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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    Hi Poochie

    I never imagined that this would have dragged on so long for you. Just to say well done for your perseverence and thanks to all the people that have assisted you.
    "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

    "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      if you are near a branch you could call in and pick one up. Branches are authorised to collect payments. So you could go into the branch and make payments. Make sure you get a proper receipt this should be signed bythe person you give the money and by another member of staff. I know this is a pain but it may be a solution to the problem.


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        Just my own personal opinion, but I would suggest you refer this to the FOS now, Poochie. There is no risk of incurring costs, which there could be if you go to Court. The re-drafting of the agreement is clearly against the FOS guidelines, as it does not put you in the position you would have been if you had not been sold the PPI/Medicare.

        Additionally, considering WFC's conduct in this matter, I would expect the FOS to order that WFC pay you some compensation in addition to the amount they have offered.

        It may elicit a response from them if you tell them this, and remind them that the FOS will also charge them for adjudicating.


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          thanks scoobydoo....it has taken so long to get this far and thats not very far..... but the guys on this site have been brilliant......

          seduraed....all branches in dundee have been closed down.... if there was a branch in dundee I would not have been writing so many letters to nottingham...... and I would most definately have visited the offices if they had any in dundee which they dont which is partly why I am having so many problems with them now..... That would be an obvious solution to visit offices, but its not possible since they closed them down and even the building has been demolished....

          Bill-K..... the fos were involved along the way, but have not replied to 4 letters I sent them regardiing wfs lack of interest in collecting money and also writing a new agreement to put us in same position as we were with original agreement, and I also sent them letters we got from welcome finance, I kept doin this but they suddenly just stopped replying as well.

          All this is why this is very frustrating.... we keep issuing threats to get welcome to respond but they dont, we thought the fos would help but they have done a dissappearing act on us as well. Thats why I thought, take it to court to be sorted once and for all because this could go on for another year or two with us writing letters and gettin no response.....
          We are not doing this for compensation, we want this sorted because its like a dark cloud hanging over us all the time.

          thanks to everyone for helping and advising, always much appreciated.


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            Have you actually submitted this as a formal claim to the FOS, Poochie ? If not, then I guess you will be ignored by them. If this is formally submitted, then WFC must await the FOS's determination, AND you should NOT be totally ignored by the FOS.

            But it MUST be clearly submitted as a claim - not an enquiry !!!


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              I'm away from home at the moment but i'll look through my archive next wednesday and see if i can find a standing order mandate for welcome if so I'll post it up here .
              Last edited by seduraed; 24th February 2011, 20:41:PM.


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                it was done as a complaint and we got letters from them telling us to forward any letters or report any calls we got from welcome whilst they were investigatin. I will look thru paperwor for last letter we got from fos
                welcome are also still sendin copies of any letters they send us, to the fos, so I dont understand why the fos are not taking more to do with this.
                its liek we been doin all we can to try resolve this, but the fos and welcome aint co-operating.....
                I will get all the paperwork out again tomorrow and try find last letter from fos, I was hopin to get some result after I sent welcome the 14 day notice to resolve this before I took matters further, but I know they will ignore it...
                Im due to go into hospital for surgery on 14th march and I knwo this is goin to be preyin on mind the whole time Im away from home.
                My husband lets me deal with all this altho he helps wen tryin to sort figures and small print out wne they send us letters etc but he wont do anythin whilst Im away so it will be constant worry.
                I still think that taking this to court would put a stop to all the nonsense from welcome and they would be forced to respond etc....... why cant I just do that?


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  There is nothing to stop you taking this to Court, Poochie - and that is your right. The danger with taking this to Court is that you are at risk of WFC deciding to fight you. They seem to be either stupid or arrogant enough to do that. There is the risk that you could be forced to go up against a good barrister, and that you would then need to employ your own counsel. If it got to that stage, then somebody has to pay the costs of all that in the end. I admit that it seems unlikely, but it is still possible that it could be you.

                  Exhausting the FOS route first would be my recommendation. You need to get the FOS to tell you exactly what stage this complaint/claim is at. You have a right to a straight answer from them. You have NO risk of being saddled with costs.

                  If you really want this heard in Court, then I would challenge WFC to either take it to Court themselves, or settle on your terms. Make it quite clear to them that their conduct thus far will not be seen favourably...etc., etc., etc....

                  JMHO, though.


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    I agree with Bill with regards to the fos but if you feel they are not giving you a good level of service fire of a letter to the service review team at the fos they will investigate and kick those responsible into touch if need be

                    the SRT at the fos is the complaints dept and one step below the independant assessor
                    If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      i didnt mean to fight welcome in court, I just mean to settle it because we do owe the debt of the loan but we just want the ppi and charges sorted which they seem to keep changing. We just want it settled thats all..... we aint arguin we owe the loan, our complaint has been all the charges and the ppi which if they would stop messin arounf then we could get it settled and finish payin the loan and not have th worry constantly hangin over our heads.
                      I have forgotten to search out the last letter from fos coz my son had nasty fall and broke some bones whilst havin coachin lessons at reputable skatin park and they did not put protective gear on him so we have had very tearful and worrying weekend and start of week.... he finally settled now and in stookies so makin his wee pals jealous coz he has valid excuse for not goin to school now.....ha ha
                      anyways, I will try search out the letters from fos and post details up tomorrow if possible. It sounds like I need to write to them and find out wat stage the complaint is at like you say bill but yet again welcome have not replied to the 14 day noitice I gave them to please resolve this matter and do a fair agreement which would have us in same position as original agreement..... this is wat frustrates me, they never respond to our letters then they say we are ignorin their letters which we never get........
                      Thanx pompeyfaith for your input as well..... it may well be a complaint to srt but it seems thats all I do nowadays is complain in writing....its gettin frustratin..... we just want it all resolved one way or another....... all help and advice very much appreciated


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        Sorry to hear about your son, Poochie. Sure, it would be settled once and for all if you take it to court, but taking a matter to court is not necessarily a guarantee that it will be sorted out in your favour. A court HAS to hear both sides' stories, and then decide on the matter. There is no guarantee that it will find in your favour, even though it looks very likely that it would.

                        The FOS route is slower, but is free of any risk of costs. If WFC refuse to pay up after the FOS has adjudicated, THEN I would suggest you take them to Court to enforce the FOS ruling. WFC would find it VERY difficult to win THAT in Court !!!


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          Have you seen elsewhere re Welcome being "In default"
                          Never give up, Never surrender.


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed


                            Welcome Finance PPI claims to go through FSCS - Legal Beagles Consumer Forum

                            Hopefully, this MIGHT speed things up a little.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              And this from the web site
                              Never give up, Never surrender.


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                Ok I finally found letters from fos and the last one we recieved was in june last year tellin us to sign an agreement which we refused to do because it had higher interest etc. I wrote back to them asking how they could expect us to be stupid enough to sign agreements without anyone in authority being present etc and that it sounded dodgy to us so we wont be signin until they make a realistic offer etc..... we never heard back from them again so it seemed the fos just washed their hands of my complaint.

                                regarding the above and welcome bein in default....do we just sit back now and wait on the compensation scheme contactin us to finally get this sorted out.?


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