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PPI and Court

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  • Re: PPI and Court

    Been a long day--Marshy still to check Loans 2 & 4 but we agreed principles on loans where no refund was given (1,2 &4) & we agreed principles on loans with a rebate

    Its very time consuming of course so will have to do others during the day/night tomorrow--after hospital


    Assuming we calculate the No Of Payments right (in absence of statements) and hence Settlement figure using the calculator---ROUGHLY---I believe

    Loan 1--£1,547 extra over Co-Op offer is required
    Loan 2--£586.75 extra over Co-Op offer is required
    Loan 4--£900.93 extra over Co-Op offer is required
    Loan 5--£134 is being offered extra to what we calculate

    SO---we have good grounds for PF to not accept and follow through with DSAR as Bill & Angry Cat will assist

    Summary so far as attached



    • Re: PPI and Court

      Ah, Norwich Union, the good old 'respectable' name that used to be, but now just a brand name;
      many have gripes with same...

      PF, you need to do much digging.


      • Re: PPI and Court

        Final E-Mail



        Above supercedes all else (attachments not in this post)

        Have redone the Stewart figures as I have a revised No Of Pymnts row (instead of the assumtion we took using the early PF SS’s posted)

        See you all tomorrow—but I don’t think we need to go at it full time now as we have all agreed that the offer is deficient in loans 1,2 & 4 by big sums-so feel confident in telling PF to reject it

        It certainly has been a hectic couple of days--& thanks Marshy —its good to bounce ideas and get an agreement



        • Re: PPI and Court


          Wow that is quite a differance and worth holding off either way until we have all the info to hand

          It has indeed been a long day for you all and i am very grateful to you all a stonking group effort indeed PF
          ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
          TB agreed not a lot more can be done now until we get all the info
          Last edited by pompeyfaith; 3rd October 2010, 23:40:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
          If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



          • Re: PPI and Court

            I would suggest that the FOS is frankly out of order, i do not see how you can possibly accept an offer that you do not know, you could not contract on such terms and the offer needs to be clear and all its terms understood before acceptance can take place as a general rule.

            Have the FOS given any reason for the secrecy ? i honestly cant see how the offer which you need to accept can remain secret[Quote]

            PF, you need to employ an immense amount of, digging..

            After same, wait for 'them' to pursue you.


            • Re: PPI and Court

              Last edited by Turboman; 4th October 2010, 06:06:AM. Reason: Moved to another post with my letter


              • Re: PPI and Court

                PF--when I said I don't do letters only sums--I lied!!
                Right I'm unhappy in the direction we are going with this DSAR business--lets step back from the brink and consider what we are trying to achieve.

                Over the last 3 years PF has fought FOS lethargy and Co-Op intransience and with the help of folks initially on CAG and latterly the posters in the early part of this thread--HE HAS WON
                Yes--the Co-Op have accepted mis-selling on all 9 loans and have made a detailed offer of £7,400 (24th August 2010)

                All that remains is to view the statements so Marshy & me can verify the offer.

                So I do not think a standard DSAR "in your face-obey within 40 days or else" is helpful---it will only drag things out for a few weeks and there is always a chance the offer could be rescinded ( AnyChance lost out on PAG through dithering a bit--we are trying to get it back ).

                What I now propose PF is a civil letter directly responded to the offer figures and pointing out reservations-finishing with an insistence that we need the Statements & Settlement data -backed up by a formal DSAR--but we don't need all the stuff--you've already won--just need sums stuff--that's all----(agreements in post 40 by the way Marshy)-

                Last edited by Turboman; 4th October 2010, 06:51:AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • Re: PPI and Court

                  I agree with the above Turbo as going by their offers (which some do seem correct) it does look like they are stating that there were "rebates" on other loans too which they have not backed up.

                  IF they can back them up as to why loan number one for instance they are offering £806.76 and we get a figure of over double (because we are working as if there was no rebate of the insurance which I feel there was TBH!!!) then that is fair enough but without this information no-one can actually say what is right and what is wrong. The settlement statements are what we really need which would show the exact settlement figures for each loan.

                  I got mine but only on the second time of asking them but they did eventually back up their redress's.


                  • Re: PPI and Court

                    Here's the first letter

                    The Co-operative Bank plc
                    Customer Feedback
                    Miller Street
                    M60 0AL
                    4th October 2010
                    For the attention of Marc Davis

                    Loan Account Numbers 089081 22449872, 80, 81,80, 83, 84, 81, 85, 82 & 83

                    Dear Marc

                    Thankyou for your letter of 24th August 2010 with the updated figures for the PPI refunds.

                    I am still not happy that the Co-op have never sent me Loan Statements and settlement information on each loan-despite formally requesting them on 15/5/2008.

                    Also, I gather from the FOS that the Co-op refuse to expand on these sub-totals "as the stat interest will vary".

                    Because of the above, I have taken specialist advice to comment on the figures and I basically vehemently disagree with your figures—especially Loans 80,81,83—ie the loans where no rebate was given (see letter of 10/10/2008 from Lisa Hudson-ref 2427693/SM).

                    In the absence of the missing factual data, we have deduced the number of payments on these loans by comparing the start payment date from the Agreement and your date included against each loan in your offer letter.

                    We have also extrapolated the Settlement Figure to close each loan using the standard Stewart Rule of 78 Calculator.—and apportioned that figure for the PPI element + stat interest of 8% from settlement date.

                    On these 3 loans we find your offers are dramatically low:

                    --Loan 80 refund should be around £2,354 rather than your £806
                    --Loan 81 refund should be around £1,386 rather than your £799
                    --Loan 83 refund should be around £2,091 rather than your £1,050

                    Therefore, as you will not explain your figures, I insist on receiving the loan statements for all 9 loans showing all transactions from opening balance to closing balance of zero.

                    I feel that the only way that you will comply is with a formal DSAR which is also enclosed with this letter-please forward it onto your Data Controller.

                    Yours sincerely



                    • Re: PPI and Court

                      I've altered the DSAR PF---but you must send £10 or they will bounce it as its different depts & they will get muddled up
                      I think it best to send this as an attachment to your letter to Marc Davis so he knows you are getting legal on him

                      Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post

                      Data Controller
                      The Co-operative Bank PLC
                      P.O. BOX 200
                      LEVEL 2
                      DELF HOUSE
                      WN8 6NY

                      Date 4TH October 2010

                      DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998
                      SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST

                      Dear Sir/Madam

                      Account NOs 089081 22449872 80,81,80,83,84,81,85,82 & 83

                      I originally requested my information on 15/5/08 in a formal DSAR-but on 6/10/2008 you returned my £10 and said it wasn't a DSAR--but you only
                      sent me all the agreements but not the Loan Statements and Settlement figures

                      Please supply me with a complete list of all the following for the 9 Loan Accounts held with you.

                      1. All 9 Loan Statements from Opening Balance to Closing Balance of zero.---including Settlement Figures used when terminating said loans early.

                      2. Where any previous information or records held have been deleted or disposed of, the methods used to do so, including dates, certificates or references confirming details of destruction. Where you are unable to provide such certificates, please provide a declaration, signed by an authorised officer of your company, confirming the dates and methods of destruction of this data.

                      3. This request should include any Data held for more than 6 years as under the Data Protection Act there is no time limit for information requested.

                      Please note inaccurate information supplied would be a breach of the money laundering regulations.

                      I enclose the statutory £10 to access the information.


                      I look forward to hearing from you in the first instance of receipt.

                      Yours Sincerely
                      ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                      ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------

                      Could you post up a Co-Op statement --especiaaly the last page--if personal-E-mail me


                      If this gets tagged behind the DSAR letter---Grrrrr---how do I stop all this Automerge business ?
                      Last edited by Turboman; 4th October 2010, 07:32:AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • Re: PPI and Court

                        Cool letter TM as the FOS is in the frame on this can that letter be editted to suit them also ?
                        If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                        • Re: PPI and Court

                          I have scanned to computer in PDF (????) but need to block out personal stuff. Can anyone tell me how you do this?


                          • Re: PPI and Court

                            Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
                            Cool letter TM as the FOS is in the frame on this can that letter be editted to suit them also ?
                            You could just E-Mail them to say you want more time and you have asked Co-Op for more clarification as you have been advised that the figures are incorrect--enclose the 2 letters

                            But--you don't need to bother much with FOS--they acted as intermediatery (or some word like that) & the case is won

                            Just deal direct with Co-Op for time being & ICO again if we have to--but I suspect that Co-op will now "put up or shut up" now they know you have called in the cavalry-and are being specific in challenging their figures.

                            Last edited by Amethyst; 4th October 2010, 08:39:AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                            • Re: PPI and Court

                              Marshallka scan a copy to file then open with paint and use the tools to rub out personals save a copy then convert to .pdf
                              If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                              • Re: PPI and Court

                                to be honest here the fos as hindered rather than helped indeed you bill and marshy have done more in this part week than they have done in 2yrs
                                If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



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