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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    yeah, I would like to know how we go about it and wats involved.....Barin in mind I am in scotland and not England.
    We have went via the fos route and got nowhere fast so court seems the only option but would we need solicitor etc

    Thanx enaid for takin time to answer us...all help and advice much appreciated dear


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      any advice that could help us guys?....... all help and advice much appreciated



      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        If you start the court process you would have to be fully prepared to go.
        I think that the FOS are being very unfair in their response to you especially as to signing new contracts, but there is nothing I can advise you on that score I am sorry to say.

        You could do the claim yourself through the court and I am sure that having the FOS on your side (even though unfairly imo) it would help.
        It is your decision and you will have to pay out, but this you will get back if you win.
        If you are going to start then you must make sure you have all the info you need from SAR etc and all the correspondence since.
        Then send a LBA (letter before action) and be willing to follow it through.
        Have a Google and see what you can find re court cases against Welcome and PPI that may give you some pointers.
        Sorry I can't be of more help to you and good luck.
        Enaid x


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          I want to try and go for it and intend to do my research this week
          partner would rather wait and see if FOS come back to us so have agreed to wait until the end of the month.
          Then off to those excellent people at the citizens advice!
          Never give up, Never surrender.


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            Wow...I got cheque from welcome finance today..... I got letter to go with it but my scanner broke so will have to type the letter in for you guys to read and let me know wat you think.

            It was from a "samantha woodward", complaint handling manager at welcome finance...... This is basically wat it says

            please accept apologies for length of time it has taken to for me to confirm your settlement. I have been awaitin figures from our finance team.

            As you have made ppi complaint, the ongoin issue surroundin your monthly payments will be addressed by returning the new loan agreement to us. Im afraid I cannot make any amendment to the account in regards to your payments.

            Please find enclosed a cheque for the amount of £101.28 which represents a refund of over payments made ( 8 payments of £327.72, total difference £101.28).

            I have also credited your active loan agreement with £549.32 in relation to additional interest applied.

            Yours sincerely
            samantha woodward

            The cheque is basically refundin over payments because we had letter sayin our payments would be 3317 but they kept takin £327 until I complained to fos.
            I dont know wat the interest applied is for...... surely thats not the ppi they talkin about!
            We have not signed any agreement or anythin so we dont know why this has happened today...

            Any advice guys would be much appreciated..... I tried fonin them to discuss this coz I dont want to bank the cheque incase it means we accepted an offer or somethin...but I kept gettin message that my call was in a queue for over 28minutes so I gave up


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              No idea whats going on! Nothing apart from a letter from FOS saying it is being "looked at" again by them.
              Read elsewhere that Cattle's are still trying to keep afloat don't understand the ins and outs of it something to do with "rights issue"
              Never give up, Never surrender.


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                If they still trying to stay afloat then why suddenly are they sendin cheques out?.... :tinysmile_hmm_t2:

                I just dont understand wats goin on and I aint bankin the cheque till I find out because I am not takin chances on bankin the cheque for them to say that by bankin the cheque that we are acceptin their nonsense.....

                HELP PLEASE!!!!!


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  I suggest you do one last letter with a copy to the FOS to your case worker.

                  State all your grievences and let them know that you have not banked the cheque and you need a full breakdown of the credit for interest that has been applied to your account.

                  state that you are unwilling to sign a contract that has no figures or explanation of the figures.Ask them for their explanation in full in writing of why they would request you to sign such a document.

                  Tell them that if you do not recieve an answer in full within 7 days you will have no choice but to pursue the matter by other means as you have been left no other option .( only put by court if you mean to carry on)

                  Keep it short keep it simple send by recorded .

                  this way you will put the ball in their court as to put in writing why you should sign the agreement. And then you can go from there.
                  Just a suggestion.
                  "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                  "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    ok thanx I will try that and see what they come back with...... Im just gettin fed up with it all now.
                    Its also strange that if they in dire straights then why suddenly send cheques out to people?
                    I dont want to walk into trap which I think this may be to get us to sign an agreement without figures etc on it
                    Thanks scoobydoo.....all help much appreciated


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Just a thought - if they are saying they can not do the calculation until you sign the documents why can they not do a "dummy " calculation to a certain date so at least you know what the figures look like - and then they could re-calculate at the date of signing. I am guessing it is a computer calculation so why can they not arrange a date for you to go into an office - get the papers ready for that date and then you sign? Or calculate to a forward date and then you sign at that date?

                      who would be the witness for your signature anyway if they sent you a blank form.?

                      It definitely does not sound right.

                      I think you have to put the ball back in their court.

                      Do you have an email address for any of your contacts to make things quicker?

                      what about saying.-----

                      I thank you for your recent correspondence but there are still various outstanding points.

                      I need a full explanation of how you have come to the sum of £549.32 that has been applied as a credit to my account. A full calculation would be appreciated as would a breakdown of the cheque that has been sent.

                      Also we still have the oustanding problem of the fact that I am unwilling to sign any new loan agreement that is blank. I am sure you can appreciate that this would be a very foolish act on my behalf especially as you have given me no idea of the calculation that you are going to base this new loan agreement on.

                      For the last time I am asking you why you are asking me to sign a blank document?
                      If you can not recalculate the loan until I sign - why do no a calculation forward dated for 7 days and then I can look at the figures and sign at that date - if I do not agree the figures then the new loan agreement will not come into force?

                      My patience is now running out and I would appreciate a reply in writing to the above questions within 7 days. I have copied this letter to the FOS in the hope that someone can make one last effort to resolve my concerns - or I have no choice but to consider taking this matter further.

                      I am sure that we both would like this matter resolved once and for all and I do feel that I am making a very reasonable request. Just put yourself in my positon would you sign any sort of agreement without figures or interst rates or terms defined?
                      "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                      "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        Thanks Scooby Do. Much appreciated.
                        I have asked the FOS to again consider the fact that all the documents we recived have had different interest rates on them and despite request they have not supplied a signed copy of any agreement for this address.
                        FOS tll me that they do not need a "true" one but a reconstituted one that "proves" it is a valid agreemnt but the one they did send had a different interest rat again.
                        Unlike Poochie we have had nothing fro Welcome apart from a statement of account in March.
                        Seems to me they are up the creek in any event I still need to get to the citizens advice armed with all my documents and get their oppinion.
                        Never give up, Never surrender.


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          thanx so much scoobydoo, your letter sounds ideal and I will do it tonight and send it tomorrow by recorded delivery.
                          I will keep you updated on it because everyone has been so helpful on this site
                          Thankyou so much dear....... very much appreciated especially as you took the time to draw up a draft of sample letter...... That was lovely thought and greatly appreciated
                          Good luck at citizens advice office Dogtired..... please keep us informed of your progress too

                          thanx guys


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            Finally got a rply from FOS have agreed to look, again at this.
                            Had to sit and copy all the documents sent to me as part of the SAR and still no knowing if they will come down on "our" side.
                            Good luck Poochie and thankyou to Scoobydoo will keep you posted
                            Did not get as far as Citizens advice as when I mentioned them FOS agreed to look again!)
                            Never give up, Never surrender.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              after sendin letter that scooby doo drew up, I have had no reply as yet.
                              have you had any luck yet dog tired?


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                Not really, sent all my copies (again) to FOS.
                                Reading on other sites its SEEMS Cattles/Welcome are well and truly up the creek owing money big time to the big banks it also seems they are still trying to stay afloat collecting off poor saps like us.
                                Not paid them anything for several months now and not heard anything.. very strange!
                                Last edited by dogtired; 10th June 2010, 13:50:PM.
                                Never give up, Never surrender.


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