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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    I sent you details in e-mail and Im sure it was october payment you had as £103.21 when it should have been £327.....
    I didnt realise welcome could be so bad..... I thot it was just me and my hubby gettin this treatment but obviously Im wrong.
    Anyways, wat is my best way forward with the info on lady customer from welcome who's details I have?
    Thanx again to everyone fro all advise and helpful info...much appreciated


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      yes i did change that one on the last spreadsheet I sent you. It is confusing because sometimes they called your dd at the end of the month and somtimes at the begining - so hard to see which payment is for which month. that is why I have just listed what you paid against what was due.
      ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
      another option is to write to the person - you dont have to give your address - and just say you have been sent the documents in error - you realise how serious this release of data by Welcome is and you have reported them to the IFC and you are awaiting thier reply on how to handle the situation.
      Last edited by scoobydoo; 8th February 2009, 21:45:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
      "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

      "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        Originally posted by righty View Post
        Cos they is dishonest. They tried to evict a woman last Xmas who didn't owe them a penny. This was despite being told repeatedly that she had never had any dealings with them.

        Only when threatened with serious litigation they finally conceded the case & withdrew the repo application. Then shortly after that an accounts manager for Welcome was convicted of writing up fictitious loans
        Yeah wasn't that the guy who used the money to feed his coke habit?
        ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
        I think it may be worth a letter to WFS to inform them that you have been sent inaccurate data belonging to another of its customers. Inform them that you are considering this to be a serious breach of the DPA 1998 and that you are going to be contacting the person concerned to inform them of this serious breach of data protection.

        It may be worth requesting that they explain why this has happened and ask them to confirm what procedures they have in place to ensure this doesn't happen again.

        You could also state your intention to make an official complaint with the ICO.
        Last edited by TANZARELLI; 8th February 2009, 23:00:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          ok I will maybe need help on the letter cause as stated before, Im useless and wouldnt know wat to say to the lady nor to welcome... I would probably botch it up
          Im still grateful for all help and advice on this....much appreciated.
          I got letter back from welcome today sayin they are investing the points that I have brought to their attention and they will be in touch with us again soon. I can get hubby to scan letter if anyone wants to see it


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            My advice is not to go down this route yet, keep your ammo dry you never know when you might be able to use it to good effect.

            They will wonder why you should be concerning yourself with whether or not they have breached the DPA after all it's not your data is it. So to do so now makes it look like your being vindictive.

            Don't be distracted sort your problems with Welcome THEN fire!

            In fact they could write & lawfully DEMAND you destroy it & if they did it would sort of take the wind out of your sails would it not
            Last edited by righty; 10th February 2009, 01:04:AM.


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              That sounds good advice righty and to be honest, my hubby said the same thing that if I use it now then I would be accused of bein vindictive and they could demand the stuff back and then I would have no tool to hit them with
              Ok I will keep the papers locked away for now...Thanks again, much appreciated


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                Originally posted by righty View Post
                My advice is not to go down this route yet, keep your ammo dry you never know when you might be able to use it to good effect.

                They will wonder why you should be concerning yourself with whether or not they have breached the DPA after all it's not your data is it. So to do so now makes it look like your being vindictive.

                Don't be distracted sort your problems with Welcome THEN fire!

                On fact they could write & lawfully DEMAND you destroy it & if they did it would sort of take the wind out of your sails would it not
                Sorry righty mate but I have to disagree with you here for the following reasons. I dont think its wise to hold onto this data longer than needed. If you are seen to have held onto this purely to try and score one up I dont think this sits well and puts you in a good light with the FOS or the courts.

                If however you inform Welcome that you have notified the other person and that you are making a complaint against them for their incompetence then this shows that you know what your on about and are not frightened to stand up and make them be counted for the failings. It will also inform the other person who may well also hit welcome for some form of compensation for this breach of DPA. It shows you as being honest and doing whats right in this circumstances.

                Welcome can write to you and say destroy it but you can then write back and say sorry to late, I have already contacted the person involved and passed the information to them for their safe keeping and made a complaint to the ICO about you being muppets.


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  I disagree & I've made my reasons clear. Poochie will simply make themselves look like a self righteous twit. After all it's not pooches data so why should they be concerned

                  Hanging on to the info for the time being particularly if your just an ordinary citizen who know's now't about the DPA won't cause Poochie any problems.......... & the route you suggest, though always tempting, may backfire


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    No it wont righty and I disagree.

                    What benefit will holding onto the info have. If you are suggesting holding onto the info to bring out later to force WFS hand, this is like suggesting blackmail lmao.

                    It wont be any use other than to use it now. Saving it just makes you look like you have kept it to force something and WILL make you look like a claimant who is attemting to bribe IMO.

                    I do think you have made your reasons clear its just your take on this as mine is my take.

                    Maybe you could suggest what reasons you have for keeping the data and what use it will have in the future.

                    Perhaps one of the other team members may want to offer an opinion on this.
                    ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                    PS how could it backfire?
                    Last edited by TANZARELLI; 10th February 2009, 07:44:AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Sorry to butt in, but have been following the thread with interest. I think the data should go back to the person it belongs to. I would be furious if i found out someone had received and kept my personal details for a long time. The other person can also complain to Welcome.


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        I really am sure that poochie has enough on her plate, without having to to read a difference of opinion on how to deal with the other persons info.
                        I do not think she wants to use it in any way to get the 'upper hand' over Welcome, she just wants to get her initial problem sorted.
                        I agree with advising her on what is the best thing to do and we all agree that reporting the matter to the right authorities is best.
                        So can we please just let her know how to do this and not add to her worry.
                        Enaid x


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          I've offered my pennies worth & it's for the OP to decide.

                          I've been a litigator for well over 30 years & a very successful one at that. So for anyone to imply I'm suggesting poochie use blackmail is an appalling accusation to make & is evidence of the accusers lack of understanding not to say knowledge of how to conduct matters.

                          I'm sorry poochie but I felt I must respond to such an accusation

                          My advice is that if the data is to be returned to anyone it should be Welcome & not the subject as to do otherwise will simply appear vindictive


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            Will reply via pm.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed


                              For Info


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                Can those that have differing opinions some how come to a decision and let Poochie know. She is confused enough as it is. As I said the third option is that she has reported this to the IFO and she could urgently ask them for their advice as to what she should do with the items she has been sent and then she is covered. I can understand her reluctance just to hand it over as then she is responsible for making sure the correct person has the info. As she has already reported Welcome to the IFO she has made the correct first move and hopefully Welcome will be contacted by them.

                                Poochie do you still need a hand with the letter about the arrears position and have you re-instated the payments now?
                                "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                                "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


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