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Child contact process and delays.

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  • #31
    Re: Child contact process and delays.

    Thank you very much for your post.

    I have been recording my experiences of the contact centre and will be presenting them to Cafcass at my next meeting with them, this saves me relying on memory alone to try and fight what im sure will be a meeting full of support from the contact centre and false allegations from the mother.


    • #32
      Re: Child contact process and delays.

      Originally posted by puffrose View Post
      Bless you for saying that, my best friend is a single dad of 3, hes just found out after 16 years of raising his eldest that none of them are his. He doesnt care, says I love them whats the problem?

      Anyone can plant a seed, it takes a real man to raise a child.


      • #33
        Re: Child contact process and delays.

        fully agree, as i say some dads are better than the mums!

        Good luck to you in everyway, and tell her she has millions of hugs coming her way


        • #34
          Re: Child contact process and delays.

          FTW, I think the experience at the contact centre will prove to be the turning point in this case.

          Where professionals can see clear emotional damage, they will act, regardless of the sibling arrangements.

          Well done for patience, kindness and great dad skills! xxx
          "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

          I am proud to have co-founded LegalBeagles in 2007

          If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page

          If you wish to book an appointment with me to discuss your credit agreement, please email kate@legalbeaglesgroup. com


          • #35
            Re: Child contact process and delays.

            Originally posted by Celestine View Post
            FTW, I think the experience at the contact centre will prove to be the turning point in this case.

            Where professionals can see clear emotional damage, they will act, regardless of the sibling arrangements.

            Well done for patience, kindness and great dad skills! xxx

            Thank you very much for your post, I have catalogued (spelling terrible again) each contact session of contact as and when it has happened (see below) unlike everything else i do this one is based on my own interpretation and the only thing that will support this is the CSCA contact centre report. Although this is simply my opinion I have met with the CSCA staff and verified my interpretation of events to ensure neither of us differ dramatically in any way.

            These statements are what I will be using as my main discussion point with Cafcass as i do not wish to rely on memory alone as setails get lost along the way.

            Summary of contact through CSCA.

            Following court directions on 21st December 2011, 6 observational contact sessions were awarded. The following is a summary of how these contact sessions went. These are based on my own opinions, however reports issued by CSCA or Cafcass should correspond with my own interpretations.
            Following an initial wait a phone call was received from CSCA to arrange the 6 observational sessions. They were confirmed for 21st January 2012, 04th February 2012, 18th February 2012, 03rd March 2012, 17th March 2012 and 31st March 2012. All of the appointments were to take place between 14:00pm and 16:00pm.
            Court was adjourned on Tuesday 17th April 2012 to allow remaining contact sessions to take place following delays incurred. Set dates for the remaining sessions has not been made known at this time.

            XXXX > The first contact session did not go well unfortunately. As I had anticipated CHILD had performed an emotional U turn. When I arrived to the centre I was placed in a room alone. After some 45 minutes of waiting a member of staff from the centre attended and told me CHILD was upset but they were trying to give her reassurance and would come back to me. Another 10 minutes later the worker came back into the room and told me CHILD had gone home. In summary, I was unable to engage with CHILD during this contact. I mentioned that next time I would at least like the opportunity to try to communicate with my daughter via telephone or face to face. This is where the first contact session ended.
            XXXX > The second contact session also did not go as well as I would like. As with the first session, I was taken to a room upstairs where I waited. 20 minutes passed and a worker came in to tell me CHILD was again upset and was refusing to communicate with workers, she was simply grunting at them. I asked if I could come into the room to speak with CHILD, the workers checked with CHILDS mother and came back to tell me she had reluctantly agreed. I entered the room to discover CHILD hiding her head under her mother’s arm. I spoke to her briefly, she did not grunt at me as she did with the centre staff, she told me she was scared but did not know what of. I asked if it was the building, the centre worker or me and she replied “No” to all of them. At this point it was clear she did not wish to proceed with contact so I agreed to leave. Prior to leaving I informed CHILD that I was going to leave pens and paper on the table and if she wanted to write down her fears before she left she could. After this I left the room and went back upstairs to wait. 5 minutes later the contact centre worker came into the room to tell me CHILD had left and did not wish to write anything down before she left. This concluded the second contact session.
            XXXX > The Third contact session initially started in the same way it had previously. I went upstairs to wait for centre staff to tell me CHILD was upset. Sure enough 20 minutes after I arrived they came upstairs to tell me CHILD was refusing to speak to them. After gaining permission I went downstairs and entered the room. CHILD was again hiding her head under her mother’s arm. To begin with CHILDS responses towards my questions were grunts and screams. She was insistent that she wanted to go home. I explained to her the reason we were in the contact centre and that before she goes home she will need to turn around and speak to me even if it is only very briefly. Eventually she turned around and began to speak with me. I jogged her memory with a photo album (that only contained pictures of her or me and her together). She enjoyed looking through the pictures and afterwards decided she did not want to go home. We produced pictures together and discussed ideas for other pictures we could draw together. We spoke about many things including school, hobbies and favourite toys among other things. I tried to briefly speak to CHILD about her fears but she told me she did not want to speak about it at that time. Towards the end of the session I made plans with CHILD (following the agreement of the centre worker) that the next session would be outside of the centre and she could bring her bike or scooter. CHILD seemed very excited about doing this. At the end of the session CHILD hugged me and we agreed we would see each other at the next session. CHILD then left the centre. I waited for ten minutes and then left the centre myself. This concluded this session.
            XXXX > It is appropriate to note that Cafcass has told me that due to time constraints, she may be unable to include any additional progress made on the report that will be submitted to court. This contact session should have been the sixth and final session. Unfortunately due to unforeseen delays it is only the fourth instance. I entered the CSCA building and was told that contact may not proceed as CHILD was notably upset, I requested 5 minutes to talk CHILD around and it was agreed. I entered the room and as before CHILD was hiding her face in her seat. I approached in the same way as before and again initially got grunts back. After a short while she told me that she did not like the contact centre because it was not like home. I built on this and she agreed to take a tour of the building with the contact supervisor and her mother, she came back to the room seemingly more at ease and began to engage more. We played with items from the toy box briefly before moving to a table where I had placed pencils and papers. CHILD drew a fish and we then took it in turns to add more images to the picture, this quickly turned into a game that CHILD obviously enjoyed. We talked about school and CHILDS home life and really connected well. Unfortunately CHILD brother was unwell and was sick. RESIDENT PARENT did not have any additional clothing for him so with my permission contact was halted after just over an hour but with the agreement that the following session would be 3 hours long, RESIDENT PARENT agreed to this. Before CHILD left I asked if she would like me to bring anything along for the next session, she requested magazines and sellotape. I will take these to the next session. CHILD hugged me before she left and this is where the session ended.
            XXXX > This session is in effect the fifth contact session to actually take place. Contact occurred at a varied time to previous occurrences. CSCA had notified me prior to the session that it would take place over 2 hours and not 3 as previously agreed on 31st March 2012 as RESIDENT PARENTS son was Ill and she was unable to leave him for too long. I arrived at the centre at 09:15am and waited in an upstairs contact room for the arrival of CHILD. She arrived with her Mother at around 09:30am. Ten minutes later the supervising officer came upstairs and informed me that CHILD was noticeably upset and wanted to go home to take care of her brother. Sympathising with the situation CHILD was in I agreed that CHILDS wishes must be respected but would like a little time to engage with her. At this point I made my way downstairs and entered the room to find CHILD hiding her face in a chair again. I began to speak to her and ask her about her brother. Unfortunately her responses were again “grunts” and she refused to engage. I attempted to explain to CHILD that someone would look after her brother if she was at school and then further explained that the previous week that she spent at her aunts (my sister) her brother was looked after. Unfortunately at this point RESIDENT PARENT became verbally aggressive and threatened to cease contact. I remained calm and asked her to not verbally attack me and consider how it would make CHILD feel. She ignored this plea and continued which caused the supervisor to intervene and insist the actions were halted. With this setback CHILD seemed to further retract. I explained that I had brought magazines and sellotape as she had requested but she remained unresponsive. I then explained that I had made a board game that she could take home to her brother and I would be happy to show her how to play it, but again she remained unresponsive. I made one final attempt to engage with CHILD. I asked her if the reason she wanted to go home was because she wanted to see her brother. She replied “I want to go home and look after him”. I agreed and said she can go home whenever she feels ready. I then handed a magazine to her mother and told CHILD I had brought her that to read on the way home. She remained hidden for some time despite being told she could go home. Eventually RESIDENT spoke to CHILD and made a “pinkie promise” about something but I did not hear what she was saying. CHILD then stood up and with encouragement and in the arms of her mother came to thank me for her magazine. We agreed to play the game I had made and use the sellotape and another magazine at the next session. She offered me a nice smile and a “fun” handshake before leaving the room. This is where the session ended.
            Additional session/ sessions TBC
            Overall Summary.
            The CSCA contact centre has been an excellent support structure for CHILD. The staff have all been extremely professional and very supportive. The contact sessions themselves have been a highly positive experience that have offered me and CHILD the opportunity to re-engage with each other and has provided a neutral environment to utilise.
            Unfortunately I feel that because of the delays incurred the contact has not provided me with the opportunity to engage with CHILD effectively. CHILD has experienced almost 6 months of inconsistency and avoidable distractions. Multiple sessions of contact have been cancelled by RESIDENT PARENT with very little notice and this has caused much of the progress made in rebuilding rapport with CHILD to be negated. As a point I have always responded to positive contact with CHILD by making plans for the next session. I will ask what she would like to do and she has instructed the type of activity she would like to do and informed me of any materials that may be required. This has formed a solid path to move forwards with but with almost every other session being cancelled CHILDS plans have been put to one side and she has experienced delays of up to one month between sessions which would obviously take away any positive anticipation of the next contact session.
            CHILD has persistently seemed wary of interacting at the beginning of contact sessions and I feel she has wanted reassurance from more than just what I give her in the contact centre. After working through some of CHILDS hesitations some sessions have ended up being very positive. Unfortunately with CHILDS brother consistently present she seems to have a constant distraction in the way. Although I do not mind CHILDS brother being present at contact I feel it must be noted that interruptions have occurred as a result and one session was halted due to his illness which I happily gave consent to on the understanding that the next session would be 3 hours long. That agreed session was then cancelled by RESIDENT PARENT
            I am confident that the contact has still served many purposes. CHILD is now fully able to identify me and has only experienced positive responses while in contact. Despite the numerous setbacks I feel we have managed to rekindle some rapport which shows promise in moving forward or repeating contact again. I am yet to see real signs of encouragement for CHILD to interact from anyone other than me. I believe that this does not occur at home and there may be factors to consider that are putting CHILD off contact or event making her be genuinely scared of having positive interactions with me. One question that I keep asking is “why do we have positive contact and then all the good that has been done is undone by the time the next session arises”? I feel that this question needs to be explored fully in order to understand how best to put CHILDS wellbeing first.
            On a final note, at my last meeting I mentioned that indirect contact has been ignored, I am still making phone calls which have not been answered since before the court hearing in December and I have not had a single letter response. I have however had letters returned by Royal Mail that I have previously sent to CHILD. This clearly further limits my ability to build rapport with CHILD and I feel If this is not rectified further alienation from my daughter will continue. Prior to a hearing in December I was speaking to CHILD via telephone and although there were occasions that she chose not to come to the phone, real progress had been made. This method was even utilised from MEMBER OF STAFF at the Cafcass office which assisted me in having a very positive face to face contact. This hard work has obviously been undone; I would really like to know how that is explainable if the blockage of indirect contact is not the cause.
            I am more than happy for this document to be referred to in compiling reports or in addition for the consideration of the court. Please accept my signature below as authorisation for this.

            *** CHILD = Replacement name for child
            *** RESIDENT PARENT = Childs mother
            *** Others = Self explanatory.
            ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
            All the cancellations have been ignored in this document as they have been noted seperately
            Last edited by FTW Mamuskills; 21st April 2012, 21:07:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • #36
              Re: Child contact process and delays.

              Wow! Hats off to you for keeping such a compelling and detailed record. Its is so good it makes me curious as to your occupation?

              It is extraordinary that you have not once resorted to insinuations or personal complaints.

              Can I ask, how are you coping emotionally? What you have detailed above is harrowing and draining. I offer my support and any advice I can offer during this process.

              I have personal experience of extremely similar PAS circumstances. Yet after 3 years we won our residency battle and halted an emigration abroad. Our relationship did not survive however, so please take care of you and yours xxx
              "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

              I am proud to have co-founded LegalBeagles in 2007

              If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page

              If you wish to book an appointment with me to discuss your credit agreement, please email kate@legalbeaglesgroup. com


              • #37
                Re: Child contact process and delays.

                Originally posted by FTW Mamuskills View Post
                Anyone can plant a seed, it takes a real man to raise a child.
                I've not contributed much here, as I've been a lucky schmuck - and got away with it so far. But I've come close to losing it all - and I've read this thread thinking, "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

                If I had one tenth of your resolve and your decency, I would stand proud, mate. It's about time those qualities were recognised by those who deign to oversee our affairs with such assumed professionalism. I really hope to God that He has the grace to make that happen.

                Surely, the issue must be - "Who is the better parent for this child ?" - and NOT "Who is the mother of this child ?"

                Power to you, mate.

                Respect to you..........Sir.


                • #38
                  Re: Child contact process and delays.

                  It would be very interesting to know what would happen if the resident parent was in fact a man and the alienated non rensident parent was a woman.

                  Im confident that alot more would of happened if roles were reversed, say i had my daughter and was obstructing contact.

                  Dont get me wrong im not sexist in any way. The problem is that both genders support degrees of equality and this should reflect within the judiciary. It simply defeats the objective of remaining impartial when someone is partially judged because of their gender.

                  "Joke": Maybe I should have gender reassignment surgery and see how the court respond.

                  Thank you for your post Bill-K.


                  • #39
                    Re: Child contact process and delays.

                    I have complete understanding of your situation, but karma will win out in the end i am sure
                    My son had the same situation as you have, and hasnt seen his 2 boys for years because of all the hassle and lies on his ex partners side, also its very annoying when fathers are made to pay the CSA for children they cant see because the resident parent makes it so difficult,
                    If that parent was told no access, no money, i am sure they might think twice
                    However, my sons eldest contacted him on facebook,and has now moved in with his father, [aged 15] and the abuse he has had from his mother is now coming out, going on holiday and leaving him alone, ,locking him out, etc just because she was in a bad mood, he hates his mother and is not bothered if he ever sees her again, thats Karma


                    • #40
                      Re: Child contact process and delays.

                      Originally posted by valeriej43 View Post
                      I have complete understanding of your situation, but karma will win out in the end i am sure
                      My son had the same situation as you have, and hasnt seen his 2 boys for years because of all the hassle and lies on his ex partners side, also its very annoying when fathers are made to pay the CSA for children they cant see because the resident parent makes it so difficult,
                      If that parent was told no access, no money, i am sure they might think twice
                      However, my sons eldest contacted him on facebook,and has now moved in with his father, [aged 15] and the abuse he has had from his mother is now coming out, going on holiday and leaving him alone, ,locking him out, etc just because she was in a bad mood, he hates his mother and is not bothered if he ever sees her again, thats Karma
                      These situations occur far to often for the courts to ignore. Its an unfortunate fact that many mothers simply look forward to CSA pay day and its a shame for those that are in a genuine position and need the money (where fathers dont see children for genuine reasons ie abuse ect)

                      The way judiciary is in a complicated position with so many mothers tarnishing fathers with the "deadbeat dad" brush and indeed fathers using the "unfit mother" approach it is no wonder that court processes take so long and organisations fail those who genuinely need help as a result of this.

                      It is no secret that the non resident parent which in 99% of cases is the father end up being judged so harshly by people that assume wild accusations are accurate.

                      The no access, no money rule would be a great one to implement but stringent ways of monitoring it would need to be implemented. Im glad your son is finaly seeing karma do justice.


                      • #41
                        Re: Child contact process and delays.

                        It has been a long wait for my son, and he would have been a better parent for the boy as they were very close, but the children usually work it out for themselves when they are old enough, and the son is much happier now, had a mother who showed no affection to him and his brother, and yet she has gone short of nothing, he didnt even get pocket money,and was left at home when she went on holiday
                        Since the CSA was formed, Fathers are in general existing on what they have left after paying high rents, for not very nice accommodation, while the mothers are often much better off, with rent etc paid, besides other benefits
                        The fathers dont have any living expenses taken into consideration, at all,it is purely taken on the gross wage,
                        As i have said in another post, i have written to Nick Clegg about the CSA i got a letter back saying they have passed my letter to the DWP as they deal with it, so waiting to hear from them, [if ever] but surely the Government make these rules not the DWP, ,
                        I will be writing again this week, or might go further,
                        I am a pensioner, truing to help my son out, should be the other way round, they are disgusting, criminals


                        • #42
                          Re: Child contact process and delays.

                          I think the point you make is a very real issue. Unfortunately a reform is something the government seem scared to do. After all, the CSA has been deemed "not fit for purpose" on many occasions.

                          There should at least be an option for Non resident parents who endeavor to support children and be in their lives to buy things for their child instead of having wages reduced and handed directly over to someone whom has no intention of spending the money on a child.

                          Items that a non resident parent could purchase:

                          School Uniforms
                          Clothing (general)
                          School trips
                          Bedroom furniture

                          The list goes on and on.........

                          I wish you luck in supporting your son. Iam glad his parenthood is returning to him and wish you both the best


                          • #43
                            Re: Child contact process and delays.

                            Dear FTW,

                            My name is Jess and I am Puffrose' neice, I'm 17 and Aunty asked me to read this as I am from a single father family. My dad raised me alone from the age of 8 hours, when my mother told the hospital my dad could care for me, or i could go in to care, they could drown me what did it matter?

                            I have read everything you have said and want you to know, from the child point of veiw, yes there have been difficult times only having a dad, there are things a girl can only tell a woman, but I have my nan and my aunts for these times, and Dad seemed to know anyway.

                            If you are granted full custody, and I have read your posts it would be a crime for you not to, the only advice I would give you is, be honest with her, and don't feel offended if she goes to your partner or her Nan for advice, as i say sometimes a girl needs another woman.

                            I would not trade a minute of one day I had with Dad, yes hes had girlfriends but we have always had each other no matter what, and when my sisters arrived he treated as all as equals.

                            Recently my "mother" contacted him and admitted I am not his biological daughter, and Dad has offered for me to do a DNA test to see if i can find my "father". I am not interested, a dad is the man that loves and raises you, not the one who dipped his wick as we say in Manchester.

                            The CSA contacted dad about payments to my mother, as he said Jess lives with me, chase her mother for payments to me, they never contacted him again.

                            I am 100% behind you not only gaining access but gaining custody, i've never known a mother, but you sound a lot like my dad.. and i had the best childhood ever..
                            Hope this spurs you on, and you know your not alone..



                            • #44
                              Re: Child contact process and delays.

                              What a level headed young lady puff your brother should be proud of her hope she carries this attitude through life
                              all the best to her and her father


                              • #45
                                Re: Child contact process and delays.

                                Originally posted by puffrose View Post
                                Dear FTW,

                                My name is Jess and I am Puffrose' neice, I'm 17 and Aunty asked me to read this as I am from a single father family. My dad raised me alone from the age of 8 hours, when my mother told the hospital my dad could care for me, or i could go in to care, they could drown me what did it matter?

                                I have read everything you have said and want you to know, from the child point of veiw, yes there have been difficult times only having a dad, there are things a girl can only tell a woman, but I have my nan and my aunts for these times, and Dad seemed to know anyway.

                                If you are granted full custody, and I have read your posts it would be a crime for you not to, the only advice I would give you is, be honest with her, and don't feel offended if she goes to your partner or her Nan for advice, as i say sometimes a girl needs another woman.

                                I would not trade a minute of one day I had with Dad, yes hes had girlfriends but we have always had each other no matter what, and when my sisters arrived he treated as all as equals.

                                Recently my "mother" contacted him and admitted I am not his biological daughter, and Dad has offered for me to do a DNA test to see if i can find my "father". I am not interested, a dad is the man that loves and raises you, not the one who dipped his wick as we say in Manchester.

                                The CSA contacted dad about payments to my mother, as he said Jess lives with me, chase her mother for payments to me, they never contacted him again.

                                I am 100% behind you not only gaining access but gaining custody, i've never known a mother, but you sound a lot like my dad.. and i had the best childhood ever..
                                Hope this spurs you on, and you know your not alone..

                                Jess; Thank you very much for your lovely message. It really has made my day. Its so nice to see how so much positivity has come out of an initial very negative situation. I think your Dad an I may well be very much alike with the attitude towards DNA. DNA doesnt determine love and a sense of responsibility towards a child or indeed anyone else its a natural thing, however much respect to your Dad offering to support you in finding your biological "donor" if you wanted. Its clear you have a great relationship together.

                                I think im fortunate to have known my partner for my whole life and fongers crossed we will stay together for the rest of it. She has been nominated for birds and the bees talks and hiding the truth from me when the kids are older and come home drunk ect.

                                You really have made me look to the future a bit here. Thank you so much..... im grinning like an idiot now and sincerely hope that my children will grow up with similar moral fibre to you as that would make me very proud.

                                thanks again


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