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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    Hi everyone - I am just doing a letter about the supposed "arrears" on Poochies account.I am disputing the figure and just need to double check the figures as the missing payments are a lot less then they are saying. And also as Poochie says she made an agreement to have these added on at the end of the loan .

    At the same time I want to make a complaint about the charges (total £245) these seem to be just added on for late payments even if they were received later on in the month.

    Do you think I should first just ask for justification of the payments as letters were not even sent - or use a more official wording as in the bank charges letters? This really will be the first complaint about the charges so I am thinking give them a chance to drop themselves in it - so to speak?

    opinions please
    "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

    "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      Scooby, their agreements state what charges will apply, why, and what they do to justify the charges.

      So if they say for example, that they will charge X amount for sending a letter, and charge that amount but DON'T send a letter, they are clearly in breach of their own contract. Irrespective of whether or not those charges mught be deemed as excessive, or otherwise unfair.
      My Blog


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        I think we are going on the unfair terms although the poster has asked several times for an explanation of the Ad hoc fees and they have not so far referred her to the fact that they are for late payments - they just refused to give an explanation.

        most of them do seem to be £20.00 just for being a few days late - but no admin seems to be involved.
        "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

        "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          Poochie, in regards to the other persons details, was this sent as part of your SAR?

          I recomend writing to the other person to make them aware of WFS data protection breach. Let them know that you are happy to a) either forward it to them, b) shred it, c) they can collect it from you.

          They will then be able to claim against them for breach of DPA and should get some sort of compo from WFS for this.

          Also get them to register on here so we can support them in a claim against WFS lol.

          The more trouble we can give Welcome the better in my opinion.


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            I find it really strange that until last year in september roughly, that I asked why we never received any statements on our account, that suddenly the first time we got a statement was december 2008.... Very strange wen we were supposed to get a statement every year apparently.
            I can honestly say, we never got letters tellin us of charges bein added to our account until december 2008 as well.
            We did not get any copies of letters they sent us in the SAR either so where are the letters we were meant to have got..... We only recently started gettin plenty of letters due to my complaints.
            As for writin to the lady who's info I have (yes it was in amongst my SAR paperwork) from welcome, I dont think she would welcome me writing to her with that info, I would be too scared as well.
            I dont know if your bein serious or not cause you seem to be a wee devil and joker at same time so perhaps scooby can let me know wat she thinks as well..... Dont mean to be rude dear but scared incase somethin goes wrong and I get into bother........But thanx to you all for above info, much appreciated


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              As for writin to the lady who's info I have (yes it was in amongst my SAR paperwork) from welcome, I dont think she would welcome me writing to her with that info, I would be too scared as well.
              I dont know if your bein serious or not cause you seem to be a wee devil and joker at same time so perhaps scooby can let me know wat she thinks as well..... Dont mean to be rude dear but scared incase somethin goes wrong and I get into bother........But thanx to you all for above info, much appreciated

              Poochie, Tanz is being very serious even though yes, he is a little devil at times lol.
              What they have done could have had very serious consequences, imagine if those details went to someone just not quite as nice as you. They could have used that info for all sorts of fraudulent things.
              It is not you who will be in trouble, you have done nothing wrong at all.
              Welcome will be in trouble and will probably be fined as well as getting a good knuckle bashing. No more than they deserve IMO, but it's your decision.
              Enaid x


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                Originally posted by poochie View Post
                I find it really strange that until last year in september roughly, that I asked why we never received any statements on our account, that suddenly the first time we got a statement was december 2008.... Very strange wen we were supposed to get a statement every year apparently.
                I can honestly say, we never got letters tellin us of charges bein added to our account until december 2008 as well.
                We did not get any copies of letters they sent us in the SAR either so where are the letters we were meant to have got..... We only recently started gettin plenty of letters due to my complaints.
                As for writin to the lady who's info I have (yes it was in amongst my SAR paperwork) from welcome, I dont think she would welcome me writing to her with that info, I would be too scared as well.
                I dont know if your bein serious or not cause you seem to be a wee devil and joker at same time so perhaps scooby can let me know wat she thinks as well..... Dont mean to be rude dear but scared incase somethin goes wrong and I get into bother........But thanx to you all for above info, much appreciated
                Hi Poochie,

                If the info was provided to you in a SAR then WFS are in breach of the DPA. I most certainly am being serious, as WFS are very slack in my opinion when it comes to processing data, in my situation they have recorded me as being deceased on my credit file 3 times now and have been asked to remove it twice which they did and yet it was recorded again for a third time at the beginning of Jan this year.

                Try and turn it around, how would you feel if someone was sent personal data about you which included salary info, credit card details of you and your mother or another family member you would want to bring WFS to account for this breach of DP.

                If someone had the decency to inform you of this you would be happy that the info had not got into the wrong hands.

                Don't be scared about contacting this person as all you have done or will be doing is making them aware of WFS incompetence.

                If you need help with the letter let me know.

                Finally yes I do want to give welcome as much grief as possible due to the way they have treated me and I make no apologies for that.



                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  By the way poochie - in one of your earlier posts it says you are on a deed of trust ( scotland) what does that mean - is it a type of payment plan?
                  "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                  "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    Originally posted by scoobydoo View Post
                    By the way poochie - in one of your earlier posts it says you are on a deed of trust ( scotland) what does that mean - is it a type of payment plan?
                    Scottish equivalent of an IVA, more or less Scooby.
                    My Blog


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Really sorry ,
                      Have just double checked the spread sheet again and sorry it does look they are right in their figures - it is very confusing as it is not shown clearly when the DD is reversed - it still says DD - not recalled or reversal so it takes quite a bit of studying. Also they took the first DD on April 30th - so not sure if that was for May or April so I have got to check the first payment due on your arrangement. I will send the spread sheet later. so I think your main argument is going to be about the fact that you made an arrangement to add on to the end of the agreement . But before we finalise you need to check the times when the DD were bounced against your banks statements - I also guess you had a few charges from your bank as well?
                      ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                      On agreement it says first payment 1/5/05 so I will make sure that is right on spread sheet and then send to you for checking .
                      Last edited by scoobydoo; 8th February 2009, 12:58:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                      "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                      "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        My main concern about the ladies paperwork from welcome that I have is that I could maybe hand it over to wrong person and therefor be in trouble but will discuss with hubby and maybe phone the numbers given and ask for the lady then maybe let her know I have info which she might want to be aware of but I need to ask her date of birth, agreement number or somethings like that before discussin wat I have.... How does that sound?...Or maybe a letter would be better, I am not sure how to approach it but would welcome any advice on it..... Yes I would like to know if my info got into wrong hands so in thinkin that way, Im sure you guys are right in advisin me to contact her.... I didnt mean to be rude in above post about bein joker and wee devil, its just that bein on internet, its hard to know how people really are, if that makes sense...... I just dont want to make any mistakes incase I get into bother
                        ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                        yes scooby, our trust deed is basically an iva. We pay £300 per month on it until december 2011, and also £150 per month to secure our property so no debtors can force us to sell our house to pay the debt.
                        This does not include welcome because they are secured on property but they cant force us to sell house because they signed agreement sayin they happy to go on as normal as long as we pay them monthly.
                        As for the arrears, how can it be that they are right if one of payments you had was almost £200 under wat we actually paid?.... I suppose it dont really matter because in our opinion, it shouldnt be arrears because they agreed to add payments to end of loan term....
                        As for the first repayment, I have letter sayin it was due on 30th April 2005, if you need me to get hubby to scan it and send it to you then I will get him to do it for you today cause he aint at work....Thanx
                        Last edited by poochie; 8th February 2009, 14:27:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          I agree they must be reported........ but lets screw them 1st then that can be the icing on the cake.....as the saying goes 'revenge is best served cold'


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            it seems we have a lot of people who dont like welcome and other agencies like them...I wonder why?....lol


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              Cos they is dishonest. They tried to evict a woman last Xmas who didn't owe them a penny. This was despite being told repeatedly that she had never had any dealings with them.

                              Only when threatened with serious litigation they finally conceded the case & withdrew the repo application. Then shortly after that an accounts manager for Welcome was convicted of writing up fictitious loans


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                If you check the agreement scanned in your post 6 it says first payment due in may.

                                Which payment did you think I may have wrong - which month - I am quite willing to check again.
                                "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                                "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


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