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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    ok I am begining to understand it now.... I been gettin so frustrated and google eye with all figures flying back and forth and not understandin how they reach certain figures and how they could charge for certain things that were not even happening, like phonecalls we never got or 2 letters sent to same address instead of one nad charges us for both.... that just seemed ridiculous to me and I wrote a letter to them sayin exactly that.

    Anyways, right so what your sayin now is that I write to them and say their figure may have been acceptable but new loan agreement is not and that we want same terms as the original loan minus the ppi and any other crap they add.
    have you any advice regardin their refusal to let us make payments which they stopped takin from our bank almost a year ago, despite me phonin to make debit card payments and askin for new mandate form coz our bank wouldnt re-start the original debit without a mandate to make a new direct debit each month, and we also had out trust deed advisor contact them and they told him they would send new forms out but still they havent done so.
    when I wrote letter to them months ago requestin new mandate form, I asked if they were charging interest on account because I felt whilst the account was in dispute that they were not allowed to add interest to account but obvioulsy they aint replied to my letters so this was somethin that has bothered me....... if they stopped payments and refused to let us pay then why should they be addin interest? Im sure I read somewhere that they cannot charge interest whilst account in dispute...is this correct?

    we cannot finance this loan anywhere else because it is secured on property and we are also in a trust deed.

    we just want to get back on track and have this mess sorted so we dont have to keep battlin with them.
    as soon as we can pay it off then the better off we will be.

    thanx so much guys for all help and advice and all the time and effort put into this is always much appreciated..... I know I keep sayin it but its the only way I can show appreciation


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      As PF implies, Poochie, this bunch don't rely on facts. They make it up as they go along.

      Yes - tell them the offer would have been acceptable - but only on the condition that the original loan agreement remains exactly as it was - but minus the PPI and associated interest on that.

      I believe you are correct in saying that the account should not attract interest while it is in dispute. Additionally, if you have clearly been trying to arrange to make further payments, but WFC have not, then this should strengthen that argument, too, I reckon.

      I would write to them asking if the balance shown for December 2008 is still £17806.52 - as shown in the 'statement' they sent you - or if not, then ask for a further statement showing all further transactions.

      I guess you are not too worried about your credit record at present, as I believe the IVA/Trust Deed will have affected that - but I realise that you don't want to put yourselves in danger of losing your home. For that reason, make sure that there is plenty of evidence that YOU are trying to resolve matters, even if WFC are not. This will stand you in good stead if they try and threaten you with re-possession.


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        thanx bill and yeah we have made sure we kept eveythin in writin and that included efforts to get new mandates sent to us. This is why I got our trust deed advisor to get involved because I thought welcome would claim they were not aware of our efforts to make payments.... but if our trust deed advisor had copies of letters I sent them then they could not argue the case.

        I will write to them today and send it recorded delivery as I usually send letters to them, and will also send copy to trust deed advisor.

        thankyou so much for all time and advice dear..... very much appreciated yet again


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          we got letter from welcome today sayin we have not replied to their final offer and that we have refused to fill in any questionnaire they asked us to sign.
          they gave an e-mail address to write to so I have sent them a copy of original decline letter we sent them on 10th january and also a copy of letter we sent them 2 days ago which I said we posted recorded delivery and to which by checkin on internet, they HAVE recieved because they had to be signed for.

          wat are they playin at now? surely they cant say they never got e-mails either....is this another ply of theirs?


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            Send them a copy of the signature you got for your Recorded. Tell them that it won't exactly attract the court's sympathy if they then deny receiving it. Then tell them that they need to get it put on record what they HAVE done in order to settle this complaint reasonably.

            And DEMAND a written acknowledgement of this !!!


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              thanx bill.... I will write another letter to them tomorrow with the details you mentioned......


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                Oh....and send them a copy of it by email, and insist that they immediately acknowledge receipt of the same. If you have several email addresses for different staff members, then copy it to all of them.


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  thats what my husband said to do.......lol


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    I have sent letter to them and asked for reply within 14 days ..... I enclosed copy of 2 previous letters they say they didnt get.
                    now waiting in hope.

                    I have a question tho.....

                    Can we not just take them to court to get a judge to sort this out because it seems welcome keep usin delayin tactics?


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Welcome policy is that only branch mangers and above have an external email account. Any email you send will be shunted off into a corner while IT check for viruse and then forwarded to branch manager. My memory is wecome is that welcome is pretty regionalised with suff sent to the wrong manager may well get ignored.


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        thanks seduraed, i have already repsonded to their letter by e-mail as well as post..... it just shows how incompetant they are and un-organised if they cant keep track of letters and info


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          still not had reply from welcome finance.
                          do you think I should write and tell them they have 14days to reply or send new mandate form and if they dont, then we will consider the matter closed and we will assume we owe them nothing?
                          Do you think that would get their attention?......ha ha


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            First its better if you go for a standing order form . Try ringing the cambridge branch they may co-operate and send the forms out to you. open a cash account and make the due repayments into it each month then if they take you to court you have a masive defence against a repossession. Also try to pa by card again and record the conversation if they refuse then its more ammunition against reposession.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              FWIW, I agree with Seduraed, Poochie. It is either gross incompetence or deliberate obstruction - but whichever it is, it is completely unacceptable. Did you send the last letter(s) by a method of recorded delivery ?

                              You need to be able to show clearly to a court that you have done all you can reasonably be expected to do to resolve this, and all the evidence you can gather to support this will be important. If they then threaten YOU with court action, you can tell them that "Their conduct in the matter thus far will not be looked upon in a very favourable light by a Court of Law."

                              This SHOULD have the effect of forcing them to deal with you properly, because they know they will have a hard time convincing a court of their case.

                              I recently suggested this letter for Eryca. You may find sending them something along those lines might help.

                              Legal Beagles Consumer Forum - View Single Post - lloyds scums


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                seduraed...we already do wat you suggest. We have a bank account we never used due to lack of funds etc, but we now use that to place the monthly payments for welcome into it....
                                We also mentioned standing order to our bank but they cant help unless welcome issue a certain form. we have tried everything without success this is why it is frustratin us now because no matter what we do, and that includes gettin our trust deed advisor involved, we seem to get nowhere with welcome.
                                Bill-K.... we always send letters recorded delivery so we can track them and each one has been delivered and signed for.
                                I had a look at letter you done for erica but I have already sent letters along that line to them and get no response.......this is why I am gettin very angry at them.....they ignore our letters then we suddenly get letters from them sayin we are ignorin the letters or questionnaires they send us...... we cant seem to win with them which is why I was considering taking this into a court to get it sorted because they are deliberately ignorin us and claimin not to have got our letters wen I know they have and they had to sign for it.

                                If I go to a court, what kind of claim does it come under?.... i just dont know how to address this for a court?
                                all help and advice much appreciated...thanx


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