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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Enjoy your break WendyB.

    I am with you on this also Enaid,surely they can't just stand back and watch them die.poor we things.

    Had a bit of a bad day, it's my own fault,Youngest son is currently going through assessments for Autistic Sprectrum Disorder,he had an appointment today at the Hosptal In Aberdeen,as I don't venture into Aberdeen that often,and eldest daughter needed into town I thought I will pick them up (2grandchildren and daughter on the way) Took the dog with me as it was going to be too long to leave her at home.
    So I thought while he was at his appointment I would do some shopping to save a trip,on the way back to car realised,were on earth am I going to put it,the car was full,so thought it will have to go in with the dog,bad mistake,on the way into town she spotted another dog and went berserk in the back,bearing in mind she is a 2 year old St Bernard,my shopping looked like a dogs dinner,she had managed to smash about 6 eggs,and they were going over everything else,she managed to burst boxes open also,so lesson learnt.
    Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Wendyb hope you have a lovely time, I hope you get this message before you go too. Won't matter what the weather is like, you have a rest and enjoy yerself lol.
      It's your birthday tomorrow too, expect that's why your on a treat, Happy Birthday too and don't do anything I wouldn't do. See you when you get back Enaid xx

      Scottishlass I don't mean to sound rude, but I wouldn't have attempted taking that lot anywhere without being in a small horse box tbh.
      Is that her on your avatar ? she is gorgeous and I bet you have a lot of pleasure from her lol. Did you take her because she would have done as much, or more damage if you had left her at home, just as a matter of interest.

      As for the reason for your trip in the first place, I hope all goes well and your son will be ok.

      I think they have decided to hand rear one of the Polar Bear cubs, I do hope so awwwww
      Last edited by enaid; 9th January 2008, 08:18:AM.


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Hi Enaid,

        Hope everything is going okay with you,the avatar is from photobucket,I wouldn't have fancied the chances of the poor little duckling,she used to flatten the cat when we first got her,but the cat being more clever got her back,he ran through trellis fencing, she thought she would too and got well and truly stuck,the cat just sat at the other side looking at her,probably laughing.The only damage(thank goodness) she has done is a seat we had outside,she chewed it to bits.
        I just don't like leaving her for too long,even just going to the shop up the road you would think I had been out all day.

        Regarding My son he has been going through assessment for about 4 months now,I do feel for him,as the problem he has is with communicating,then they go and bombard him with questions (I know it is for his own good) he just doesn't talk, even to me,it is sad as he never shows emotion either,so have no way of knowing if he is happy or sad.
        Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          My that is so sad scottishlass, I have a daughter with severe learning difficulties, she can only say one words although she does understand a lot of what we say to her. This is probably by repetition I don't know. I can therefore half understand your situation even though yours is a lot different.
          I do hope there is something that can be done for him. I don't know if you have searched the web or anything and I am not being nosy, but sometimes if you get together with people who have the same problems as you it helps. Hope i have not upset you mentioning this it was just a thought. Enaid xx


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Hi Enaid,

            Not need to apologise at all,thanks for the concern,he hasn't always been like this he is 14, he was very hyper when he was a youngster,It was one of his teachers he had last year that complained about him standing too close,he does tend to do that,the Education Physcologist was called in and she refered him to the Mental health unit for assessment.

            We didn't really see it as a problem,as we are used to it,but saying that I do worry about when he leaves school,as he will need to find a way to speak to people.There has been mention of Aspergers and I have found a lot of information about it on the Web.But I am waiting for a diagnoses as it could turn out to be something else.

            My Eldest son has ADHD which wasn't diagnosed until he was 13/14 after he had been suspended from school twice,never had any problems before that,he found it very difficult to cope with secondary school,I realise now just how much stress he was under he was constantly off with migraine headaches,since leaving school and starting work he has never had a day off,in fact he hasn't had any migraines since leaving school.

            Thanks Enaid for your concern my thought are with you also,and you are right it does help to talk to others about it.
            Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Well 6 days without a post on here, thats a disgrace lol

              It's still very dark and dismal, looks more like night than day TBH.
              A lot of flood warnings out today, good luck to anyone in those areas.

              Am working today, with a pillock as well lol so not a happy bunny upto yet. But I may have a curry later on so that will perk me up no doubt.

              Suppose we are all awaiting the start of the OFT thingy tomorrow, lets hope they see sense and give us a fair outcome, that's all we are asking for really.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Morning all, well its dark and pishing down here, saw that there is flooding round the country again, boy I feel for those poor people who are affected, lets hope its not as bad as the last time.
                Just so that you all know I am still on my campaign to get a :doggie:Les has now threatened to leave home if I just get one and bring it home, now thats what I call a result eh msl:. Seriously though I am now proper tempted to get one and call his bluff, what do you think guys ? His argument is that it will stop us going out and having holidays, weekends away etc errrrrrr hello I said remind me when this was ffs.

                Next doors cat has been coming in and beating up our two, yesterday there was a big fight in our lounge, need to have a chat with our neighbour about it, can't think what to do to stop her cat coming in. What makes it harder is the owner is a very, very good friend, so don't want to have arguments etc over a sodding cat do we.


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Afternoon everyone.

                  From my noticable (I hope lol) absence you may well conclude that I have been at work, with my head down, actually getting on with some work for once. Well you would be right. Have decided to make an effort and get everything up to date, in which case I may not get back on here till this time next year.......msl:

                  Also as things have been a bit dead on here recently thought I would post to wake you all up again.

                  No stables for me tonight, Jess is going with my neice so thats me off the hook. No shopping to do, Lewis has volunteered to go to asda for me, he passed his driving test yesterday, 1st time after only 9 lessons, and even driving to asda is cool at the moment for him lol. And no work at the bookies tonight either cos i worked the match last night. so a nice relaxing evening planned, which may or may not involve ironing, but will definitely involve a bottle of wine and Captain Jack Harkness (not at the same time of course!). Yes Torchwood is back tonight, what a bloody waste of a bloke I say. never mind.........

                  Sapphire, you could try squirting the errant mog with a water pistol, or just chuck a bucket of water at it, that should give him the general idea that he's not wanted. And before anyone says thats cruel, I have cats of my own, and would never harm one. Cats learn very quickly and unless its a tiger, which actually like swimming,or a Turkish Van cat, he probably won't relish the though of a bath every time he feels the need for a bit of bullying coming on, so will probably stay away. might be worth warning the owner first though lol
                  Last edited by WendyB; 16th January 2008, 16:12:PM. Reason: spelling
                  Is no longer here


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Thanks for that Wendy, we are buying a water spray at the weekend, she's already had the high power hose on her, she's a real bully and her owner (Rosie) says that she's got heart trouble ffs.
                    Yes I agree it is a waste of a good bloke, so is Geoge Michael and a few others I could name. I've got quite a few gay friends from my times running the pubs and I'm sure we will stay friends till we die. My 'girlfriend' Mercedes (she used to be called Terry) is the best and we have actually been to Monsoon together to look for dresses for when Les and I go to Ladies Nights, she is so in touch with her feminine side and loves to chat about make up, hair etc.
                    Actually this will make you laugh I didn't tell Les the truth about her for ooooh 3-4 years and he was mortified when I told him, we've been to parties and do's together and he's danced the night away with her lol.


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Dunno about George Michael these days - did you see him on the Catherine Tate show? Yuk! Alright if you like em looking like the Pilsbury Dough man. Although george did used to be rather scrummy, to say the least. The place where we're moving our pony to is owned by two gay guys, also the judge who wants Jess to ride his ponies for him is gay, him and his partner are an absolute scream, ans sooo lovely. And they are soo bitchy, they really make me laugh.

                      You will notice i am on my own computer....am just about to have a go at unlcoking Jess's laptop....might be screaming for help soon lol.
                      Is no longer here


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub


                        Hope you dont mind me joining in ( over from CAG)

                        this is for sapphire.

                        Reference getting a dog I can only tell you about my experience. We got our first dog a lab/lurcher cross two years ago. He was in RSPCA home for most his life ( 2 1/2 when we got him) but we actually got him from a couple who had him for 6 months and then had to emmigrate. We had to go Internet route as we were turned down by Dogs Trust /RSPCA as We are at work a lot of the time ( although not full time) We did not want a puppy and we were lucky enough to have scooby on a three week trial.

                        I was nervous of having a dog as was attacked by an Alsation and ended up in hospital once.

                        Good things - He is affectionate ,loving ,well behaved (never done anything wrong) Well trained /good on the lead and has made us all get more excercise. It is really like having a new child in the house. He has never eaten or chewed anything and is a real gentle giant - in fact quite timid ( probably as badly treated when young.He is not expensive on insurance or food

                        Bad things - Dog hairs around the house- and muddy footprints.
                        Walking him on cold dark winter mornings - and nagging the kids to walk him ( not his fault!)

                        If we go away We are lucky as my neice will house/dog sit or we go places we can take him (I must admit i would find it hard to put him in kennels because of his background.)

                        On the whole I would not change the fact we have got him for the world - but I worry about him being lonely in the day and feel guilty about that - but he has alot of space a loy of love and i am sure it is preferable to him being in a rescue home.

                        "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                        "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Hi Jan and welcome to the FMB Fanclub, thanks for those kind remarks I too have had a rescue dog and I have had retired greyhounds, my baby boy died 18 months ago. Yes I agree rescues are special and they do deserve a nice home. This time though I fancy having something small and fluffy, bit like Paul O'Grady's dogs Buster (****ztzu/Bichon) and Olga (Cairn/Scottish Terrier).

                          Oh Wendy yes I do agree gay guys are just the tops and are such great company and wonderful friends.


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Ah you are obviously more of an expert than me then and know all the pitfalls. I had to start by reading the book "Its me or the dog" which was great actually.

                            I wanted to get a greyhound originally - but Lurchers are similar in the amount of excercise they need and are similar in nature I think .

                            All the best

                            "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                            "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              well after a long abscence i thought id have a look at what ive missed just roughly though !!
                              hope everyone had a good xmas and new year.x
                              i got thru it all without killing anyone! haha.
                              and just to say..my doggie drives me mad sometimes but shes really funny.shes getting big now ,shes 7months old already..


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Bloody ell Archer, how are you?
                                Well you must be ok I just read your thread lol, you look after that little doggie lol Staffies are brill, if a bit bossy lol.
                                Nice to meet you too scoobydoo, I don't think we have met before on here, not sure about OTR.
                                Anyway Archer keep us up to speed with jet, a photo maybe sometime, Enaid x


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