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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    sorry about the bad typing it was late after a long day and my laptop is starting to give up the ghost and I've no money to replace it


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      I appreciate all help and advice....thanks and hope yer laptop can be fixed


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        any news on this guys?



        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          any figures on this yet....Im gettin worried again



          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            we'll be on it today Poochie---I got behind schedule--as usual-- Bill ahead of me

            Right - tell me where all the attachments are posted other than post 6


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              post 480 has the latest offer they made us which I declined... they sent us new agreements to signa while ago but cant find post for that but we declined to sign them coz we said we thot agreements were meant to be witnessed etc.
              hope this helps and again thanks for all time and advice etc given

              much appreciated


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                any news yet guys...Im know Im bein a pest but Im way out my depth here with these fools and dont know wat to do for the best next.
                Not had any more calls or letters so dont know wat they upto.
                We not had any mandates sent to us yet either despite requestin a mandate form each time we write to them so its lookin like they really dont want our payments but they happy to add interest while the keep us waitin!
                Can they add interest while they mess us around?


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  its gettin near the 21 days notice I gave them to make better offer or I seek advice, so nay advice for me please.... thanx


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    Originally posted by poochie View Post
                    its gettin near the 21 days notice I gave them to make better offer or I seek advice, so nay advice for me please.... thanx

                    poochie---promise i will be back at 11:00 tomorrow-

                    --been so manic that my personal life is so so hectic and out of control

                    + income tax deadline--

                    -hang on and promomise i will devote tomorrow and also ask advice from bill if neccess


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      thanx dear... hopefully you guys can help coz I get so confused wen dealin with this bunch


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        Poochie - I need to let you know that I have been working on this, and have been assembling some figures for us all to consider. Turbo has been busy with some personal stuff of his own lately, but we both know that this stuff here is important to you.

                        Please believe me when I say that you have not been forgotten or ignored. We have been working away in the background, and should get some figures sorted for you within the next 48 hours.


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          I've transferred all the figures from the 5 statements into a spreadsheet now, Poochie. The statements are quite strange in that the balances shown do not all tally with the credits and debits shown. This indicates that these are not true statements, but are either cobbled-together lists - or they have been altered manually.

                          The Fees listed as having been charged amount to £430.02, although the balances don't actually tally with this. If you intend to reclaim these fees, then we can add £132.43 Statutory interest to this (as at today's date). The total Fee reclaim would be £562.45 - according to the statements they have provided.

                          The PPI paid to date comes to £1645.47, with Statutory interest of £537.87 added to it, totalling £2183.34.

                          I have put the PPI into a second spreadsheet, which calculates the re-scheduling of an active loan. Due to the time since the last repayment, this may well be inaccurate, as there could now be additional charges and/or interest debited to the account. However, the remaining balance should be reduced by £3522.96, which is the part of the balance attributed to PPI.

                          So, the total PPI reclaim comes to £5168.43, plus £537.87 Statutory interest, totalling £5706.30.

                          If we are to reclaim the Fees, then this would increase the total reclaim to £6268.75.

                          Of this, £3522.96 would be deducted from the remaining balance owing, and £2745.79 would be repayable as either a cheque, or (most likely) a credit to the account balance owing.

                          Any refunds already made will have to be deducted from this figure, however.


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            thanx for all time and effort you have put into this guys...Its always very much appreciated.
                            I now however wonder if we were wrong in declining the offer from welcome which they recently sent us which was in region of £7000 but we would not have been repaid this, it would have been split up between arrears and balance which they say we owe.

                            if we go with your figures dear, do I quote your figures above when writing to them because they have not written to us since we declined offer altho they have tried to contact us by fone.

                            thankyou so much fro all help advice and all the time and effort you have put into this for us..... very much appreciated because we are not very good at this sort of thing but we so want to sort this mess out because it has taken too long


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              It sure seems like their £7K offer was a good one, Poochie - on the surface.

                              But the other reason for refusing their offer was that they were also asking you to accept a new loan agreement - the terms of which appeared to be less favourable than the original terms. Judging by the sneaky way they seem to just pluck figures out of thin air and send you fictional statements of account, then I think they probably get that £7K back, by charging you higher interest, and sneaking in extra charges, etc.

                              My suggestion would be that you tell them you have been taking advice on this, and - whilst their refund amount is acceptable - the re-drafting of the loan agreement is not, and it is contravention of the FSA/FOS guidelines.

                              If they insist on a new agreement, then we need to see it, along with a sensible - and NON-fictional - set of figures.


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                I have always advocated they any new agreement you are asked to agree to should be the same as the last in every detail including terms and conditions and figures, but as Bill states welcome are the exception as there agreements are ****e to begin with.

                                I would prefer to recommend that you finance this agreement else where and be shot of welcome, but I do appreciate this may not be possible.
                                If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



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