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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

    I got a reply from BOS of course thy have done nothing wrong as the ppi had no link on the amount still outstanding(?) going to write again with the proviso that I will now esculate it to FOS, keep on with paying them (cannot see them turning it down) nothing for RW as yet but no doubt there will be communicationg soon.
    Would like to how much they "paid" for it!
    Never give up, Never surrender.


    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

      Another PPI case lost in court.

      Seems like they made the mistake of following CAG's advice and took the lender - rather than the broker who actually sold the PPI - to court.

      ''HHJ Maloney QC in Cambridge County Court decided the case of Conway v Paragon Personal Finance Limited, which is unreported, favourably to the lender in July. In that case the court considered that ICOBS was not applicable to a lender where the borrower had contact with a broker and that the borrower’s vulnerability is key in determining whether commission should be disclosed.''

      Optima Legal - Payment protection insurance?


      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

        Most of us never had contact with the broker though, even with so-called non-advised PPI sales.


        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

          I have a case in court at the moment where the lender says, "it wasnt us, it was the broker".

          I did NOT go through a broker...FACT.

          Not all consumers making claims are aware of how to deal with this type of tactic, I certainly wasnt at first.

          Every case is unique, there is no "one size fits all" approach to a claim.

          Also, I dont think it helps to slag off other sites/fora that are offering help and advice. I suspect there are far more PPI success than there are losses at any rate.
          Last edited by MrZ; 11th August 2011, 16:04:PM.


          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

            Originally posted by MrZ View Post
            Also, I dont think it helps to slag off other sites/fora that are offering help and advice. I suspect there are far more PPI success than there are losses at any rate.
            I didn't slag anyone off. I said it was a mistake to follow CAG's advice that you should pursue the lender for a mis-selling claim regardless of the fact that the liability falls squarely on the shoulders of the seller ie the broker - where one is involved, not just in law but also in the eyes of the FSA & FOS.

            You may suspect that there are more PPI cases won in court than lost - perhaps you could point me in the direction of some.
            Last edited by EXC; 11th August 2011, 16:57:PM.


            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

              Wollerton v Blackhorse
              Yates v Nemo
              Thorius v MBNA

              I am sure there are many others that have either settled or were decided in the county court and have been unreported.

              If the banks were winning the majority of claims, their PR guru's would be having a field day. The lenders keep relying on the same old arguments and these arguments are being defeated.

              Regarding slagging off other sites/fora I am also remembering your comment in post 4189


              All I am saying is these sort of comments are not helpful to anyone.


              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                Originally posted by MrZ View Post
                Wollerton v Blackhorse
                Yates v Nemo
                Thorius v MBNA

                I am sure there are many others that have either settled or were decided in the county court and have been unreported.

                If the banks were winning the majority of claims, their PR guru's would be having a field day. The lenders keep relying on the same old arguments and these arguments are being defeated.

                Regarding slagging off other sites/fora I am also remembering your comment in post 4189


                All I am saying is these sort of comments are not helpful to anyone.
                The last 3 PPI cases since I know about since the JR have been lost. Here's 2 where adverse costs were awarded Resolving PPI complaints – pay them all, defend in Court or request a FOS hearing? | Regulatory Law

                As for slagging off other sites, I have an unchallengable right to my opinion - not a concept embraced by GAG.

                And I do think it's genuinely helpful to draw attention to misleading and demonstrably inaccurate advice. Clearly you don't.


                • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                  Originally posted by EXC View Post
                  The last 3 PPI cases since I know about since the JR have been lost. Here's 2 where adverse costs were awarded Resolving PPI complaints – pay them all, defend in Court or request a FOS hearing? | Regulatory Law

                  As for slagging off other sites, I have an unchallengable right to my opinion - not a concept embraced by GAG.

                  And I do think it's genuinely helpful to draw attention to misleading and demonstrably inaccurate advice. Clearly you don't.
                  I am all for pointing out errors in information given as fact. Advice on the other hand can not be accurate or inaccurate. It is advice. It is ultimately up to the individual to accept or reject it.

                  As for the link you posted, its quite obvious the 2 cases were on "sketchy" ground from the beginning. In both cases, it was a matter of the evidence submitted. I don't think anyone, whether at CAG or here, would knowingly advise someone to start a court claim when the evidence doesn't support a mis-sale.

                  Moreover, I have to ask what is the true intent of your comments? Is it a personal vendetta against another site, a suggestion that consumers (who have valid claims of mis-selling) should not be seeking fair and just resolution, or something else that isn't quite clear in your comment?

                  I certainly don't wish to instigate a debate where none is necessary, but I do think that unless one can point to specific areas of mis-information or intentionally misleading advice, its probably best to refrain from posting those opinions in a public forum... where a large percentage of readers may not fully appreciate the reasons one has for holding those opinions.

                  I also agree you are fully entitled to your opinion, but I do have to question the motive behind, what appears on face value, to be leaning toward retaliation.

                  I will be the first to say, that unless one is fully prepared for the long battle and the risk of adverse costs, that court action shouldn't even be considered. For many however, given the greedy underhanded tactics of the lenders, and their refusal to set right the consequences of their wrong doing, legal action will be the only option.


                  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                    Originally posted by MrZ View Post
                    I certainly don't wish to instigate a debate where none is necessary, but I do think that unless one can point to specific areas of mis-information or intentionally misleading advice, its probably best to refrain from posting those opinions in a public forum... where a large percentage of readers may not fully appreciate the reasons one has for holding those opinions.
                    If we could add 'irresponsible' to specific areas of mis-information, I'd be happy to oblige.


                    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                      Originally posted by EXC View Post
                      If we could add 'irresponsible' to specific areas of mis-information, I'd be happy to oblige.
                      Fair enough.


                      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                        Originally posted by MrZ View Post
                        Fair enough.
                        Okey doke.

                        One particular site team member's stock answer to whether time barring applies to PPI claims, regardless of whether it's made in court or to the FOS, is that ''there is no time limit on PPI reclaims.''

                        PPI Newbie

                        No doubt due to your unswerving faith in CAG you'd assume that to be good advice and in no way misleading.

                        Or would you?

                        Re: Welcome Finance PPI and Mr Z

                        A Sunderland county court case Paul Holyoak v Lloyds TSB Bank plc was a success for the lender. The judge ruled that the claim was time barred and that the claimant could not rely on s32 of the Limitations Act.

                        Same thing in Carson & Hazell v Black Horse Limited... the claim was time barred

                        Now I am beginning to understand why the barrister said that the claim is time barred. I think this needs serious attention as it could cost me my entire claim. Does anyone know if the 12 year limit for secured loans/mortgages would apply to these PPI claims?

                        Welcome Finance PPI and Mr Z - Page 29


                        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                          I refer to my earlier post. And in summary, any advice or opinion given should be taken with a grain of salt. One should not and cannot take anything found on a forum or the internet as fact or a blanket application.

                          I am very much aware of the need to confirm independently any advice or opinion, as is demonstrated in the post from CAG you kindly presented here. Its obvious that I am not relying solely on a lay person's opinion, and have sought advice from qualified experts.

                          Having said that, it is an unfortunate reality that many forum users will take information out of context and run with it, under the misguided belief that law or legality is simple and straight forward.

                          That doesn't change the fact that you obviously have a bone of contention with at least one other consumer advice forum. I'm sure you probably have very good reason for this. However your reasons are not clear, and even if they were, I don't agree that its appropriate to display cooments of that nature in a forum without giving the reader the privilege of knowing the "full story". BTW, I am not asking that you provide the full story, because I don't want, or need to know.

                          I don't have unswerving faith in CAG or LB. I frequent both sites in order to find information and advice as pertains to my individual situation. I am smart enough and wise enough to weed through opinion and statements of fact.

                          Not everyone will get it right all the time or every time. A mistake with good intentions is still a mistake, but that can not be seen to be the same as wilful or intentional misleading.

                          My own personal experience is that I am able to find more robust and informed opinions on CAG than any other site, including this one. That does not mean that every opinion I find should be relied on as fact.

                          I think its important to remember why people visit the fora. That reason is that the average user doesn't know what their rights are, or what legal options are available to them in given circumstance.

                          There will be times when an answer is incorrect. If you or I, or anyone else, know an answer to be incorrect or mistaken, we should aim to clarify the answer. I don't see the benefit of making general statement against another person or forum, when such a statement is not support by facts or at least the right context.

                          Again, I am not saying there may not be reasons for the statements, but those reasons are not evident in the statement themselves. Perhaps a thread dedicated to the reasons for the statements would be beneficial, or perhaps not.

                          Either way, to the casual reader, or to the forum user who doesn't know your underlying reasons, it appears to be a blanket statement just as misleading as the post you point to.

                          I apologise for the length of the reply, and realise this thread is not the ideal place for such a discussion, but humbly ask you consider the effect that such statements can have on those who read it. Especially those who don't have the benefit of the underlying story...whatever that story might be. We are all on the same team afterall, or least we should be.
                          Last edited by MrZ; 11th August 2011, 20:12:PM.


                          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                            Mr Z

                            I agree with you, we are all on the same side, fighting the rip off lenders and getting redress for consumers.

                            We believe in sharing information for the benefit of all consumers, that's how we can fight back properly.

                            So, I'm going to set you a little challenge!

                            You'll notice that EXC posted a link above to your thread on CAG. That's great because that means readers on all fora can access that thread and all others.

                            The challenge is: Go over to CAG and post a link to something really useful on Legal Beagles, something that could really help CAG members.

                            Come back and tell me how that went.
                            "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

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                            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                              And while you're at it you could do worse than tell Marc Gander, contrary to what he advised on the BBC website.....

                              ''This is where you will learn the ropes and it is free.
                              Do not pay much attention to the story that you can only claim for the previous six years.
                              You are probably claiming for the return of money paid under a mistake.
                              For money paid by mistake, you usually have six years from the date you became aware of the mistake. So make your claim as far back as you want.''

                              BBC News - PPI: How to reclaim your premiums

                              .....is in fact garbage....

                              ''Therefore, Mr Holyoak said that he should be allowed to take advantage of the extended limitation periods for (a) negligence claims afforded by section 14 (A) of the 1980 Act (3 years from the date when the claimant knew or ought to have known material facts about the loss suffered) or (b) claims in respect of relief from the consequences of mistake under section 32 of the 1980 Act (the limitation period not beginning to run until the claimant discovered the mistake).''

                              ''District Judge Loomba, sitting in Sunderland County Court, considered Lloyds’ submission that section 14A of the 1980 Act only applied to actions founded on negligence and did not apply so as to save the misrepresentation claim. He agreed and held that Mr Holyoak’s claims arising under in relation to the 2004 agreement and the policy were “statute barred”. ''

                              Time called on PPI mis-selling - Lexology

                              ......and after a week when you'll see that his BBC advice remains unaltered, come back here and try to convince us he's not knowingly giving misleading advice.
                              Last edited by EXC; 11th August 2011, 20:36:PM.


                              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                                Originally posted by Celestine View Post
                                Mr Z

                                I agree with you, we are all on the same side, fighting the rip off lenders and getting redress for consumers.

                                We believe in sharing information for the benefit of all consumers, that's how we can fight back properly.

                                So, I'm going to set you a little challenge!

                                You'll notice that EXC posted a link above to your thread on CAG. That's great because that means readers on all fora can access that thread and all others.

                                The challenge is: Go over to CAG and post a link to something really useful on Legal Beagles, something that could really help CAG members.

                                Come back and tell me how that went.
                                I am aware that CAG doesn't allow links to this forum. It is unfortunate, because as you and I agree, we are all on the same side.


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