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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • Re: Cento Client Review

    Legal Redress is legalredress and nope never heard of them before either. No info on how much they charge on their site. AUTHORISATION NO: CRM13352.
    Also if I looked at their site outside this context I would take them to be a pure introducer company from the 'contact us find out if you can claim' form on their site.
    Legal Redress are also linked to/used by Claims Management UK LTD (CMUK stated LegalRedress was ''in-house". Current Director Donna Kenney - previous Directors Graham Hall & Alison Daniel. (directors changed in december 2008) (claims regulation authorisation since september 08)

    Great stuff Linda we really apppreciate you going through all of this.

    The FOS and Financial Institutions are having a bit of an argument about claims management companies. IFAs are arguing that CMCs should pay towards the FOS's running costs as they and other FIS do.

    If you look at this years FOS annual report they state they received 26% of complaints from Claims Management Companies and issued a document complaining the CMCs are not submitting the right information or waiting for a final response letter from the banks/card companies before submitting FOS forms.

    Also in this months (oops July's) newletter Walter Merricks stated

    ''But should claims-management companies, who can be assumed to be knowledgeable, be more careful and selective – and bear some responsibility if the complaints they sponsor are unjustified? Lord Hunt, in his review of our service, definitely thought so. The scatter-gun approach used by a few claims-management companies – firing off unspecific complaints about any and every product a consumer may have, without identifying what they are or what their client is concerned about – is understandably criticised.''
    Last edited by Amethyst; 2nd August 2009, 11:10:AM.

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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    • Re: Cento Client Review

      for info - http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.u...-CWletterA.pdf - the letter from the FOS to CMCs re PPI

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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      • Re: Cento Client Review

        Hi Tuttsi

        I had a look at the FOS website and the sheet Cento Client have sent me is page 4 of this document http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.u...laint_form.pdf however they have clearly retyped it for some reason as it says "compliant" instead of "complaint" in the "make sure you have" section.

        They have also removed this section (apologies for the font difference - not sure what happened there!) "for security and training purposes we may monitor or record phone calls"

        When I call them I will ask why I have received only one page.



        • Re: Cento Client Review

          It looks like your question list is getting longer by the moment.

          I look forward to hearing their responses.

          All the best


          Originally posted by Linda270609 View Post
          Hi Tuttsi

          I had a look at the FOS website and the sheet Cento Client have sent me is page 4 of this document http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.u...laint_form.pdf however they have clearly retyped it for some reason as it says "compliant" instead of "complaint" in the "make sure you have" section.

          They have also removed this section (apologies for the font difference - not sure what happened there!) "for security and training purposes we may monitor or record phone calls"

          When I call them I will ask why I have received only one page.



          • Re: Cento Client Review

            Well they will fill in the rest, it says on it you must sign this, even if someone is complaining for you.
            They would have no need to send you the rest, I don't think they would send you it after they filled it in even if you asked them lol.


            • Re: Cento Client Review

              Personally, I'd never sign something without seeing what I was signing. they could write anything on the first three pages and you've signed to say you agree.

              Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

              Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


              • Re: Cento Client Review

                Exactly, but thats why they only sent page 4 and nothing else IMHO.


                • Re: Cento Client Review

                  So someone being asked to sign this is really signing a blank peice of paper as it is meaningles. Good thinking Enaid.

                  Originally posted by enaid View Post
                  Exactly, but thats why they only sent page 4 and nothing else IMHO.


                  • Re: Cento Client Review

                    Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                    for info - http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.u...-CWletterA.pdf - the letter from the FOS to CMCs re PPI

                    Reading that it looks like the claims companies are just throwing in more or less the same reasons for mis selling of ppi and holding their breaths for a response from the FOS in all cases. Hence the reason for people signing page 4 of the FOS complaints form, before it is filled in.
                    Probably fraction wise, they may get away with a few and it is worth it for them, but now they have been given a few more pointers, they may have to alter tac a little. The FOS want more actual consumer accounts in their complaints. Now this is going to cost these firms time and money.
                    I have seen genuine cases of mis sold PPI go on and on for months, are these firms going to battle like that, I doubt it personally. I also doubr t you would get yer money back either.


                    • Re: Cento Client Review

                      I have received today a response from the complaints dept at the MOJ. I have responded immediately and informed that I have no objections and that I never received the two previous emails he sent. I have also re-sent directly to him the copy of my email which I sent on Friday and asked him for a time scale for my complaint.

                      Again I will keep you all updated.

                      Ms Tuttsi

                      I have emailed you twice – on the 15th and on the 22nd of July2009 requesting permission to disclose your details to ascertain how the business managed to get your particulars. Unfortunately I did not receive a reply. Before I can undertake any investigation I require this permission.


                      Patrick Abernethy
                      Claims Management Officer
                      Claims Management Regulation
                      Monitoring and Compliance Unit
                      57-60 High Street
                      Burton on Trent
                      DE14 1JS
                      Telephone: 0845 450 6858
                      Fax: 0845 450 6866


                      • I have telephoned the OFT regarding an OFT licence regarding Cento.

                        They have confirmed that definately they do not hold one. They are unable to take any action directly and suggest that a complaint is made to the local Trading Standards office if it is felt that they should have one.

                        They said I could look up on their site 'do you need a licence' and this should explain if one is needed.

                        Businesses requiring a licence

                        You are likely to need a licence if you want to:
                        • sell on credit
                        • hire or lease out goods for more than three months
                        • lend money
                        • issue credit cards or trading checks
                        • arrange credit for others
                        • offer hire purchase terms
                        • collect debts
                        • help people with debt problems possibly this one also for requiring a licence.
                        • advise on people's credit standing This one stands out as requiring a licence.
                        • administer agreements (but do not collect debts) for creditors or assignees
                        • help individuals to locate and correct records about their financial standing This one for me stands out as requiring a licence.
                        As far as I can see CMC's in general should be holding a licence, if they are doing the three that I have marked.

                        The OFT do not police companies who trade without a licence and they are not able to give advice on the phone one way or other. I found this very frustrating that a department that is supposed to licence companies and monitor them are not interested unless the TS take up a complaint.

                        Perhaps someone with more knowledge could advise.
                        Last edited by TUTTSI; 4th August 2009, 10:54:AM. Reason: added link from OFT web site


                        • Re: Cento Client Review


                          I reckon 'collect debts' and 'administer agreements' should fall under the need a licence umbrella. Unless anyone knows better of course.


                          • Re: Cento Client Review

                            Previous post

                            "I will try and write this as I see it - not saying I believe it all - this is just the facts as it seems.
                            1. Cento client have asked me to pay £79.99 (which I did in May) to investigate money they claim I am owed - they said although I do not have it in writing that if my claim is less than £5,000 I would get the fee back. They operate on a 25% no win no fee basis.
                            2. They call me to say that the initial investigation (in house looking at 18 flaws) has identified that some of my accounts could be "fast tracked" as I appear to have been mis sold PPI - this would cost me £199 each for the 3 claims this applies to - this work would be out sourced to Forbes Douglas who deal with "this kind of claim". I say I can't afford £600 - they say they have "special dispensation" to drop the fee to £99 each - I ask for info in writing re the sums I am entitled to reclaim.
                            3. Cento send me "engagement forms" to pass the 3 aforementioned claims to Legal Redress - another claims company who specialise in this type of claim and also a form with FOS logos on advising the FOS that I would like them to consider my complaint - it doesn't say anywhere which of the various types of claim I am apparently entitled to this relates to.

                            OK - so then I read the small print - the engagement forms have suddenly had a change from 25% fee to 30% fee !!!!"

                            New post.

                            Just thought I would post an update having rung Cento Client back - hope this makes sense but please let me know if not.
                            1. The increase in charges from 25 to 30% is due to the case being moved to Legal Redress rather than Forbes Douglas and they apparently charge more. The paperwork is for me to return to indicate an interest but there is no rush for me to pay the £99 per claim for PPI and I can leave it until I see how much I get from the "18 flaws" claims which I have already made.
                            2. Legal redress are a financial institution who use panels of people including solicitors who undertake work - some of which relates to PPI.
                            3. The financial ombudsman form is in the pack I received in case any of my complaints need sending to the ombudsman - they have agreed to send me the other 3 pages as they propose to send them before I sign the 4th page.
                            4. I asked how I could be entitled to "upto" 25% of any loan back and the explanation is that some companies charge between 15 and 25% of the loan value as PPI and they could reclaim this for me.

                            Still need to check some of it out but felt a little happier after my 45 minute chat that my current flaws claims are progressing and there is no rush re the PPI claim.

                            I also asked re what happens if I get a debt cleared and they need 30% - the answer was that Legal Redress would claim back interest I have already paid, compensation and interest on the interest which I could have had if the money was in my bank. Legal redress would ensure this reached the 30% figure so I wouldnt have more debt.

                            As I say - Im not saying I believe it all but thought I would post it as I noticed people raising some of these points.



                            • Re: Cento Client Review

                              Legal Redress are another Claims Management Compant who pass claims on to Ratio Money (another claims management company) who have 'panel solicitors' (lots of firms who will do claims for them for a fee). they could have agreements/access to solicitors firms direct I don't know as i don't know much more about them.

                              Why are your claims going to Legal Redress rather than Forbes, seeing as they previously said Forbes 'deal with these kind of claims' being PPI.

                              So basically 3 of your accounts (cards and loan?) had PPI attached to them ? (for info FOS are settling 89% of PPI complaints in consumers favour) and they are going to write to the lenders for you saying they were missold to reclaim premiums paid and interest on premiums plus 8% ? basically.

                              Which agreement are they saying is flawed ? Have they received a copy of the agreement from your lender already (possible if they started in May/June) and have they had it ''audited'' by a solicitor or just looked at it in house ?

                              Is that a seperate fee for dealing with that ?

                              So far how much do you owe cento ? £298 for the PPI claims (deferred for now) then 30% of anything refunded, plus your £79.99 upfront fee (already paid).

                              Although it is useful and very interesting you going through this I do wish you would just deal with these PPI claims at least yourself. Its really extremely easy and we'd help you and probably be a lot less effort that all this communication and working out of things with cento, plus you get everything back yourself, for you.

                              Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                              Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                              • Re: Cento Client Review

                                Hi Linda

                                2. Legal redress are a financial institution who use panels of people including solicitors who undertake work - some of which relates to PPI

                                I agree with Amethyst why have they changed from Forbes?

                                Also, is it the same scenario that they originally said Forbes were solicitors, then it appears they are definately not and neither do they have an in house solicitor dept as I found out. So why do we think that Legal redress use panels of solicitors who undertake the work what evidence do you have that this is true?

                                It is obviously your decision at the end of the day whether you want to use them or not. I really still do not understand is why Cento are not able to deal with these matters directly and have to pass you from pillar to post and again your personal data is being sent to another company.

                                What do you know about Legal Redress?
                                Do they have a Data Controller and registered with the ICO?
                                Do they hold a consumer credit licence with the OFT?

                                Another interesting point is why they have now decided to use Legal Redress and not Forbes, I wonder what sparked that off?

                                If you decide to go ahead, I wish you all the best.



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