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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    well I'm sure I could live on carrots, if they sent me there for a month or two lol


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Bit late I know, but yes the curry was lovely, in fact so lovely that I bought my leftovers home in a doggy bag as usual, which Bloke has now eaten. And yes, I did pay for last weeks, they're so nice to us I couldn't bring myselft not to. But I don't think they're nice enough to let us off anyway.

      Have had another curry tonight, cooked by son and girlfriend, and am now on second bottle of wine so not likely to get any sense out of me later, so goodnight all.
      Is no longer here


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Hello everyone, well thats it I've had curry 3 nights on the spin and last night a shed load of tia maria, wine and port. I honestly thought that a) I'd have a raging hangover today - which I havn't! and b) My stomach would be turning inside out by now - which it isn't. I've had me big bacon rolls this morning and several cups of tea and feel fine although a little windy.
        Here's the joke: there were 6 of us last night and us 'ladies' left the 'gents' to do the ordering of the takeaway, so guess who's got loads of curry etc left over in my fridge for dinner later - yes you have guessed it me !!!!!!!!
        And I was really looking forward to roast chicken msl:


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Morning all

          Its a bit frosty and cold here, but sun is up there somewhere so looks quite promising for later.

          I am at work with mountains of stuff to get through, but I really can't be bothered. Have to leave at 1.45 to take Jess to doctors, the spots are getting worse, not better. I really don't think its an allergic reaction - unless its a school allergy lol.

          Tumble dryer has broken, so British Gas coming to mend it tomorrow - thats another few hours off work. I've only had it since last May when British Gas replaced the last one which expired in a blaze of blue flashes and ka-booming noises. Could be worse i suppose - could have been the dishwasher, I'd've been really traumatised then lol.
          Is no longer here


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Hello all,
            A bit frosty here today, it beats the rain though.

            Just read it,s National Potato Day on 3rd Feb, now I don't know who thinks these days up, must be someone with very little life at all IMO. Anyway we all know the normal chips, mash etc things to do with the old spud. I remember potato faces too. Can anyone think of anything else you can do with a spud ? Answers on a postcard to Sir Francis Drake.

            Hope everyone is well, I know this thread is being a little let down at the mo. People are more interested in the OFT thingy, well after all we have waited a long time for it. We just have to hope now the judge sees sense and things go right for us :beagle:


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Hiya peeps,

              All seems to be well at the moment in the saffy household and the skies are blue, lovely eh ?
              National Potato Day eh Di, you can always make an Irish Salad, chips, mash, jacket, wedges, roasts, hash browns oh and crisps msl:.

              Well the good news is our friend is 50 in June so she's organising a holiday for 8 of us, my mum's treating giving us £800 each to pay for it bless her. So my friend has the date and the budgets and is now in the travel agents doing the booking, god knows where we are going to end up, but guaranteed it'll be more expensive knowing her.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub


                Well it's freezing up here,and it doesn't help that my central heating has broken down againWe are meant to be getting snow tomorrow, the dog will love that.Got my shopping in as don't like driving in the snow just in case.
                Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Well morning,
                  What a morning too, I'm so glad I am not on a camping holiday. It's gale force out there and the rain is lashing down.
                  The dog just got up for her early morning wee, only her nose managed to go through the back door. She is now back in bed, I wouldn't have got up myself yet I thought it was the middle of the night, good job I did it's morning.

                  Hope you get your heating fixed scottishlass, especially if your in for some snow.


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Hi all,

                    Well it is cold but no snow as yet,just thought I would nip on check whats going on, got to keep moving to keep the heat up,Hubby tried to sort heating but no joy so will have to call the proffesionals ( that doesn't look right must look out one of the kids dictionarys).

                    Enaid you made me chuckle with this I thought it was the middle of the night, good job I did it's morning.

                    It is a thought to get out of bed when it's dark outside and cold,My dog got hubby up at 5.30a.m this morning she does this when he first comes home, she didn't even go downstairs with him she just went back to sleepmsl:
                    Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Weather is vile here too. Went to the stables and decided not to turn Jerry out cos weather is so awful. And the fact was I was late for work and really didn't fancy the mega trek down the track and back, which takes at least 15 mins, in the howling rain, four gates to open/close (8 if you count the return journey). He has 3 rugs on so I don't suppose he'd mind being out, but then again he likes being in as well. And the upside is that i won't have to go down the track to bring him in in the howling raining dark tonight.

                      Scottishlass, I once went through a whole winter with no heating, cos we couldn't afford to have it mended. Not much fun at all but wear lots of clothes and snuggle up a lot - makes it more bearable! I used to have to turn the oven on with the oven door open if I went in the kitchen, it was like Siberia! My cats were so cold that they used to snuggle round the kettle when it was boiling, then shuffle along to the teapot when I'd poured the water in. But then, they are Siamese, which makes them think they're cold if the temperature is below 30 degrees lol.
                      Is no longer here


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Hiya peeps, Well its cold, dark and blowing a gale here, was raining earlier but has stopped now - wonder how long for though.

                        Nothing much more to report, except for oh yes ......... we have booked up our jollies, there's 8 of us going and our friend knows the travel agent so we have had a real result, wahayyyyyyyyy 3 June, 24 hr all inclusive, Adults only 5* hotel and the best rooms, upgraded to business class on the plane and free hotel at Gatwick the night before, so its hey ho, hey ho to MEXICO we go.

                        Am I happy - errrrr just a little bit msl:msl:msl:msl:msl:msl:

                        My mum's paid £800 each for me and les, my friend has paid another £200 each for all of us as its her 50th birthday trip, so in fact it works out that all we have to find is another couple of hundred each - RESULT i think lol. Errrr me thinks we better organise her a surprise birthday party for when we get back, yes its all in hand her kids are doing that whilst we are away - yes, yes, yes.


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Well I have been to the Docs to see whats up with this cold and cough.

                          I have got a Chest infection, thanks mum, and i have got Pluerisy as well

                          So now I am on a course of antibiotics to sort it out, which means NO alcohol.. ******

                          Anyway, back at work now, not that i have told anyone i am back in yet..lol Having it easy for a while.

                          Well the weekend is nearly here, and we are going looking at nurseries for Amelia on Saturday.
                          The one that Ethan went to is £19 for a half day session!!, no wonder people are better off staying at home living on benefits.
                          When it can cost about £180 a week to put your kid in nursery, it s no wonder people dont have the motivation to work.

                          Anyway Happy Thursday


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Awww sorry Pk that's not nice what you have and watch yourself, I mean that too, not being funny at all and I don't think you should have gone in work TBH.
                            As for the nursery prices its bloody scary, but they know they can charge as the demand is there. I'd have em for you, but I expect you would like to keep them a little longer lol.


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              The one that Ethan went to is £19 for a half day session!!, no wonder people are better off staying at home living on benefits.
                              When it can cost about £180 a week to put your kid in nursery, it s no wonder people dont have the motivation to work.
                              I completely agree with you on that one. It is very sad that you are better off giving up work and claiming benefits than working and having your child cared for, and educated (in a social sense).

                              When I had Mops I intended to return to work after 6 months, and found a lovely job, and a great nursery for her to go to...but when i sat down with a calculator - I'd have been working 36 hours a week, being apart from my baby, for a grand total of £10.70 a week.

                              Now the three of them are at school the hours are too short for me to work for a decent salary, the benefits I'd lose by working outweigh the income by MILES....once you account for transport to and from work, clothing, childminders to take and collect etc etc..........school dinners, council tax, uniform allowances, tax credits, income support etc etc

                              Thus I havent worked since and you lot have to put up with me.

                              I know it sounds crap - if I could work I would, I will give my kids the best life I can.

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                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                We have snow this morning and as yet it is crisp and white.
                                I will be upsetting Tempty by posting this, as she doesn't get snow where she lives only tourists. So this is what your missing Tempty sorry

                                Anyway I hope all the rest of you with snow have no problems, I do believe it caused a lot yesterday further north.
                                As you have probably guessed too, I have learned a new skill, how to get a picture on here. I won't do it too often, promise, but I will chuck one in now and again to keep my memory jogged. Enaid x


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