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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • Re: Cento Client Review


    on the email the header for Forbes is missing - its where it says "customer information" about half way down.
    so there are in effect two pieces of info. Above this is cento, below is from Forbes.
    Apologies for any mis information - it occurred when copied and pasted.

    Update on my conversation with them

    I told them that I had done a bit of research on the company and didnt like what I was concluding and would not be taking up their service. Their representative asked if I had looked at forums. When I said I had he replied "forums are full of people who like to moan". I said I had been on MOJ website and there is advice to CMCs about up front fees - because they were asking for the payment of the fee today. The rep said this was not strictly true and that he would speak to his manager. While he was doing this the line went dead.
    I checked the MOJ again and there are, to me, the uneducated, many breaches of regulations governing up front fees. Whether we hadnt got to that point I will never know, but I hadnt been told alot of info.




    • Re: Cento Client Review


      Thanks for posting and I can assure you that we do not moan.... well I hope not anyway as they have suggested.

      I have already made my complaint to the MOJ, as I am still not convinced about many things with them and I have more questions than they can give answers.

      If there is anything that we can help with in the way of claiming (PPI,Credit or Bank Charges) - for free just let us know.

      The is a lot of info on these forums about all most anything and everything and lots also on the Test case



      • Re: Cento Client Review

        Hi There
        Yet another victim of Centro

        I too where called approx 18 times in all, and nearer to the end of my tether I told them to remove any records they have of me. This did not happen of course and they continued calling me. Don’t ask me why but I got so fed up with these calls, I gave in just to shut them up. They told me it’s a no win no fee and if I decide to cancel within 14 days I can do so and get my full £149.99 back. Whilst talking to the sales person “Mike Jones” he told me to stop any payments I make to my creditors including my mortgage and to pay the solicitors “Forshaws I think” instead. If I win the case then the solicitor keeps the money if I loose then my creditors will get it back. No matter of the outcome my £149.99 will be refunded but they will take 25% of the total amount won. He also told me to check www.claimsregulation.gov.uk website quoting “ CRM165008” which sounds familiar to the one mentioned in the beginning of this thread “ CRM165088” .
        Anyway when I went home to tell my partner of my decision, she advised me to do a Google search to see if the company is legit or not. To my horror I found nothing but bad things and was warned not to use them by many sites. I also learnt that their so call solicitors were not solicitors at all and just another debt management firm.
        With this in hand I called Centro the next day to cancel my order. I again spoke to Mike Jones who asked me the reasons why, I explained that I was not happy with not paying my creditors and that I would get a bad credit rating. Mike told me that my credit rating would not be affected because the accounts in question would be put on hold pending a court hearing. I decided to cancel anyway and was told that a cheque would be sent out that following Friday “5 days away”. 2 weeks past and I heard nothing so I called again and spoke to a lady in the complaints department who apologised and said it was on its way. 3 more weeks past “today” and I phoned them yet again. I rang the number “01792762387” and pressed option 2 as usual for any enquiries, to my horror the line went dead as if the number did not exist any more. I tried this several times from 2 phones with same results. I then tried option 1 which is the sales line and it rang out, I left it ringing for 15 mins on loudspeaker whilst I searched the net to see what has happened to them. Eventually a guy answered in a strange manner “wasn’t the normal sales greeting it was a low voice” . I asked whether the company had gone under as I suspected and he said no why do you say that, there are 300 people working here. When I ask why no-one answered for a long while he said they were ALL at lunch. “Well they must have a pretty impressive canteen”, or someone is telling porky’s. I asked to speak to senior management and was put through to a guy by the name of “Antony Ellis” he told me he was the senior manager and when I explained to him my issue’s he said your through to the sales team and we have nothing to do with the other teams so I cannot directly help you. He did however tell me that he would look at my account and forward my details to the other team for immediate attention. He assured me that I would receive a call back within the hour, that was 10.00am this morning.
        Iam now £149.99 out of pocket and cannot seem to get anywhere with these disorganised rouges, can anyone help or advise me on what I may do to reclaim my money.

        Thanks in advance


        • Re: Cento Client Review

          edited due to duplication.


          • Hi V32

            Thank you for posting up your encounters with Cento Client Review. We would like to have some good reviews but so far no one has had anything good to say.

            The Solicitors, which they refered to during my conversations to me were Forbes Douglas and they are actually not Solicitors just another claims management company.

            I understand that to obtain a refund you have to return the pack back to them, I asume that you have been asked to do this, asuming that they sent you the pack in the first place. Please keep at them until they return your money.

            I have already put in a complaint to the Ministry of Justices and also to Forbes Douglas.

            Whilst talking to the sales person “Mike Jones” he told me to stop any payments I make to my creditors including my mortgage and to pay the solicitors “Forshaws I think” instead. If I win the case then the solicitor keeps the money if I loose then my creditors will get it back. No matter of the outcome my £149.99 will be refunded but they will take 25% of the total amount won.

            What ever you do, this is definately not a good idea to stop paying your creditors, you will get into all sorts of problems and CCJ's registered againts you.

            Have a good look arround this site and if there is anything that we can help you with claiming such as mis-sold PPI, Credit, bank or Mortgage charges then we would be more than happy to help you. Our help is free on this site to members.



            • Re: Cento Client Review

              Oh dear,

              I'm new to this forum and I wish I had found you all before paying out £79.99 to Cento Client Review back in April. Due to illhealth I did not get round to filling in the claim pack and I am up for the challenge of reclaiming my own fees back.

              I wonder if someone can provide me with a template requesting my money back with some nicely phrased legal info regarding up-front fees to Cento.


              • Re: Cento Client Review

                Hi Erin,

                It is a pity that you did make a google search sooner.

                However, can you advise how long ago that you paid Cento Client review?

                Have you received any feed back from them whatsoever?

                basically, do you know the staus of your claim?

                Have they passed you to accross anyone such as Forbes Douglas?

                Did they send you a pack?

                Once we receive your response wee can guide you further.


                Originally posted by erin_transport View Post
                Oh dear,

                I'm new to this forum and I wish I had found you all before paying out £79.99 to Cento Client Review back in April. Due to illhealth I did not get round to filling in the claim pack and I am up for the challenge of reclaiming my own fees back.

                I wonder if someone can provide me with a template requesting my money back with some nicely phrased legal info regarding up-front fees to Cento.
                Last edited by TUTTSI; 21st July 2009, 14:39:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • Re: Cento Client Review

                  If you want to complain to Cento - try this person:-
                  Contact Ryan on 01554 82427


                  • Re: Cento Client Review

                    Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
                    Hi V32

                    Thank you for posting up your encounters with Cento Client Review. We would like to have some good reviews but so far no one has had anything good to say.

                    The Solicitors, which they refered to during my conversations to me were Forbes Douglas and they are actually not Solicitors just another claims management company.

                    I understand that to obtain a refund you have to return the pack back to them, I asume that you have been asked to do this, asuming that they sent you the pack in the first place. Please keep at them until they return your money.

                    I have already put in a complaint to the Ministry of Justices and also to Forbes Douglas.

                    Whilst talking to the sales person “Mike Jones” he told me to stop any payments I make to my creditors including my mortgage and to pay the solicitors “Forshaws I think” instead. If I win the case then the solicitor keeps the money if I loose then my creditors will get it back. No matter of the outcome my £149.99 will be refunded but they will take 25% of the total amount won.

                    What ever you do, this is definately not a good idea to stop paying your creditors, you will get into all sorts of problems and CCJ's registered againts you.

                    Have a good look arround this site and if there is anything that we can help you with claiming such as mis-sold PPI, Credit, bank or Mortgage charges then we would be more than happy to help you. Our help is free on this site to members.


                    Just to be clear it was Forbes and not Forshaws Solicitors, my mistake


                    • Re: Cento Client Review

                      Just wondering if anyone at all has posted anything positive about Cento Client - I have had a good look thro the posts but not spotted anything yet. I paid the introductory payment £79.99 on the 6th May and dutifully received and returned the pack - on 10th July they called to say 3 of my claims could be fast tracked thro Forbes Douglas but I would need to pay £199.99 per claim to do so. £600 I dont have so I left it, they have called back today to say they have "targets to meet" and so with special dispensation can offer me a "basic claim" for 99.99 each again confirming it was Forbes Douglas and advising I was looking at a claim of £11,000 based on initial work done since my original payment. Stuck now as I read the Ministry of Justice website and it looked legit and I would prefer 75% of 11 grand to none but not sure whether to believe them? I have read the potential problems but just seeking any positive messages?
                      Thanks and apologies for the waffle.


                      • Re: Cento Client Review

                        Hi Linda
                        A warm welcome to Legal Beagles and I do hope that we can help you.

                        So far we have not received any positive feedback but that does not mean that there is none it is just that people do not always post the good things up.

                        Forbes Douglas as you may have read are just another claims management company like Cento Client Review, The people who called you are calling from a call centre. I may be a sceptic but how do they know how much your claim is for exactly at £11K? Do they have access to your bank records?

                        You are saying that you paid £79.99 and that you received a pack, what have they actually done for you so far? and why are they asking for more money?
                        Were you aware that you would have further fees to pay?

                        The question I ask, is what can Forbes Douglas do what Cento cannot do? they are both claims management companies.

                        The recomendation from the Ministry of Justice is not to pay upfront fees, so why would you be happy doing this? BBC1 and the News of the World have both recently covered this aspect and this point is covered in their articles.

                        Everything that they can do for you can be done here on this site for free and we can help you achieve this and where you would be able to claim 100% of your claim not just a percentage.

                        Have they told you exactly what you can claim for?

                        We have a very good team on this site experienced in claims of this nature, the good thing is your personal details would remain with you and not shared with call centres.

                        Did you ever ask yourself how they got your name and telephone number to contact.

                        Please fire any ques5tions you have and we will try and jhelp you all we can.


                        Originally posted by Linda270609 View Post
                        Just wondering if anyone at all has posted anything positive about Cento Client - I have had a good look thro the posts but not spotted anything yet. I paid the introductory payment £79.99 on the 6th May and dutifully received and returned the pack - on 10th July they called to say 3 of my claims could be fast tracked thro Forbes Douglas but I would need to pay £199.99 per claim to do so. £600 I dont have so I left it, they have called back today to say they have "targets to meet" and so with special dispensation can offer me a "basic claim" for 99.99 each again confirming it was Forbes Douglas and advising I was looking at a claim of £11,000 based on initial work done since my original payment. Stuck now as I read the Ministry of Justice website and it looked legit and I would prefer 75% of 11 grand to none but not sure whether to believe them? I have read the potential problems but just seeking any positive messages?
                        Thanks and apologies for the waffle.


                        • Re: Cento Client Review

                          If anyone is seeking return of their payments made to Cento or is having any problems contacting them then please contact info@claimsregulation.gov.uk and make a complaint to them.

                          Include as much information as you can, names of people spoken to and timescales, steps taken without satisfaction etc.

                          The more people that complain about them the more likely action will be taken against them by the Ministry of Justice.

                          If you do make a complaint then please let us know here so we can keep a tally and chase up the MoJ at a later date on your behalf.


                          it WILL affect your credit record and your creditors WILL enter late payment information, it is also possible that this would lead to DCA activity, Court Proceedings or possible bankruptcy and in the case of mortgages it could also lead to repossession of your home.
                          Any opinions I give are my own. Any advice I give is without liability. If you are unsure, please seek qualified legal advice.

                          IF WE HAVE HELPED YOU PLEASE CONSIDER UPGRADING TO VIP - click here


                          • Re: Cento Client Review

                            Hi Tuttsi and thanks for your reply.
                            I did ask Cento how they accessed my details and they said they were working within boundaries set by the Ministry of Justice and gave me numbers etc to check them out, they are stating I have at least £11k to claim based on information I have given them re my Northern Rock mortgage and a loan and credit card (naively given them I guess) - on reflection I imagine Loans.co.uk are to thank but I did get a years cover on an identity theft site when they said data had been stolen.
                            Their answer to why Forbes Douglas is that they out source work to two different companies - one who look at 18 specific flaws and one (Forbes Douglas) who work speficically with PPI being mis sold. Sounded perfectly reasonable to me at the time. But I concur they did not say there would be any extra costs at the start.
                            I guess my concern now is that I have given them the original fee and copies of all my paperwork etc so how much damage can they do?
                            And I thought they sounded legit!
                            With thanks again
                            Naive in hindsight Linda.


                            • Re: Cento Client Review

                              Hi Linda

                              Take a look at our PPI guide to reclaiming mis-sold policies
                              Do you happen to know if you were sold PPI?

                              Also please have a read of Tool's post at 175 on this thread if you wish to instigate a complaint.

                              I have already made my complaint to the MOJ as I am not happy about the way I was contacted and that they knew all my personal details. But they were wrong about one thing they told me I had £3K to come back from a particular Mortgage company. It transpires, that I did not take PPI so there was nothing to come back there and the charges were minimal, so if I had of paid, given them more info.... what would I have got from it - a big fat zero. I also agree with you that what are they going to do with all this personal data, that they are collecting!

                              So them quoting figures out of thin air does not mean anything.



                              • Re: Cento Client Review

                                Thanks Tuttsi - I think I will email them for written confirmation of what they are offering and how the sum was arrived at.
                                Past the 14 days cancellation period on the first payment so I think I will have to ride that claim out and see what happens.
                                Thanks for your help.


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