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Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

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  • mariuxa
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Hello, everybody! As everybody else, we were let down by Compass massively as we were with them from September 2008 and the contract was for 8 years. In February 2016 we have left only 6 months to pay when all this happened. Then because of the amount of our debts, we were advised to start an IVA procedure, which we did and now we are obligated again for another six years since 2016. I feel that bankruptcy may well be better option for us, except that we would loose our house. Now I will be redundant from July and looks like part of my redundancy pay will be gone to the creditors. Anybody in the similar situation? Any advise?
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Unlimited5
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    I am not sure if this is a common case however I have documentation from Compass stating that debts had been repaid and the money left my compass account however I am now being pursued by the companies for payment as they say they have never seen the money?? Surely this is theft and therefore a criminal matter?

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  • D3wanabee
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Thanks for the information Amethyst. I've never been able to login to the portal so your post are really useful. I doubt we'll ever get any money back, is it even worth filling out the questionnaire? I wish I'd trained to be a Liquidator the money they charge is obscene! But I'm glad to see they've forced the crooks to go bankrupt. No doubt they will have siphoned off their assets to other family members though. Lets just hope they do a stretch in prison!!

    I'm managing to sort my DMP out myself nowadays, its pretty easy really, I've become hardened to the creditors, its generally all scare tactics and if you jut stick to your guns they back off, I don't communicate unless its in writing, that BT True Call phone I bought was the best purchase ever!

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  • Amethyst
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Originally posted by Raspingolive View Post
    Many thanks for sharing this. I like many have kind of come to terms with the fact we lost a lot of money and have had to start paying debts off again that we thought had been repaid!!!! I will complete the questionnaire and hope that there's a slight chance we all get something!!!!
    Did you get a copy of the questionnaire Olive?

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  • Amethyst
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Well for interest ( always nice to read things from the horses mouth )

    Robert Solloway https://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov...087&CaseType=B

    Richard Mott - https://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov...087&CaseType=B

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  • Raspingolive
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Many thanks for sharing this. I like many have kind of come to terms with the fact we lost a lot of money and have had to start paying debts off again that we thought had been repaid!!!! I will complete the questionnaire and hope that there's a slight chance we all get something!!!!

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  • Amethyst
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Sadly I also don't think there will be very much coming back to people - Solloway has been made bankrupt, the other two are facing bankruptcy... so that's a start, and possibly criminal action being taken... these things take bloody years and it's extremely unfair.

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  • Amethyst
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Para 2.35 (page 10) - I may be misunderstanding. Presumably this report will be sent ( with the questionnaire ? ) to clients who have put in a claim ?

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  • sal77
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Thank you for this. I have just printed out the report and have a good read through tonight. You mention a Client Questionnaire - is this something we have to fill out as it's not with the attachment. I agree with Tangotommy, zero chance of any of us getting anything back but hopefully justice will be done.

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  • Tangotommy
    Re: Latest Update 24/5 from AABRS for Compass / RMR

    Thank-you for keeping myself and others informed, I suppose that the chances for what they took from us to be returned are probably zero and hopefully over a year on many of us have come to terms with regards to sorting our lives out. We lost over 9k and to this day we still hope to see the 3 of them brought to justice.

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