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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    Thamks enid, just wating for them (FOS) to get back to me
    Never give up, Never surrender.


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      I contacted fsa today and am awaiting a reply by e-mail or phonecall

      Hopefully they can help

      All help on this site is much appreciated


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        Got a letter yesterday from FOS just to say they have received all my documents and it has now been passed to an "adjudicator"
        Had some "missed" calls from "intnernational" number suspect it may be Welscum but as they did not leave any message I cannot be sure. just so long as they do not try and charge me!
        Last edited by dogtired; 14th April 2010, 13:03:PM. Reason: spelling
        Never give up, Never surrender.


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          I got more e-mails from fos and basically they sayin welcome have issued me with new agreement to sign and we must sign it before they will amend our account etc
          I have replied flatly refusin to sign anythin until we see a proposal of figures with refund figures deducted etc and dont see why they can force us to sign anythin that was illegal in first place and that I suspect they are not doin their job properly if they continue to try force us to sign that agreement which would not make us any better off especially since the interest wen we got loan in first place was way lower than wat is showin on new agreement.... I told them if they dont HELP us then I will consider takin this to court because its well out of order the time and inconvenience we are bein put thru with all this.

          Any advice gys would be much appreciated..... How do we got forward with this because it seems the FOS are not really helpin and they seem eager for us to sign an agreement we dont agree with


          • Not much further on than you! had a phone call from FOS and the person sounded very young he just asked me all the questions I had already put on the form and have e-mailed him again, no reply yet, we did have a letter from last year from Wellscum which did admit they could not enforce this loan as they could not "find" the documents, they still charged us from then until we had the latest stement when I noticed they had not added the "consolidation" since March!
            Its been a long slog but a bit like a dog once I get going i cannot stop so far have been very polite and not shouted or screamed and as far as I can see its just a case of waiting, we may have a "black mark" on credit files because of them but I am willing to live with that if we get a result in the end.
            Just after posting tis got a leter from FOS. No good news as most of this happened before "regulation" they say they cannot investigate this and that we still have to come to some sort of aggrement with Welcome:-(
            One glimmer of "hope" being is the mistake they made of 1. Not sending us an copy of signed aggrement or asking us to sign anything for this address and 2. When they wrote to us with the "financial breakdown" whoever had done it had the APR as 1% they have not as yet tried to wriggle out of that one nor have thy tried to enforce the agremnt by force. Still not giving up !
            Last edited by dogtired; 30th April 2010, 19:31:PM.
            Never give up, Never surrender.


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              Further to above. FOs mentioned that they could produce "reconsituted" agreeent. What is this?
              Also if we still refuse to sign the form that we had re ppi what happens then?
              Last edited by dogtired; 2nd May 2010, 16:48:PM. Reason: spelling
              Never give up, Never surrender.


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                can anyone help on this matter....
                Seems we both not gettin any further with this and welcome are still not chasin us to resume payments and its botherin me altho I dont know why.....maybe because it was a secured laon on our property and Im worried we may lose our home over this because they makin no move to collect payments despite my tryin to arrange it by phone and letter

                HELP PLEASE!!!!!!


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  I echo that.
                  The financial statement that was sent last year was still incorrect and we have had NOTHING on this house in writing from them no evidence in the subject access request either and all information stopped in March 2008 without explanation as to why.
                  When I did phone them I was told verbally "oh.this is not a solid loan agreement" (stangely march last year) but despite requests have not got a transcript of this conversation.
                  A bit in limbo really as we will not sign any new agreement with them.:tinysmile_hmm_t2:
                  Last edited by dogtired; 5th May 2010, 11:32:AM. Reason: spelling
                  Never give up, Never surrender.


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    help needed please or some advice....thanx


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Have you told the FOS you are not willing to sign the new contracts and if so what did they say?
                      Have you explained to them fully that the new contracts would put you in a worse position than if you had the PPI?


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        Yes several times
                        Never give up, Never surrender.


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          yes we told them that and all we get is some crap about us havin to sign first before welcome will put figures on new agreement etc.... Sounds dodgy to me so I told them they are bein of no help because they are askin us to sign an agreement before figures are put on it and that is illegal.......
                          Im sick of arguin with fos because they seem to be hindering all this nonsense more than helpin in my opinion......
                          Its like we write to welcome then gotta send copies to fos then they fone and say they lost the letters or they in another dept etc....... Its gettin out of hand with their involvement
                          I wrote to welcome and told them to put figures on paper for us to look at and then we will decide if they bein genuine or if they tryin to pull a swifty on us again......... I flatly refuse to sign anythin without figures on it and a bloody proper interest rate........ They change the interest rate on new agreement which basically covers the ppi they should be repayin us so in my opinion the fos are helpin them pull the wool over our eyes and we would do better without the fos interference at times......
                          I even e-mailed the Financial services authority and still not got reply from them on this..... It was someone on here who advised me to e-mail them to see what they thot about it all........ Seems their silence tells a story and it much like my own opinions but Im gonna try get their attention again


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            Basically we have had the same things.
                            FOS seem to have decided that the ppi claim is OK being dealt with in this manner.
                            When we first got ours it was not signed or dated different interest rate and no copy (dodgy again welcome)
                            Currently we are still trying to prove that it is unenforceable anyway as when we moved we had no paper work from Welcome and the subject access information had anther account number and address and stopped in March of 20008 (strange that this was the month I was told verbally that it was not a "valid" loan account by someone t Welcome and despite requests have not had transcript of this conversation which is why we now insist on everything in writing. The FOS also did not contain any proof of the transfer to the currant account number or this address.
                            FOS have not helped at all so far and seem to back Welcomes dirty tricks
                            Last edited by dogtired; 7th May 2010, 07:10:AM. Reason: check spelling
                            Never give up, Never surrender.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              Well you still have the option to go the court route as you have done the FOS first. I am not at all well up on the ins and outs of unenforceable agreements but from what I can gather that is a bonus and an ace up your sleeve for a court case.


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                so how would I do that?
                                Never give up, Never surrender.


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