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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    Does that work for virgin network as well tho coz we aint with bt but it worth checkin out....
    We have letters from them offerin refunds of chrges etc but they aint applied them yet or sent refund.... they just make up other charges and claim its another dept causin the bother sendin letters without notin them on computers etc.... Must be great workin for welcome just now.....lol
    We have 4 or 5 complaints with the fos and welcome sent us letter sayin our account is not in dispute because they are not part of the bankin group or somethin and thn they send us a dodgy offer for the dispute we are not in...... They have too many depts workin agaisnt each other and it causin confusion...It makes me mad they suin stallin tactics just now

    Good luck with your case dear.... Hopefully we dont suffer this too much longer


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      Not sure if virgin has this but it is worth it!
      They are just a bunch of halfwits awating a reply but do not hold out much hope.
      Took some of my various bits to the local citizens advice and thye say the the "origanal" loan loks as if it has been paid off and as thye have, so far not sent any documnets for this address they do not have a leg to stand on.
      They are well used to the tactics welcome use and do not know how they have kept in busness also told me that all firms that charge high interest are beng investigated by the office of fair trading something to do with the recent ads on tv from firms who charge 2.300% interest!
      We will fight them on the beaches!
      Never give up, Never surrender.


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        We still waitin for reply.... should take a while tho coz they never rush these things... they take their time to think up stupid things to hit us with and hope we dont have brains to see they still on fiddle....bunch of numpties....lol
        Anyways please keep me updated on your case dear and good luck and hope it will be over soon for both of us


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          Good luck to you too
          Never give up, Never surrender.


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            Hi Poochie how is it going.
            Now rejected Welcomes "offer" and have now got to do a new coplaint via FOS.
            They say they reject our claim that the acount is unenforeable but have not proved it.
            FOS says we stand a reasoable cahnce but only time will tell.
            Not seen anything in the press lately about these jokers but maybe somewone else on site has.
            Just seenn that rumour has it that they will be history very soon (thought they already where!!)
            Take care:tinysmile_aha_t:
            Last edited by dogtired; 28th January 2010, 07:27:AM. Reason: spelling
            Never give up, Never surrender.


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              sorry dogtired, I been unwell but doin fine now

              We are currently waitin on new offer from them after sendin back the daft agreement they wanted us to sign.....
              It basically took out ppi and we got offer of charges bein refunded but our payments only reduced by about £20 per month so we sent it back and told them to change it and add things into the agreement to make it more realistic and worth signing...... We sent fos a copy of it all and they say we should stick to our guns becausew elcome are using delay tactics and think we are of low inteligence not to spot a fake wen we see one etc.
              I iwll let you know wen we hear anythin from them..... It is very strange tho because they have not taken payment from our account for 2 mths now despite me fonin to ask why....I get told someone will call me back but they never do and wen i try to make debit card payment they say it has to go to other dept and went hey try put me thru, I seem to get cut off.......VERY STRANGE .....They usually very quick to take payments

              anyways, it has gone quiet about them in press recently but good luck with your claim dear and maybe in the not to distant future, we will be shot of them for good


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                has anyone heard anythin about welcome or cattles recently....thanx


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  Only thing recently is that Cattles are to serve a lot of welcome staff with redundency notices.:tinysmile_cry_t:
                  Last edited by dogtired; 7th February 2010, 15:55:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                  Never give up, Never surrender.


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    Can anyone shed any light on wats happenin with welcome just now.
                    They are still not takin payments from us which I find very strange especially for welcome finance.... :tinysmile_cry_t:


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      I don't really understand your problem to be honest...

                      Last edited by enaid; 26th February 2010, 12:57:PM. Reason: removed link to a no win no fee site


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        What you stated is exactly true and I do agree with you in this regard.


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          Its just that by not taking payments from our account suddenly then it looks like we not wantin to pay which is untrue..... qwe always paid by direct debit but it has suddenly stopped and no one at their offices will discuss it with me and only try pass me to someone else then I get cut off...its all very strange to say the least.

                          Why have they stopped takin payments?.... They could suddenly take us to court for non payment and blame us for stoppin payment which I hope our bank can prove wasnt us stoppin payments but them doin it themselves...... Its just strange behaviour for money grabbin firm and its stressin me out now

                          I think I should write to fos to let them know about this again..... Maybe they can shed some light on it but I am worried about this now.

                          We have not had new offer since we refused last offer either which is strange.

                          Has anyone heard anythin more regardin this company


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            I finally got e-mail response from FOS today after I contacted them about welcome not takin payments.....This is response from them but I deleted personal info before pastin on here....

                            I have spoken to Welcome Finance compliance department. They cannot see on their screens that the payments have stopped.
                            They have asked that the you contact the central collections department on 0845 543 2522 - to establish the situation.
                            Have you now returned the new loan agreements - with direct debt mandate - to Welcome Finance? These documents are required before the redress is processed.
                            Yours sincerely

                            Denise O'Dowd | Adjudicator | Financial Ombudsman Service | South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9SR
                            Tel 0207 964 0088 | Fax 0207 964 0089

                            I have replied syain we have not had any new agreement since we rejected the last one and that we sent copy of last agreement to fos etc so we have had no contact from welcome since then and have been patiently waitin on new offer etc....

                            Is anyone else gettin anywhere with this welcome company?....


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              Hi, Ermm yes Welcome finance do have a dodgy feel to them, however my partner had a loan with them large apr% after sending them a letter and a fee to request terms and conditions, as she had lost them. Due to the letter they had a certain amount of time to send t&conds, if they did not reply they would have broken the agreement under the credit consumer act, they never replied. hey presto I told partner to stop paying and you guessed it they got in touch. I asked for a settlement figure which was nearly 15k I refused and they came back with 12k I then stated that the original loan was secured on a property which was sold and they were informed, therefore the original t&conds didnt apply. I settled to them 7.5k in the end good result took about 5 months. dont worry and i would also tell them to freeze any interest and costs on loan as you have put repayments on hold due to dispute seek further advice you may have some leverage there screw em down and goodluck!!!
                              Originally posted by poochie View Post
                              Hi everyone, I have just joined the site and am in dire need of some help regardin welcome finance.
                              We took out loan in 2005 and have had no reason to query loan agreement till recently.
                              We now feel our agreement is dodgy and need someone to help asap because we have stopped payments after 1st January.
                              Basically they added ppi and medicare to agreement before workin out interest but we have never recieved any paperwork showin medicare or ppi details. We recently done subject access request but they failed to supply info we asked for and they also have charges on our statements which have no meanin and vary in amounts.
                              We wrote again askin for the info but they say we are not entitled to the info or that they sent us all the info they have.... It just doesnt seem right and I have feelin somethin is not right which is why we need help asap.
                              Any help and advice much appreciated.....Thanx :cry:


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                I think we are way past the stage where I can do that but we are waitin on new offer of refund for medicare and ppi and new agreement to sign

                                I think by with-holdin payments it would only make our reluctance to pay look like pathetic excuse to get out of it all


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