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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

    As soon as the pack arrives she must return it within 14 days. She could also send an email advising that she has changed her mind.

    Make sure she sends it by special/recorded delivery with a letter requesting a FULL refund and that she wants a confirmation thatvthey are delaing with this.

    If she paid by credit card she could also use the chargeback facility.

    Do not give them any further personal details.


    Originally posted by Haddock&Chips View Post
    I,m most upset my girlfriend has just paid CCR £554.45.

    I was away at work when she was called by this company.

    So i did some research came across your site Lo & behold most intresting.

    She showed me a letter with cross reference to Lifestyle Claims.

    It seems she was hooked line & sinkered as these cretins pray on the easy prey with hard sell tactics.

    She seems to think they will pay off her mortgage i said dream on.

    It,s now the case of will she ever see her money again.


    • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

      Hi again,
      I wrote a letter to the MD of Lifestyle claims on the 4th February, covering the background and stating the details you suggested in your reply, as shown in the extracted paragraph below;
      'During the conversation I was informed that Lifestyle Claims were regulated by the Ministry of Justice. If this were the case, and you were following their guidelines, you should not have cold called me and you should not have requested upfront fees. I now demand that you return my money in full within 14 days, otherwise I will report this matter to the Ministry of Justice, OFT and Trading Standards and I will also request intervention from my credit card company by way of a charge back, as you sold me a service which you could not deal with at the time of this being sold to me.'
      They were unable to contact me by phone, so they sent me an email, asking me to phone them. Should I ring them or just contact them again by email? I am worried that they will persuade me to continue with the original claim if I talk to someone on the phone. Also an email would provide a written record of the events. Your advice please.


      • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

        In my view I would e-mail them and insist on a response by the same method.


        • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

          Thank again for your advice.
          I replied by email to
          Lifestyle Claims and have just received a response from them, it is;
          Thank you for your email. As you have attempted to cancel outside of your 14 day “cooling off” period, we are unable to cancel your claim and process a refund at this stage. Please refer to the customer pre-contractual information for full details of the cancellation procedure.

          We have also received a letter from yourself in response to this letter we would advised the following: If we were a Claims Management Company (CMC) passing information directly to solicitors then we would not be permitted to ‘cold call’ potential clients. However we as a CMC use other CMC’s and our own in-house legal teams to process claims so it is therefore permissible for us to ‘cold call’. We as a company only use ‘opt in data’; which is collected via customers ticking a box when making an application of some sort and consenting to third party contact.

          We would advise that you complete and return your claims pack at your earliest convenience as we believe you have potential claims. Upon receipt of your completed claims pack we will process your claims as normal; in the unlikely event that your claim(s) come back as unsuccessful you will be entitled to a full refund.

          If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact our customer services department via telephone or email.

          Kind Regards,

          Claims Account Manager'

          What would you suggest I should do now?



          • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

            They are correct , more or less, on the cold calling issue - maybe ask them which CMCs they refer you to, did they tell you they only referred you to other CMCs in the initial contact and in the paperwork they sent you. Also did they take the fee before you received the information ? Have a read through this https://www.claimsregulation.gov.uk/...ust%202010.pdf I'm pretty sure there will be some other points you can pick them up on.

            Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

            Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


            • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

              Hi All,

              My Girlfriend is on there Lifestyle pack for missold mortgage.

              She contacted them on the phone but got fobbed off that she had passed the cooling off period.

              I have called there phone number & they seem to change there name at will.

              What do you think the next course of action should be.


              • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                Missold mortgage ? did she have PPI ? In what way have they said her mortgage may be missold ?

                How much has she paid them upfront ?

                Has she completed the pack and returned it ? Or tried to return it , not completed, and they have refused ?

                We'll need to know date she agreed to go ahead and date she received, and returned the pack, if she did, date of the phone call to cancel etc.

                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                  Thanks again,

                  I was not aware that they only referred me to other CMC's, during the initial phone call, but I may have missed it in their sales pitch. Although they do say in their email that they use some in-house legal teams to process the claims. I was reading through their sheet of small print in their terms and conditions and there is a sentence that says
                  'We process the claim in house or pass them onto our agent or also pass them onto a panel solicitor depending on the complexity and value of the claim . . . . . .
                  Off course I had already paid the fee before I received the terms and conditions in their claims package.

                  How do you think I should proceed now?


                  • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                    Upfront fees is probably your best angle.

                    From that document I linked to before

                    Rule 11 requires a business to provide specific information in writing (electronic versions are sufficient) before a contract is agreed (details below).
                    General Rule 5 requires a business to “observe all laws and regulations relating to its business.”
                    The Provision of Services Regulations 2009, Regulation 11 requires businesses to provide certain information (which includes the information in Rule 11) to be provided “in good time before the conclusion of a contract …”
                    11. Information which must be made available or supplied by the provider of a service in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter must be made available or supplied—
                    (a)in a clear and unambiguous manner, and
                    (b)in good time before the conclusion of the contract or, where there is no written contract, before the service is provided (unless the information is requested as specified in regulation 9 after the provision of the service).)

                    In the Conduct of Authorised Persons Rules 2007 there is also;

                    Regulation 11

                    11. A business must provide the client with the following information in writing or
                    electronically before a contract is agreed –
                    a) Honest, comprehensive and objective written information to assist the
                    client to reach a decision including the risks involved in making a claim,
                    in particular the possibility of losing money and, in the case of legal
                    action, appearing in court.
                    b) The services that will be provided, in a way that does not misrepresent,
                    either by implication or omission, any term or condition or by whom the
                    service will be provided.
                    c) The procedures that will be followed.
                    d) Contracts, including for insurance or loans, that the client will be asked
                    to agree to.
                    e) Any charge the business makes. Where this is a percentage of
                    compensation payable the percentage must be indicated together with a
                    typical example of the actual cost in pounds, or more than one example
                    if the business makes differential charges.
                    f) Any referral fee paid to, or other financial arrangement with, any other
                    person in respect of introducing the claim.
                    g) Any costs that the client may have to pay, including repayments on a
                    loan taken out for any purpose and the purchase of a legal expenses
                    insurance policy, and whether the client will be liable to pay any shortfall
                    in recoverable costs or premiums from the losing defendant party.
                    h) Documentation needed to pursue the claim.
                    i) Any relationship to a particular solicitor or panel of solicitors.
                    j) Procedures to follow in the event of a complaint.
                    k) How the client may cancel the contract and the consequences of
                    cancellation including the reimbursement of any costs paid during the
                    cancellation period and any costs or penalty that has to be paid after the
                    14 day cooling off period.
                    l) The statement that the business is “regulated by the Ministry of Justice
                    in respect of regulated claims management activities” and the
                    authorisation number of the business. This requirement applies one
                    month after the date of authorisation of the business.


                    15. A business must allow a ‘cooling off’ period of at least 14 days after signing
                    any agreement,

                    You have not signed any agreement.

                    Also I'd mention you will take your case to consumer direct, oft, trading standards and the MOJ.

                    The company comes under the umbrella of Client Connection Ltd
                    and they have recently had an amendment to their directors

                    AP01 11/01/2011 DIRECTOR APPOINTED MR GEORGE STANTON



                    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                    • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                      Cento used to say that they have solicitors who dealt with the cases, in fact all it was, was another claims management company and after after doing intensive research, which I have this backed up in writing that this company do not employ any solicitors, neither do they out source to solicitors.

                      In this article on another CMC, the MOJ state that there is a long list of information that must be agreed by the consumer BEFORE any money is taken.

                      Have a read of this article (nothing to do with Cento) but you can see what the MOJ are saying in relation to following strict procedures and use this in your response to Cento...TONY HETHERINGTON: Suspended... but he's back | Mail Online

                      This is the relevant bit and if they did not follow this proceedure then you have good grounds for a refund:-
                      "In dealing with you, CCS got off on the wrong foot. Ministry rules say that before a payment is taken, firms must go through a long check list of information, including warning you about appearing in court and losing money. And even then, customers have a 14-day cooling-off period"
                      Last edited by TUTTSI; 15th February 2011, 18:42:PM.


                      • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                        Hi All,

                        I have asked her if she had ppi but she can,t remember .

                        She can,t remember when she sent it back so not much help.

                        I managed to contact them today & had a right talk with them.

                        The girlfriend had to talk to them to confirm it was her.

                        I asked them how much they took from her account it amounted to nearly £600.

                        They said this was for Mortgage Admin fees christ what a joke.

                        I said what is the MD,s name Mike Jones she replied i said there are millions of Mike Jones in Wales.

                        I told her they have taken vast ammounts of money from people with no returns she said so what ?

                        I said i would report them to the MOJ she then said if they were not doing a good job they would not have the licence.

                        They also stated they would send a Financial Advisor to your house in person i said you must have some amount working for you.

                        She came away with a belter saying Asda & Tesco get complaints i said yeah but they don,t rip off people.

                        I could phone the A-----S till i,m blue in the face so full of themselfs.


                        • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                          Read both Amethyst and my previous posts....

                          Dont phone them again keep everything in writing.

                          Use the information that we have provided to you to write a strong letter and send it to them by recorded/special delivery and demand your money back as they have not followed the MOJ guidelines and are in serious breaches. Taking £600 without making you fully aware of all the pitfulls is not good for them and if you fight hard enough you will get ALL the money back.


                          Originally posted by Haddock&Chips View Post
                          Hi All,

                          I have asked her if she had ppi but she can,t remember .

                          She can,t remember when she sent it back so not much help.

                          I managed to contact them today & had a right talk with them.

                          The girlfriend had to talk to them to confirm it was her.

                          I asked them how much they took from her account it amounted to nearly £600.

                          They said this was for Mortgage Admin fees christ what a joke.

                          I said what is the MD,s name Mike Jones she replied i said there are millions of Mike Jones in Wales.

                          I told her they have taken vast ammounts of money from people with no returns she said so what ?

                          I said i would report them to the MOJ she then said if they were not doing a good job they would not have the licence.

                          They also stated they would send a Financial Advisor to your house in person i said you must have some amount working for you.

                          She came away with a belter saying Asda & Tesco get complaints i said yeah but they don,t rip off people.

                          I could phone the A-----S till i,m blue in the face so full of themselfs.


                          • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                            Just thought I would let you know I am still seeking my refund - 2 years it is now!!
                            I complained in writing many times and to the Ministry of Justice who stated they "would look into it". Surprise surprise every time I ring CCR (with a new name every time) they say "I should hear soon!!!!" - no reasons given for the 2 year rather than 12 weeks promised!!
                            Ah well, I'll keep on trying!


                            • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                              Hi Linda

                              I think hun it is time for action. Do not phone them, send them a final letter before action and allow them 10 days to either repay your original fee or pay your claims.

                              2 Years is just not on and totally unacceptable.

                              Tuttsi xx

                              Originally posted by RedRose View Post
                              Just thought I would let you know I am still seeking my refund - 2 years it is now!!
                              I complained in writing many times and to the Ministry of Justice who stated they "would look into it". Surprise surprise every time I ring CCR (with a new name every time) they say "I should hear soon!!!!" - no reasons given for the 2 year rather than 12 weeks promised!!
                              Ah well, I'll keep on trying!


                              • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                                Hi again,

                                I sent an email to Lifestyle Claims and referred them to the various MOJ rules (also copied to them) that you copied to me in your last post, and concluded my email up with the following paragraphs;

                                I do not think that any of the above was covered satisfactorily by Lifestyle Claims before money was withdrawn from my credit card account. I therefore ask again that you refund my £352.50, otherwise, I will have no alternative but to take my case to consumer direct, oft, trading standards and the MOJ in an effort to retrieve my money.

                                If I do not receive a reply from you by 5:00pm on 22nd February 2011 then I will assume that the money will not be forthcoming and I will have to persue the recovery by other means.

                                I have received the following response;

                                Thank you for your email. A welcome email containing pre-contractual information was sent out to you on the 18th November 2010; which under Ministry of Justice regulations is sufficient notice of terms and conditions. You were then given 24 hours to read these terms and conditions before payment, which was taken on the 19th November 2010. The pre-contractual information clearly states that you have a 14 day cooling off period from the date your payment is taken however we did not receive your notice of cancellation until the 13th December 2010 which was 24 days later. We have fully conformed to the Ministry of Justice guidelines and as previously advised we strongly recommend for you to continue with your claims.

                                If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact our customer services department via telephone or email.

                                Kind Regards,

                                I have checked this out and it is true, they did send me a welcome email, which I only glanced at at the time. Looking closer at it now - the email does contain a lot of information covering what the MOJ rules require, including the upfront fees and the possibility of court appearances.

                                I think Lifestyle claims have covered themselves with this welcome email and so it appears to be the end of the line for me now. I think I will just have to take it on the chin and learn from it.

                                I would like to thank you all for your efforts and keep up the good work.


                                Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
                                Cento used to say that they have solicitors who dealt with the cases, in fact all it was, was another claims management company and after after doing intensive research, which I have this backed up in writing that this company do not employ any solicitors, neither do they out source to solicitors.

                                In this article on another CMC, the MOJ state that there is a long list of information that must be agreed by the consumer BEFORE any money is taken.

                                Have a read of this article (nothing to do with Cento) but you can see what the MOJ are saying in relation to following strict procedures and use this in your response to Cento...TONY HETHERINGTON: Suspended... but he's back | Mail Online

                                This is the relevant bit and if they did not follow this proceedure then you have good grounds for a refund:-
                                "In dealing with you, CCS got off on the wrong foot. Ministry rules say that before a payment is taken, firms must go through a long check list of information, including warning you about appearing in court and losing money. And even then, customers have a 14-day cooling-off period"
                                Thanks again,
                                I was not aware that they only referred me to other CMC's, but they may have mentioned it in their sales pitch. Although they do say in their email that they use some in-house legal teams to process the claims. I was reading through their sheet of small print in their terms and conditions and there is a sentence that says
                                'We process the claim in house or pass them onto our agent or also pass them onto a panel solicitor depending on the complexity and value of the claim . . . . . .
                                Off course I had already paid the fee before I received the terms and conditions in their claims package.


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