Re: Child contact process and delays.
Got to say that your focus on "what is in the best interests of the child" is the right approach because it shows you are not using your child as a weapon to beat your ex over the head with. That is very important. The supervisory reports are very important in showing that you are a good parent and will also show to an extent the problems you are facing in trying to ensure good contact with the child. It is a pain re the CAFCASS person but at least they read your notes and they can be cross referenced to the supervisory notes. I think it sounds like a positive meeting.
Got to say that your focus on "what is in the best interests of the child" is the right approach because it shows you are not using your child as a weapon to beat your ex over the head with. That is very important. The supervisory reports are very important in showing that you are a good parent and will also show to an extent the problems you are facing in trying to ensure good contact with the child. It is a pain re the CAFCASS person but at least they read your notes and they can be cross referenced to the supervisory notes. I think it sounds like a positive meeting.