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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Morning all

    Not too much traffic today, I'm actually at work on time for once. Just eating one of my sarnies cos I'm starving. Gloomy weather, a bit rainy, sun is lurking somewhere but not sure where yet. Got home last night to find a parcel in the porch with lovely Crimbo decs in it - thanks Delta. They're lovely.:cheers:

    Thinking about doing some work today but why change the habit of a lifetime?:snowlol:
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    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Thinking eh! a good start me thinks :snowlol: yes many a good days have been started by a good think:snowlol:


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        I think so too. Am still thinking...........
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        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          I try not to think to hard.....leads to all kinds of crazy ideas...... like gettong on with housework instead of sitting on here chilling out LOL


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Housework? Are you mad, woman??? I think if the Lord had wanted my house to be tidy he should get me a better paid job so i can afford a cleaner. :snowlol:
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            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Right, am bored now. Have put my little Crimbo tree up on top of the filing cabinet, eaten most of my sarnies, am off to make a coffee, then read the paper, then am definitley gonna tackle that filing. I found another pile, that makes 4 inches altogether. And the MD will be in soon so gotta show willing. See y'all later.
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              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                I have an idea...... make four little piles and then do one at a time! seems like less that way

                (why doesn't that work with the washing mountain on my kitchen floor?)

                Glad the parcel came ok and that you like, see peeeps.... I makes good stuff, get ordering for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  I am halfway through, still have about 3 inches to go. i think its multiplying while I'm not looking. I don't have a kitchen floor full of washing, i have an entire utility room. 6 cupboards, all with pull out crates, nicely labelled for the dirty washing, socks in one crate, jumpers in another, and so on. That way at least I can shut the cupboard doors and I can't see how much there is lol. Unfortunately all the crates are full, and its about 2 feet high on the worktop. I could do with a house elf.:rollelf: Either that or ****** off down the bagwash and stick it all in one of those superhuge washers that does about 5 loads all in one go. But I'd still be there for days even doing it like that
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                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    And just don't get me started on ironing:madelf: But thats the problem, i never get started on the ironing!
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                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      I know that feeling Wendy! I need a good dvd to watch while ironing, a stedy supply of coffee and plenty of fag breaks (and that's just plugging the iron in!)


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Filing finished, boss just come back and made me a coffee, going to the match tonight, what more could I want......apart from Oh's Crap 1 cheque and Citi to get their butts into gear lol.
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                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Hmmmmm I don't do Ironing, usually I send it out to be done, thats if the dustman don't nick it from my front porch and take it away.



                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Morning all

                            What a horrible miserable rainy cold and generally cacky day. Have actually done some work already this morning. And there's no more filing thank God, unless I do more work, which is a possibility I suppose lol.Eaten my sarnie (left over from yesterday, but I was starving). Must remind myself to do more work and not keep tying myself in knots on the Christmas Quiz. Need to finish work early cos gotta take Almost Border Collie to vets tonight, so will have to keep in the good books today.

                            Off to make coffee now. Back later
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                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              We are having rain of biblical proportions here today, along with a force 9 wind behind it.

                              I have to go and do some shopping soon, as my dear daughter last night presented me with her list of ingredients for tomorrow's cookery class!


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning all, just thought I bump this up to the top again.

                                Well I'm off christmas shopping today, luckily the kids and grandkids all wan't vouchers to spend after christmas, except for two and thats easy enough they have said what they wan't. Mum's easy too (hopefully), Just Les to get and as usual need a few ideas, but hey it will get sorted. Also going to do a big food shop as well and try to get most of it over and done with.

                                Talk later if I'm still lucid :doggie::doggie::doggie:



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