Yours sincerely


            Best of luck....it really shouldn't be this hard. My sisters CC claim was settled in 3 weeks back in September 09. 2 letters was all it took......
            "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

            I am proud to have co-founded LegalBeagles in 2007

            If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page

            If you wish to book an appointment with me to discuss your credit agreement, please email kate@legalbeaglesgroup. com


            • Re: Cento Client Review

              Hi Celestine
              Thanks for this - and you are right it looks far more professional now.
              I have decided to tackle my other credit cards etc which Cento aren't managing myself so it will be interesting to see if I beat them to it!! I have taken some letters from relevant links for this.
              Thanks again for your prompt (as ever on this site) response


              • Re: Cento Client Review

                Originally posted by RedRose View Post
                I have decided to tackle my other credit cards etc which Cento aren't managing myself so it will be interesting to see if I beat them to it!! I have taken some letters from relevant links for this.
                Yayyyyy go get em yourself girl!!

                "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

                I am proud to have co-founded LegalBeagles in 2007

                If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page

                If you wish to book an appointment with me to discuss your credit agreement, please email kate@legalbeaglesgroup. com


                • Re: Cento Client Review

                  Hi Linda,

                  I believe Celestine has now nicely re-worded the letter - she beat me to it.

                  Good luck and as usual, please let us know how you get on.

                  Tuttsi xx


                  • Re: Cento Client Review

                    i got a call from them i payed £350 they then sent me the forms to fill in i then had to send them £22 for two credit cards then within two days they rang me and said i had a claim and they could get my credit cards wrighten of for %15 of the claim he said he would email me and send me the details in wrighting i came home an hour after the call to find in my email they have taken £3100 of my credit card i am scared to death at what a fool i have been i cant tell my wife


                    • Re: Cento Client Review

                      Oh my god that is fraud at the highest level.

                      Please contact the Ministry of Justices first thing tomorrow morning.
                      Claims Management Officer
                      Claims Management Regulation

                      Monitoring and Compliance Unit
                      57-60 High Street
                      Burton on Trent
                      DE14 1JS
                      www.claimsregulation.gov. uk
                      Telephone: 0845 450 6858
                      Fax: 0845 450 6866
                      Email: info@claimsregulation.gov .uk

                      MOJ web site showing CMC's that have lost their licence. http://www.claimsregulation.gov.uk/

                      Then I would tonight and report this matter to your credit card as the money has been taken fraudulently. They should be able to recover it.

                      Please let us know how you get on.


                      Originally posted by traildad View Post
                      i got a call from them i payed £350 they then sent me the forms to fill in i then had to send them £22 for two credit cards then within two days they rang me and said i had a claim and they could get my credit cards wrighten of for %15 of the claim he said he would email me and send me the details in wrighting i came home an hour after the call to find in my email they have taken £3100 of my credit card i am scared to death at what a fool i have been i cant tell my wife


                      • Re: Cento Client Review

                        Originally posted by traildad View Post
                        i got a call from them i payed £350 they then sent me the forms to fill in i then had to send them £22 for two credit cards then within two days they rang me and said i had a claim and they could get my credit cards wrighten of for %15 of the claim he said he would email me and send me the details in wrighting i came home an hour after the call to find in my email they have taken £3100 of my credit card i am scared to death at what a fool i have been i cant tell my wife
                        How do you mean in your email ? Have you checked with your card company ?
                        Call the card company, check the card balance and tell them the transaction is unauthorised.

                        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                        • Re: Cento Client Review

                          i called moj this morning and they did not seem to botherd told me to ring cento and ask for explanation why they took the money and tried to make out he was doing me a favour words like hang on a minute sir we are going to save you 22 grand all we ask is 3 i allso tried to get trough to somebody at my credit card but after 15 mins of a machine and having to work i gave up


                          • Re: Cento Client Review

                            You really need to get back to your credit card company this evening as they would be there now and tell them this money has been taken without your consent.

                            I would also phone cento back tomorrow and speak to a manager or the MD and tell them that they have taken this money without your permission and that they must pay it back immediately.

                            If you are not satisfied with Cento's response you must get back to the MOJ and insist that they take up your complaint.

                            If you really did not give them permission to take this money you must fight your corner otherwise they will get away with it.


                            Originally posted by traildad View Post
                            i called moj this morning and they did not seem to botherd told me to ring cento and ask for explanation why they took the money and tried to make out he was doing me a favour words like hang on a minute sir we are going to save you 22 grand all we ask is 3 i allso tried to get trough to somebody at my credit card but after 15 mins of a machine and having to work i gave up


                            • Re: Cento Client Review


                              Whilst this hasn't happened to me I can agree this is a technique Cento suggest - i.e. if your balance is going to be cleared they ask for payment of the 25 or 30% fees upfront as they cannot claim it back off a cleared balance. One option they gave me was to pay it on my credit card as a final expense as I would get it back anyway when the balance was cleared.

                              I hope you manage to get this sorted tomorrow Traildad. I know how frustrating Cento can be.



                              • Re: Cento Client Review

                                Very risky. If the card is enforceable do they refund interest charged to that amount as well ?

                                Also once they have already had the money wheres the incentive for them to work hard on the case and get it through as quick as possible ?

                                Have we heard of any actual write off cases coming out from cento and their various affiliates ?

                                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                                Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


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