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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    I'll read your thread again Poochie

    My experience with welcome is that they use a calculation method more generous than most--can't remember if I posted some stuff i did with Harriett-I'll read thread tonight-& research on other sites for you what is going on with Welcome



    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      we just recieved letter from debt collection agency tellin us that welcome finance have assigned them to collect our outstanding balance which they say is £14,980.00 and we have to call them within 7 days to arrange full and final payment!!!!

      What are they playing at?..... I thought they could not do debt collection agency tactics if our account is in dispute and especially with financial ombudsman bein involved....

      They also say if we dont make arrangement to pay within 7 days then they will take appropriate action!...wat does that mean and how can they do this especially with us being in a trust deed.....
      I just dont understand them at all.... why are they suddenly doin this?.... especially as they have not replied to our last letters about ppi etc.....

      Does this mean they are actually still in business and all the rumours were false?...

      Can someone help please coz Im now worried about this letter coz our loan is a 2nd charge on our property but because we are in trust deed, they agreed they cant force us to sell house to pay loan........ now it seems they are willing to do just that.


      • Re: welcome finance help needed


        Long thread--can you summarise in a few of paras current situation

        Somebody will be along who can answer above questions


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          basically I been fightin them over mis sold ppi and other charges tehy have added to our account over the years.
          We have secured loan with them but we are alos in a trust deed to which they agreed not to force us to sell our house to pay debt.

          Anyways, letters been firing back and forth from us to fos and welcome etc.... welcome admitted charges and refunded some but ppi still in dispute coz they aint ansering any letters.

          Things have been quiet for few months until we got letter the other day and then this one today?

          so Im wantin to know how they can do this...... we cant pay almost £15,000 in 7 days coz we in trust deed......


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            We have had nothing from Welcome for ages and still awaitng FOS this will be a YEAR in January and almost seven years since we moved here.
            I do hope you get some answers soon
            Take care,
            Dog Tired
            Never give up, Never surrender.


            • success with welcome finance at last

              we got letter from welcome finance today with settlement of compensation which we are very happy about at last and intend accepting.
              They have in the past offered us £650 compensation which we refused as well as other charges etc so it looks like our fight may be over with them thanx to everyone on here who helped me along the way. Avery big thank you to you, all help and advice was much appreciated and we hope we are not the only ones getting proper compensation now.

              Our scanner is not working so I cant copy it onto computer but I will type out the important parts for you all to see and if anyone has comments or wanrings etc then please let us know...Thanx

              The letter has come from the brideshead team at welcome finance based in ruddington and signed by david sane. It also states the offer is open for 14days from date of letter which was dated 15th December but we only got it today which was deadline for acceptance but I am phoning them tomorrow to see if they are making allowances for the christmas post being late etc due to bad weather conditions.

              anyways, the letter basically says that we made complaint some time ago about mis sold ppi and they upheld it and offered £650 because they felt the policy was not suitable for us.
              They reviewed our complaint and decided the compensation was understated.
              They would like to offer us £7,188.02 compensation.

              They also suggest that any arrears on our account is paid back out of the compensation, which is fine because they stopped collecting payments from us so we understand there will be arrears. They added figure of arrears which we think is fair and they offer to pay the rest into our bank account by bacs transfer within 10days of us accepting the offer.

              As I said, we are happy to acept this compensation and start paying our loan off again to get rid of welcome, I am goin to phone them tomorrow to make sure the offer is still open, and then we plan on signing the forms and I am putting letter in with the forms we sign to ask for statement of account and new monthly payments etc after arrears have been paid etc.

              I hope others are having some luck with welcome because this fight has been goin on too long and we are just glad they seem to have come to their senses and reached some amicable figure that pleases both parties.

              Thanks again to everyone who helped me along the way.... very much appreciated

              Happy new year to you all


              • Re: success with welcome finance at last

                Originally posted by poochie View Post
                we got letter from welcome finance today with settlement of compensation which we are very happy about at last and intend accepting.
                They have in the past offered us £650 compensation which we refused as well as other charges etc so it looks like our fight may be over with them thanx to everyone on here who helped me along the way. Avery big thank you to you, all help and advice was much appreciated and we hope we are not the only ones getting proper compensation now.

                Our scanner is not working so I cant copy it onto computer but I will type out the important parts for you all to see and if anyone has comments or wanrings etc then please let us know...Thanx

                The letter has come from the brideshead team at welcome finance based in ruddington and signed by david sane. It also states the offer is open for 14days from date of letter which was dated 15th December but we only got it today which was deadline for acceptance but I am phoning them tomorrow to see if they are making allowances for the christmas post being late etc due to bad weather conditions.

                anyways, the letter basically says that we made complaint some time ago about mis sold ppi and they upheld it and offered £650 because they felt the policy was not suitable for us.
                They reviewed our complaint and decided the compensation was understated.
                They would like to offer us £7,188.02 compensation.

                They also suggest that any arrears on our account is paid back out of the compensation, which is fine because they stopped collecting payments from us so we understand there will be arrears. They added figure of arrears which we think is fair and they offer to pay the rest into our bank account by bacs transfer within 10days of us accepting the offer.

                As I said, we are happy to acept this compensation and start paying our loan off again to get rid of welcome, I am goin to phone them tomorrow to make sure the offer is still open, and then we plan on signing the forms and I am putting letter in with the forms we sign to ask for statement of account and new monthly payments etc after arrears have been paid etc.

                I hope others are having some luck with welcome because this fight has been goin on too long and we are just glad they seem to have come to their senses and reached some amicable figure that pleases both parties.

                Thanks again to everyone who helped me along the way.... very much appreciated

                Happy new year to you all
                Try not to sign 'full & final' because you may find there ARE grounds to dispute the WHOLE agreement later not just the PPI


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  Well done for continuing this very very long fight
                  "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                  "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    after re-readin the letters and speakin to a lady called jeannie at welcome on fone today, we feel this is another fiddle they have goin on and we have decided to decline this offer.
                    Apparently, we are only goin to get £100 cash paid into our account because they say our outstanding balance is currently £14,000 but £6,800.00 in arrears...we dont know where these figures have come from but I am goin to request statement about arrears because I know its wrong.
                    Anyways, the lady said today that no matter wat letter or offer says, the 2 figures written on the offer are basically bein paid off outstanding balance but we will then still owe them £11,000 after that £7,000 approx figure has been deducted and that our monthly payments wont change.
                    She changed her figures twice whilst speakin on fone to me so I am very suspect about it all now.
                    My hubby managed to scan the letters na d we are addin the links for anyone to have look at and let us know wat they think. At first we were happy about it but after speakin to lady on fone today, its all very suspect.
                    Can someone offer help/advice or just opinions please.


                    here are the links for you to see the letters we got







                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Thought so they make these derisory offers to everyone just so they can claim they offered settlement when confronted by the regulator. Also any arrears include PPI so have they excluded those payments + % from the arrears, I doubt it


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        so what do we do now?...... all help and advice much appreciated as always.



                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          Hi poochie, you say their letter was dated the 15 Dec 10 and you only received it on the 29 Dec 10? have you got the envelope it came in and does it show a date?


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            I know lenders, creditors and DCA's can and do underhanded dirty tricks like sending people letters like this and backdating them so that the consumer gets the letter late, and they know that by the time the letter is received they will have missed the deadline.

                            You say that you are going to ring Welcome and ask them if they will make allowances for the xmas post, more than likely judging by their behavior they will say no in my opinion.

                            So if you wanted to play the same game as them you could write a letter as they have and back date it saying that thank you for your letter dated the 15 Dec 10 which I received today [for example say the 21 Dec 10], I am writing to say that I accept you offer.

                            Then see what they reply with, just a thought

                            Also have you put your account in dispute with them as it is obvious there are issues that need to be resolved with the arrears and you need to see proof how these have/were calculated?


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              Will look at this tonight Poochie


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                The envelope we got offer in was prepaid envelope and did not show date it was posted.

                                I have already foned welcome and told them we just got the letter which is the link I have attached below, to show earlier post on here......

                                basically we think they trying to fiddle us again but in making this offer they have admitted mis-sellin us the ppi in more than one loan we had with them.

                                This offer was shock and looked good but on further examination and then speakin to lady at welcome on fone, it seems like a sheep in wolves clothing kinda offer......

                                Thanks to everyone who helps and takes time to offer opinions and advie etc, its always very much appreciated.

                                Originally posted by poochie View Post
                                after re-readin the letters and speakin to a lady called jeannie at welcome on fone today, we feel this is another fiddle they have goin on and we have decided to decline this offer.
                                Apparently, we are only goin to get £100 cash paid into our account because they say our outstanding balance is currently £14,000 but £6,800.00 in arrears...we dont know where these figures have come from but I am goin to request statement about arrears because I know its wrong.
                                Anyways, the lady said today that no matter wat letter or offer says, the 2 figures written on the offer are basically bein paid off outstanding balance but we will then still owe them £11,000 after that £7,000 approx figure has been deducted and that our monthly payments wont change.
                                She changed her figures twice whilst speakin on fone to me so I am very suspect about it all now.
                                My hubby managed to scan the letters na d we are addin the links for anyone to have look at and let us know wat they think. At first we were happy about it but after speakin to lady on fone today, its all very suspect.
                                Can someone offer help/advice or just opinions please.


                                here are the links for you to see the letters we got







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