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PPI and Court

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  • Re: PPI and Court

    Hi, just got back now - not read through all details but did you come to any conclusions on this after in regards of non compliant via ICO?


    • Re: PPI and Court

      Have they actually offered you a figure on Loan 1? I seem to remember they have but tbh have lost the will to read all the way back through again.If they have, how different was it from the figure Bill, Marshy and Turbo came up with?

      I also seem to remember you were fairly happy with things until this idea of the SAR came up again.

      What will you actually gain if you go to Court with this? Seems to me you could stand to lose more than you are gaining, just over a few sheets of paper? Sorry PF but this is beginning to remind me of those CCA arguments where people get a bit blinkered then it all goes down the toilet...

      Just my opinion mate and please don't take offence, but you know me, I tell it how I see it.
      Is no longer here


      • Re: PPI and Court

        but why should they get off complying with a lawful request hell they did not even comply in 2008 so my question to you all is why have they not complied laws are there for this very reason and what is the point in the government putting those acts in place if businesses do not comply with them seems a waste of taxpayers money
        If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



        • Re: PPI and Court

          My opinion, I agree with the above, I really understand you have been messed about and would like redress but is it worth all the stress?
          Take the money and let it go, let them think they may have gotten away with a little bit, we know different.
          Enaid x


          • Re: PPI and Court

            Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
            but why should they get off complying with a lawful request hell they did not even comply in 2008 so my question to you all is why have they not complied laws are there for this very reason and what is the point in the government putting those acts in place if businesses do not comply with them seems a waste of taxpayers money
            with you on this PF.

            if you don't pursue it you may always regret not having done so...even if the end result goes against you. weigh up the pros and cons PF, but its not just about the money all of this (what we are doing here) is it? its about consumer rights and principles of law.
            Last edited by The Debt Star; 15th November 2010, 15:10:PM.


            • Re: PPI and Court

              If you can afford to actually fight about consumer rights and principles of law.... the redress's ARE and were correct all along and it was over at another site he was told they were not.
              Last edited by marshallka; 15th November 2010, 15:24:PM.


              • Re: PPI and Court

                Originally posted by marshallka View Post
                If you can afford to actually fight about consumer rights and principals of law.... the redress's ARE and were correct all along and it was over at another site he was told they were not.
                sure, but i'm sick to death with the banks et al not complying with SARs, CCAs, and intentionally refusing to recognise valid disputes because they know they will get away with it.


                • Re: PPI and Court

                  Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
                  sure, but i'm sick to death with the banks et al not complying with SARs, CCAs, and intentionally refusing to recognise valid disputes because they know they will get away with it.
                  I am sure if the ICO get enough complaints on a firm they HAVE to intervene don't they. I know they are waste of time TBH but don't really know what their job is and what CAN happen to firms that have lots of complaints against them?


                  • Re: PPI and Court

                    I feel so frustrated for PF...I have been - and am - in the same situation with creditors as PF.

                    The ICO are a waste of space. Hopeless.


                    • Re: PPI and Court

                      You can take your complaint further with the ICO

                      Taking your complaint further - Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

                      And one here about taking your case to court if you have suffered loss

                      Last edited by marshallka; 15th November 2010, 16:05:PM.


                      • Re: PPI and Court

                        On my phone posting this so this evening when i can kick the wife off my pc lol i will go though this whole thread and the one OTR and post up all the lies they have told some of which is absolutely unbelieveable then you will see why i am taking this stance indeed everyone things the co-op are white as white but believe me when i say they are no differant or indeed operate no differant to the rest ethical my a*** that is a smoke screen
                        If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                        • Re: PPI and Court

                          I firmly believe the way to go now is getting a solicitor to initially send the bank an LBA to comply and if that still does not work take solicitors instruction and if he believes the case is strong in court on the evidance i have so be it as im sure the sol will consolt a barsister first

                          And im not talking a CMC here but a pucker solicitor
                          If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                          • Re: PPI and Court

                            Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
                            but why should they get off complying with a lawful request hell they did not even comply in 2008 so my question to you all is why have they not complied laws are there for this very reason and what is the point in the government putting those acts in place if businesses do not comply with them seems a waste of taxpayers money
                            Why not try and get your original ICO complaint re-opened?

                            I did this re: RBS and John Squire (ICO) re-opened mine; much quicker than logging a new complaint!


                            • Re: PPI and Court

                              Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
                              believe me when i say they are no differant or indeed operate no differant to the rest ethical my a*** that is a smoke screen
                              lol, with you there good buddy. Sheisters the lot. And they need showing up for what they truly are.


                              • Re: PPI and Court

                                Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
                                I firmly believe the way to go now is getting a solicitor to initially send the bank an LBA to comply and if that still does not work take solicitors instruction and if he believes the case is strong in court on the evidance i have so be it as im sure the sol will consolt a barsister first

                                And im not talking a CMC here but a pucker solicitor
                                Pompeyfaith, what do you want to get a solicitor involved for, is this for the SAR request aone? What is your complaint with a solicitor? I asked for a sar from co-op and had similar problems to you but when I asked again I then got all my statements of account and agreements too. FOS got the same so I would say that you will get your SAR without need for a solicitor. There must be some other reason here as to what you expecting to gain because if you take to court for the SAR i thought it was only financial loss you can claim for and there would be some argument as to what you have actually lost here.... ?????

                                Your original complaint was PPI wasn't and they offered you a redress that you thought was not correct. They were actually correct though so I don't know what your complaint is? I am a little lost here. Is this for the first loan that was about 10 years ago?


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