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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    we got yet another default notice from welcome today.
    it seems that altho we been tryin to make payments and they make it difficult to do so, they have been adidn around £150 per month to our account.
    I remember telling them they shouldnt be allowed to do this as the account is in default but also remember them sayin they are not members of bankin services or soemthin like that and can add what they like.....

    can they really be doin this?...... I just cant make head nor tale of that company and never will....


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      wats the latest on welcome finance?
      we have not heard form the company who are meant to be repayin the ppi etc so we dont know wats happening.
      welcome are still not taking payments even tho our trust deed advisor has contacted them several times.
      can anyone shed any light on wats happening please...thanx


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        No dont know Poochie, hows it going?
        Got an e-mail from focs but all thye did was direct it to Welcome in Nottingham, confused as elsewhere the address is now in London.
        Nothing from them for several months now
        Never give up, Never surrender.


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          not heard anythin from them...im gettin seriously fed up with this nonsense now and just want it sorted......


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            You and me both!
            On the bright side the longer it goes on the less leverage they have ( I hope)
            at least you can prove you have tried your best
            Never give up, Never surrender.


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              i sent welcome complaints department an e-mail tellin them if I do not hear from them within 21 days of my e-mail and the letter following by recorded delivery askin for new mandate from to re-start my payments, and also a new offer regarding our ppi and gettin our account reviewed and updated etc then I will assume they no longer wish to be repaid etc etc etc...... It was a last ditch effort to get some reaction and tonight I find a letter from them in my inbox....... I will copy and paste it for you all to see.

              please let me know wat you all think and if this is the right way it should be goin?......thanks
              ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
              this is the reply I got from them.....I have removed the top of the letter details coz its all personal reference numbers and our names etc.......

              Thank you for your email on the 9th June 2011.

              My apologies for your inconvienance, As you may know, Welcome Financial Services Limited (WFSL) was declared "in default" by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) on 2 March 2011. On behalf of the FSCS, WFSL is making arrangements to contact claimants who were sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) by WFSL on or after 14 January 2005.

              I have traced your account on WFSL records and have arranged for an application form to be sent to you. On receipt of your fully completed form we will endeavour to progress your claim quickly and efficiently.

              I look forward to receiving your form however if in the meantime if you have any further queries, please email us on claimanthelp@cattles.co.uk or contact our customer services team on 0845 373 0386

              Yours sincerely

              Lucy Ash
              Eligibility Team
              FSCS Operations
              Welcome Finance
              Last edited by poochie; 14th June 2011, 20:10:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                is anyone else gettin anythin from welcome?


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  Not that I know of
                  Never give up, Never surrender.


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    we have not recieved the claim form they said they would send us.....Im goin to contact this lady above by e-mail again to see whats happening with the forms she was meant to be sending us.......
                    wen did you last hear from them dogtired?


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Last week, well sort of had another demand letter" from Incasso who know it is with the ombudsman
                      Sent them a copy of this to FOS and he confirmed verbally that Welcome are not supposed to do this.
                      have not heard of any one getting anything back from the Compensation service and was told that as our claim was pre 2005 it would be dealt with by Welcome themselves, talk about going around in circles!
                      Never give up, Never surrender.


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        everythin seems to have come to a standstill suddenly and I am not gettin replies from the lass who told me they would send claim form.....
                        I am gettin fed up with this and i am seriously considering court action now.
                        I just want this dealt with so we can continue payments and clear the loan and be done with them permanently but they dont seem keen to co-operate


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          i got this reply today because I had e-mailed them askin wen I was goin to get a claim form....this was their repsonse....has anyone else got this far yet?

                          Thank you for your email. I apologise for the delay in my response. I have re-investigated your claim and have come to the following conclusions. Your case is currently with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS ) and we will need their final response before we can send you an application form. I understand the frustration this may cause you. Unfortuantely i cannot put a timescale on this, but as soon as we recieve a response from the FOS, an application form will be sent to you immediately.

                          Furthermore, please could you provide us with your current contact details in order to keep our records up to date.

                          I hope this answers your questions, however if you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on claimanthelp@cattles.co.uk

                          Thomas Szymkiw
                          General Correspondence
                          FSCS Operations
                          Welcome Financial Services Ltd


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            Hi all, just joined this site hoping I can get some advice regarding my WF loan. I have attached a copy of the signed agreement & also the Medicare policy which I was unaware I had. This loan reached the end of its term last year however due to having 3 or 4 months arrears payments on the account they told me I still owed them nearly £3k!!! I have been paying the £100 per month of this balance but it doesn't seem to be coming down as they are still charging me interest plus they are phoning me constantly and sending me letters for which they are adding costs onto my account. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              i would write to them and ask for all details they have regarding your account or accounts with them. Its known as a SAR and you have to enclose £10 for this.
                              any letters you send them should be sent recorded delivery and do not speak to them on the phone if possible. Always keep communication in writing is my motto now as i have been fighting them for few years now.
                              I dont know if its welcome or cattles you contact now so hopefully someone comes along with more experience to help you.

                              good luck with your claim
                              ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                              I got letter today from company called empingham resolution and negotiation saying welcome has instructed them to collect our payments and as there is no outstanding dispute regarding our account they wish to help us as much as possible.

                              I have e-mailed them with several attaachments from welcome/cattles and the fos to prove there is an outstanding dispute etc and told them to read thru the documents then contact me again should they wish to proceed with their action.

                              has anyone else heard from this company and is what welcome/cattles doing correct?..... can this company take over even though our account has been in dispute for years?

                              all help much appreciated
                              Last edited by poochie; 6th August 2011, 18:54:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                is anyone able to help or advise on this please.......


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