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  • speaking of motorbikes, it's a beautifull day, the kids are out with their aunty, so i'm off on my bike for a nice afternoon ride
    see ya'll later


    • Hi

      just a quick catch up, nothing happening here. but weather is great so out in garden catching some rays so I won't look like a bottle of pasteurised when I go on hols!! lol.

      Might nip in and catch up later. Wendy x.
      Is no longer here


      • Hi all......
        How is everyone today??
        I've spent most of the say being the house B*tch as my other half calls me....lol
        Typical....a bloke is unable to work through ill health and we get to do all the housework!..........lol
        Been very hot down here in Southend on mud.......so have made new tray for cutlery draw outta some old pine......lol
        and now finally sitting down for some lunch and a cuppa.........lol


        • I don't believe this.......I still have no posts listed.......I must be invisible......or a ghost!
          Fendy, wendyb, archer.......can you see me????
          Am I real???


          • OMG You guys can talk I've just sat here and read all 230 posts as well! It's great to see though

            Veilside.. posts in "the lamp post" don't go towards your total post count.. Sorry

            I'd liken it to the Bear Garden on CAG, but I might get shot



            • cheers matt......bear garden.....didn't that burn down.....lol


              • lol yea it def did something!!!
                fendy dont worry its my pleasure to help in anyway i can
                took kiddies to park with their bike/rollerblades had faces painted saw the animals and had dinner ...........now im ready for bed!!!
                littlest has been watching ladybirds hatch all morning she counted and there were 31 this morning but only a few left to hatch.... no peace for the wicked she wants me to see another one shes found!.....


                • Hi again.....
                  anyone got a copy of nasties T&C's for 2001 onward......lost mine when my pc died.....
                  gotta have all doc's in by 13th.....aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!
                  Wendy, fendy, archer.......hhheeeeelllllpppp.......lol


                  • sorry,i only have the 1998 ones.....is it ur prelim on the 13th?
                    i have my final cort date for the 27th


                    • First one.....I was told it was more of a mediation type one...??
                      All I know is nasty have added about £1000 to my account since I filed claim....
                      I have written to court and told them, also asked court to consider CI at 29.6% as reciprocity and mutuality if not the courts 8% would do......lol......phew remembered....lol
                      Do I really need everything for a first hearing??
                      I was trying to be ready for anything cobbetts or nasty dish out....lol


                      • Yay......guys I got 2 posts now.......lol
                        Nobody told me that I didn't get points for posting in here......lol
                        Thanks Matt......everyone else let me think I was either going mad or drank too much of fendys punch......lol


                        • I was T total for 16 years till I met fendy, wendyb, archer and the gang......
                          Now I am dwinking like a pish.......hic!
                          Bard infoooence.....lol


                          • Originally posted by veilside01702 View Post
                            I was T total for 16 years till I met fendy, wendyb, archer and the gang......
                            Now I am dwinking like a pish.......hic!
                            Bard infoooence.....lol
                            Lol.............. you so lie, we're a bunch of little angels we are!!!!

                            Reckon you're the bad influence hun!!!!.................. just gonna pour meself another pinot grigio!!!!!!!!!!


                            • And I'm still on the coffee, had my day all planned, then the kids got up and it all went a bit tots up! Then we had the air ambulance circling over the house, it plonked it's cute ass on the road that is about 100 yards from me (obviously it was a wee bit further up), seems two cars had a heavy snogging session, have never seen so many blue lights in one place! we had the full works, including paramedic cars!


                              • Ooooooooh Delta! Busy day in your road then hun.

                                Saw before that you're over Padiham way................ not too far from me!!!! We do loads of walkin' over on Pendle hill. Get yer telescope out and you just might see me fly hun!!!!


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