Re: Cartel using Burleys solicitors ?
Model wise - well Ratio are hiring (ad in July 09) 'Appointed Representatives' , through the company RATIO SEARCH & SELECTION LIMITED which Matthew Porteus (who set up Ratio as director originally) is Director of. IE. They are moving into Reps much like TCW and Cartel do (self-employed, operating on a commission-only basis.) Previously, afaik, they only had introducers from other MOJ reg'd companies. Be interesting to see how far down the ''MLM'' route they go.
Model wise - well Ratio are hiring (ad in July 09) 'Appointed Representatives' , through the company RATIO SEARCH & SELECTION LIMITED which Matthew Porteus (who set up Ratio as director originally) is Director of. IE. They are moving into Reps much like TCW and Cartel do (self-employed, operating on a commission-only basis.) Previously, afaik, they only had introducers from other MOJ reg'd companies. Be interesting to see how far down the ''MLM'' route they go.