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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Now why would I do a silly thing like that Happy?


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      You could always buy a fresh one then stick it in the freezer for a day or so, then do the shed plan. Or is that a really stupid idea??
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      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Not as cold today I think that icy wind has dropped a little.

        It's minus 10 up in Scotland though, no wonder they are called "The Brave" lol fancy wearing a kilt in that weather

        Well I'm working today and then I have done till Boxing Daymas: yo ho ho and will be doing my shopping tomorrow. Pick my meat up Monday and that will be it, what we haven't got we are not having lol.

        Right better get dressed take the dog for a jog lol, put the old:washer:on and tidy up.
        See you later xx


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          I'm at work today as usual, then at the bookies tonight. Out tomorrow night for a curry with my mate, then work Firday and Friday night. Pretty much everything sorted now, except for picking up the meat and veg and the tomnatos to make the soup. Have decided to lock the ironing in the conservatory and the dirty washing in the utility room and not open them again till at least Boxing Day. Out of sight out of mind. I'm even up to date at work (well almost).

          Its still cold but a bit damp as well now, not as freezing as it has been. Still got 2 jumpers on though lol.
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          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Well only a couple of days left at work now, so got a few bits to sort out.

            Gotta finish the quiz today as well, or I think Hod and Wendy are gonna lynch me

            As for Xmas preparations, only got the veg to get now and I think that will be an early door on xmas eve shop for that.

            Weve not got a big turkey as we are off to Scotland on the Thursday and will prob stay up there till new years eve.

            Anyway, speak to you all later.


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Oh no, you're mistaken PK, I'm far too busy at work to do the Christmas Quiz :snowlol::snowlol:

              But hey, I'm at work till lunchtime on Christmas Eve so got plenty of time. Have decided that if I stay off here all morning, I might be able to get some real work done then I can devote all my time to the quiz lol. But the boss is out and it seems such a waste not to use the time, if you see what I mean........
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              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                I am late today but have been doing the old Crimbo shopping, what we haven't got now we are not having. Just need to pick up my meat on Monday and get a bit more bread. I have also got some of that half baked bread it's lovely, little crispy cobs nice hot or cold TBH.
                I was ages choosing my melon, don't laugh it has to be not quit ripe and very large lol
                I'm going to cut it in half, scoop out the middle and fill it with port. That's my starter lol the rest will be having prawns and melon with a bit of salard as I call it lol he he he getting a bit upsited now lol.
                The rest is as always yer turkey dinner, just wishing me fairy godmother was fetching me a dishwasher lol I love getting all my best dishes out and lay the table properly but jeeeez when you pile em up after there are loads. Always managed before though and I will do again, I will be well tipsy by this time anyway so everything seems easier lol.


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Perhaps Santa will bring a dishwasher. I know this is sad but I couldn't live without mine. When my old one broke I was traumatised lol. But isn't that why we have husbands - to do the washing up??

                  I too love to get out the best dishes and having a lovely table laid out, in fact I think I'm a bit OCD about it if the truth be known ha ha. Just got one more present to get, then the meat and veg, and thats it. Oh and the booze of course...
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                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Good god, life without a dishwasher, oh blimey there's no way I could survive without mine.
                    Anyway men are for two things, thats doing the washing up (if no diswasher then three things), and carrying the shopping from the car to the house, and mowing the lawn.



                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      and cleaning the oven....
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                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        LOL mine says self clean and that's it's bloody lot lol :rollelf:


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Well we have had our 3 appliances in 3 months
                          1st it was the Washing Machine
                          2nd was the Combi Microwave
                          3rd was the Dishwasher


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Hi all,

                            The first year I had to do without a dishwasher at Christmas,I made the son-in-law and my two boys do them:snowlol:
                            Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm beginning to think these are a necessity and not a luxury as I once believed. Still OH's yellow marigolds will have to do for now.
                              Your son-in-law eh lol, I like that makes you a proper mother-in-law IMHO lol.


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Yeah,he's a good lad just treat him as one of my own,so he has to do as he is told hahaha.:cheers:
                                Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


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