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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    tanzarelli can you please exp,lain your comment because it makes me nervous when not everyone is in agreement....Please elaborate cause I am nervous now :tinysmile_cry_t:


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      Originally posted by poochie View Post
      tanzarelli can you please exp,lain your comment because it makes me nervous when not everyone is in agreement....Please elaborate cause I am nervous now :tinysmile_cry_t:
      Dont be nervous Poochie, this is a public forum and everyone has their own thoughts and opinions. It will be rare that everyone is always in agreement.

      Tanz and Righty both have their own their opinions, to which they are entitled to air and discuss, as they have been doing.

      Just take a break and wait to see what happens and dont worry



      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        Originally posted by poochie View Post
        tanzarelli can you please exp,lain your comment because it makes me nervous when not everyone is in agreement....Please elaborate cause I am nervous now :tinysmile_cry_t:
        Hi Poochie, please dont be nervous as nothing you have been advised to do will cause you any problems.

        I still don't agree i'm afraid with some previous posts however I am concerned that it is taking up to much of your thread discussion.

        I just still can't get my head around why docs need to be kept.

        Due to the fact that you are not using them for your own purpose and it has been agreed that you are sending them back to WFS. But also due to the fact that you are informing the other person of the docs you were sent in mistake via a letter to them meaning it is up to them to bring it up with WFS should they decide to do so.

        WFS may not acknowledge reciept of the docs and might just destroy the copies when they recieve them. You are then in possesion of some doc copies, but what are you then going to do with them? This is the bit I am still unclear about and so therefore its why I don't agree with the keeping of the docs.

        If WFS ignore acknowledging to you reciept of the docs then what is the next step? To write back to them and ask them why they have failed to acknowledge? They may also choose to ignore this and if the other person is not doing anything about it then you are left with docs which are not yours which you don't need and in my poinion you sh ouldn't have been sent in the first place by an incompetant company who have no regard for the security of other peoples data.

        I know this may be different to other peoples views but this is my opinion.

        Therefore personally I would have took a more agressive approach with WFS from the outset but thats just me. I would have wanted to know why this mistake had happened and what steps they were taking to ensure it didn't happen again.

        Oh and the person who messed up in my opinion should be sacked but thats a different story.



        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          We are NOT the regulators.

          As much as we may dislike a company we should only complain where OUR data is involved otherwise we'll be seen as mischief makers & may adversely affect our own claim in that they may dig their heels in just for the hell of it.

          Retaining the docs until assured Welcome has received them is not a problem because as soon as YOU received them the damage was done as far as the DPA is concerned. Therefore retaining them until delivery is confirmed is a perfectly legitimate reason

          Poochie concern yourself with what matters to you & good luck


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            I agree righty we are not the regulators. However if a firm has sent out someones info to me by mistake I want them to know that I am not happy about this as they are responsible for holding my personal info also and if they can make a mistake like this with someone elses private & personal data then they can do it to me also.

            WFS have recorded me as deceased a number of times now.

            The first time they tried to blame it on the instalation of a new computer system which they had had fitted which randomly selected a number of different customer accounts that had been operated similarly to mine.

            I brought this to their attention and it was removed from my credit file.

            Then it reapeared a second time and I again brought it to their attention and was told that this time it appeared to have been added manually by a staff member. Again it was removed.

            Then it appeared for a third time and is still there.

            I have tried contacting them and they have yet to reply. The Special Instruction Indicator is still on my file.

            They need to be told that we find this unacceptable and complaints need to be made.

            This is my bottom line.


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              Have you thought of writing to them tanzarelli, perhaps with the classic Mark Twain quote; "News of my death has been greatly exaggerated!"
              Apologies for minor thread hijack.


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                Ok guys thanx so much for everyones opinion but as I said, its all done and I just wait to see what happens now... I just thought that by keepin a copy, welcome could not deny it and that they would have to sign for the letter because it was sent recorded delivery.
                Im just hopin all goes well now...thanx so much guys and I will let you all know if I hear anything


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  Originally posted by poochie View Post
                  Ok guys thanx so much for everyones opinion but as I said, its all done and I just wait to see what happens now... I just thought that by keepin a copy, welcome could not deny it and that they would have to sign for the letter because it was sent recorded delivery.
                  Im just hopin all goes well now...thanx so much guys and I will let you all know if I hear anything
                  Thanks Poochie and keep us posted.

                  Yes a recorded letter can be tracked and you can see if it has been delivered online, if your lucky you might get a signature, however the contents of an envelope is debatable.

                  Have a good weekend.


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    please do !

                    And lets hope we can concentrate on the rest of your thread now. At least you know we wont abandon you over here in fact you might wish that we left you alone sometimes.!
                    "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                    "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      I am so greatful to everyone for helping, each opinion is different but much appreciated. Even my silly questions are answered without me bein mocked....lol thanx guys


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        Ok guys, I just realised today due to me bein busy and unwell that welcome have not repsonded to the 14days notice of responding to us regarding the ppi.
                        It was sent to them by recorded delivery on Monday 2nd February and on wednesday 4th February someone phoned me and told me our complaint was bein dealt with, Im sure I mentioned this in earlier post to scooby, will go and check wen finished writin this. After the phonecall, we got letter dated 6th february sayin they were conducting investigation into the points we raised in our complaint and they will contact us as soon as they have response. We aint heard nothin since and they had 14days to reply so wat do I do next. they must think I have gone away bacause I have written to them many times over past month or so .....lol
                        ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                        yeah I did tell you that I got the call from them, its on page 4 guys.... I was beginin to think I was forgettin to tell you things as they happened..... anyways, Im just wondering what to do now...
                        All the ladies documents are with the companies they were sent to and the lady in question has her documents too. I just checked the trackin system.....All delivered safe but didnt get signatures for them online
                        Last edited by poochie; 24th February 2009, 16:32:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          Did you post the letter up here?

                          IF so can you post a link to the post number its in?
                          ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                          To link to a post number right click the number at the top of the post you want to link to and click copy and then right click and paste into your new post.
                          Last edited by TANZARELLI; 24th February 2009, 18:22:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            We got letter from a link on this site and its in Legal Beagles.
                            Dont know if I done that right but maybe I can get hubby to scan the letter and remove personal details to put on here for you to see which letter we wrote but the 14days is definately up......Thanx fro all help and advice as always


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              Originally posted by TANZARELLI View Post
                              Did you post the letter up here?

                              IF so can you post a link to the post number its in?
                              ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                              To link to a post number right click the number at the top of the post you want to link to and click copy and then right click and paste into your new post.

                              Tanz, poochies letter was the prelim PPI letter, giving them 14 days to respond.


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                Right in that case send the LBA letter (if you have one on here in the library. This should give them a further 14 days to respond. If you are going FOS with this then you will need to seperate any claim for a refund of charges into one FOS complaint and then have a seperate complaint for the PPI mis-selling.

                                Remember though that the FOS require you to give a firm 8 weeks to either respond positively or issue you with a final response. If after a shorter period they issue a final response then you can then complain to FOS and include the Final Response when sending in your complaint and any other info you think will help the complaint.


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