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Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

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  • Amethyst
    started a topic Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Attached Liquidators Report - and a further Client Questionnaire to complete.

    Basically there is still no refund likely for the foreseeable but things are happening, and could involve Criminal proceedings.

    Key bits then...

    Now 758 client claims totalling 4.2m.

    Around 1000 clients haven't submitted claims ( around 1.4m value )

    950k was paid in Dividends to the companies shareholders ( the 3 directors) - these have been deemed illegal and are repayable. None of the Directors repaid the dividends.

    Action is being taken to try and recover that money. It isn't going to go far though even if it is recovered.

    Robert Solloway has been made bankrupt as of 22 March 2017.

    Mark Harrison and Richard Mott have proceedings for bankruptcy in court at the moment. A bankruptcy order has been issued against Mott. Harrison is defending the case
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Amethyst; 25th May 2017, 13:39:PM.
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  • Tangotommy
    Hi All, another year on with regards to AABRS latest report. I have had a link sent to me with regards to accessing this, however i have not been able to log in to read it. Whilst myself and many others who suffered at the time are not expecting a miracle from this report , it would be nice to see what has actually happened in the last 12 months. If anyone is able to share this report it would be extremely grateful.Many thanks,Tangotommy

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  • Amethyst
    Thank you for updating... not great news but not surprising


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  • Tangotommy
    CVL0511A _Post _011015 - Liquidators Annual Progress (2).pdf

    Sorted, hope it works

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  • Tangotommy
    Hi all, just had an email with regards to AABRS latest report on Compass. I have lost my log in details to retrieve the latest report. Wondered if anyone had the same email and are able to post it on line for numpties like me who have filed there paperwork in the roof.

    Thanks if anyone can help me and others who are interested in seeing justice ⚖ done against those who took from those in need.

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  • Amethyst
    This is the request for a copy of the agreement letter - https://legalbeagles.info/library/gu...etter-example/
    which should get the ball rolling on sorting since of these debts out - are you still using a debt management company or self managing now ? The letter will go to the current debt owner.

    Have you got a list of what is remaining to who ?

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  • Raspingolive

    Wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction! I originally joined Compass Debt Management in 2004 to clear big debts myself and my husband acquired when young & foolish!! We paid into the scheme every month like everyone else and when we where told of the liquidation we actually thought we had paid off some debts and with the pot of money could clear the rest....how wrong we were!!!
    I got a lot of help from you all in 2016 when all this came to light as well as useful letters etc. I have recently had letters re: old debts that I either thought had been paid or where being paid through another agency e.g the original debt had been sold on. I vaguely remember being told about a letter template I should send that asks for the original debt information?? Is this correct and if so could someone please point me in the direction of where I can find it. A lot of the debts I had, where sold on and maybe I should have looked into it more but I currently just pay them all separately on a monthly basis, Im assuming this is correct??
    Thanks for all the help you all provided previously and continue to provide.
    The info might be here somewhere but Ive not visited this thread for a long time so sorry if its already here!![

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  • Amethyst
    Link to the Derby Telegraph article - https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/new...ellors-1671603

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  • Amethyst
    Thanks Tango. It's weird how it took so long to reach the press when the order was back in April. But any publicity is good really. 'Mismanaged' is an understatement somewhat.
    Between 29 July 2002 and 30 March 2016 a total of £36,918,391.04 was received by RMR from its clients. Of this amount £17,468,070.05 was paid to the creditors of clients, whilst £2,729,121.24 was returned to clients as refunds or withdrawals. The remaining funds were used to fund the company’s own expenses of which £3,363,526.29 was paid for the benefit of the directors, including direct payments of £894,525.51 to Mr Solloway. A further £141,900 was paid to members of Mr Solloway’s family.
    The word, 'mismanaged', doesn't appear in the insolvency service text.

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  • Tangotommy
    Debt management firm boss and former Derby MP's husband gets banned from running companies

    Robert Solloway cannot be the director of a company until 2029
    • A debt management firm boss has been banned from running a company for 11 years after a government body said his firm "mismanaged funds".

      Robert Solloway - the husband of former Derby North MP Amanda - was a director along with two other men at RMR Financial Services Limited, which traded as Compass Debt Counsellors.
    • But the firm went into voluntary liquidation in March 2016 and investigations uncovered more than 750 claims from creditors, who had not received their funds, according to the Insolvency Service.

      The Insolvency Service has now criticised the firm's former directors, including Mr Solloway, Mark James Harrison and Richard Ian Mott.

      It said the directors showed a lack of awareness which resulted in clients "some of whom were in vulnerable situations" losing out
    The Insolvency Service said the company mismanaged funds.

    This was recently posted in the Derby Telegraph

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  • Amethyst
    I don't know - I doubt it though. Their interest is in getting as much money back for creditors so an ICO fine wouldn't be too attractive.

    You could have been anyone - and that personal data they just chucked out the back could have been valuable in the wrong hands.

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  • Tangotommy
    No I didn't but would AABRS submit it for that reason or just dismiss it??

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  • Amethyst
    Information Commissioners Office - for breach of data protection rules ( just to add to the list of things nothing will happen about )

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  • Tangotommy
    I don't know who the ICO are? All I know is that AABRS have it now in their possession

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  • Amethyst
    Originally posted by Tangotommy View Post
    A note pad with personal information on. Addresses, A/C numbers for compass accounts, phone numbers etc plus individual debt amounts for people over the UK. I mentioned this to AABRS when the last form was sent out by them. They asked me to forward this to them to assist with the case. Never heard anything back from them. Sure I mentioned this before in a previous thread which had in excess of 25 pages at the time. The information from the note book was of no use to myself but when my partners name was the first one listed with phone call time, query etc that was why I took it plus wanted to confront one of the directors when I went there. Surprise surprise no one there so I had a good look around the premises out side.
    Did you pass it to the ICO ?

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