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council tax and Equita

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  • #31
    Re: council tax and Equita

    Originally posted by Amy View Post
    No problem Ben. Thanks and sorry again

    How much can you afford to pay each month? £100 If I were you I would write to the council and make them a sensible offer. Have emailed them telling them i cannot afford £200 Do not ask them, just say this is what I will pay you every month. Make the letter clear that the bailiffs will never gain entry to your property and that you will never deal with them (Have told the council more times than i can remember) and then make your payment online, if possible. They cannot refuse your payments.

    They can only levy on goods belonging to the debtor, so unless her Dad lives with you and is also responsible for paying the council tax at your property, then the answer is no. . However, they will probably try it on and if they do, it will be your responsibility to prove the car does not belong to you rather than up to them to prove it does.My dad does not live with us. Its his car but how can we prove it as he bought it for cash a couple of years ago.he signed it over to my partner now as he has no use for it but we do use it to visit my parents and take my dad to out (mainly to thed pub lol) as we live 20 miles away


    • #32
      Re: council tax and Equita

      Originally posted by enaid View Post
      Hi ben,
      Understandable about being at your wits end and that is why you have asked for help.
      Amy will do all she can to help you and will never tell you to do anything that will make your situation any worse believe me.
      I am sure if you pm her your number she will give you a call and then you can explain everthing fully and she will tell you your next step.
      Enaid x
      Thanks enaid, its reassuring to know that there are still some good people in the world!!



      • #33
        Re: council tax and Equita

        Ben, I think you need to slow down and stop worrying about things that have not happened and might not happen.

        In the meantime, do not wait for the council to agree to these payments, just make them.


        • #34
          Re: council tax and Equita

          Originally posted by Amy View Post
          Ben, I think you need to slow down and stop worrying about things that have not happened and might not happen.
          I cant help it... I know how much the bailiffs will scare my oh.

          Originally posted by Amy View Post
          In the meantime, do not wait for the council to agree to these payments, just make them.
          Already been paying on t'interweb lol

          Thanks Amy, you are a god send. Mind if i ask how you know so much about bailiff scum?


          • #35
            Re: council tax and Equita

            Originally posted by ben13 View Post
            I cant help it... I know how much the bailiffs will scare my oh.
            I know it is difficult and I understand that it is very scary, but once you and she understand that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that they can do, you will see that they are just bullies who will crawl back under the nearest stone and move on to the next poor sucker once they realise you know your rights.

            Originally posted by ben13 View Post
            Already been paying on t'interweb lol
            That is excellent.

            Originally posted by ben13 View Post
            Thanks Amy, you are a god send. Mind if i ask how you know so much about bailiff scum?
            My husband was given a fair few parking tickets a few years ago and most of them were complete works of fiction. He was never given any actual penalty notices and the first we knew of them was when we had bailiffs writing to us and threatening all sorts and demanding hundreds of pounds.

            So I read and I read and I read, until I knew what they could and couldn't do and then I wrote to them and told them that I knew what I was talking about and that perhaps they should go and do something to themselves...

            Eventually, they gave up.

            Council tax bailiffs are largely toothless because the parameters within which they must work, with regard to their powers and the fees they are allowed to charge, are very narrow. There is no money to be earnt from recovering council tax debt - so they simply make it up, charge what they like and hope you don't know any different.


            • #36
              Re: council tax and Equita

              BLOODY HELL Amy.... your one crazy woman lol
              We've seen off bailiffs before for CT from rossendales a couple of years ago... so funny when i asked him for his ID n he brought out this crappy little laminated bit of paper that was so old the laminate was peeled wide open at one side and he wouldnt show it to me properly. I told him that he must be joking if he thought that was a good id card as my 2 year old could do better with her crayons!!!!
              He stood outside next to his van for nearly 2 hours blocking our drive. In the end he decided to phone his office so i went and stood by the drivers door and strarted shouting at the top of my voice. He cleared off in the end...
              2 days later he rang me and told me he was at my house and was going to break in if i didnt return asap (by this time i was starting to find a few things out) so i told him he could try but i'd have him arrested to which he replied 'if you dont come back now and pay I'll have 2 police officers at your door within 48 hours and have you committed to prison' i just laughed and told him to f**k off and put the phone down.
              He tried about 15 times to gain entry to our house but my OH told him where to go cos he knew what times i worked (i swear he'd been watching my van come and go).

              After his 'threat' i complained to rossendales and the council. Rossendales tried telling me if i paid them £2000 more than the outstanding CT debt they'd investigate the bailiff Told them to F**K OFF too.
              Also complained to the council and guess what they did..... NOTHING!!! They didnt even acknowledge my complaint.

              So as you can see i have NO FAITH in my local council and truly believe they dont know what they're doing and they certainly don't care about peoples circumstances.

              Sorry its a long one but it gives you a little insight into why i get so stressed out lol



              • #37
                Re: council tax and Equita

                What council is this?


                • #38
                  Re: council tax and Equita

                  I'll pm you if thats ok


                  • #39
                    Re: council tax and Equita

                    Of course it is.


                    • #40
                      Re: council tax and Equita

                      On the whole you're right, councils don't know what they're doing. Bailiiffs, on the other hand, know exactly what they are doing, which is lying, cheating, threatening and bullying in the hope that you will just pay up because you are scared and believe them.......but you won't.

                      Once they get the gist that you know what you're talking about, as Amy says, they will crawl back under a stone and look for their next victim.

                      I really must get round to starting a thread about my mate Di and Equita....with much help from Amy and a few letters and a very satisfying phone call from me, we are well on the way to binning Equita.

                      As Amy says, yes it's scary but remember knowledge is power. It's so very satifsying when you win and get rid of them
                      Is no longer here


                      • #41
                        Re: council tax and Equita

                        Wendy can i ask what you mean by 'binning Equita'???


                        • #42
                          Re: council tax and Equita

                          it's a Black Country term - get rid of, shut them up, make them go away, confuse them with the fact that we know the legalities and they just pretend they do...the list is endless...

                          shall I go on? Suffice it to say that if we stand up to them, follow the tried and trusted methods and do as Amy says, then they will crawl back under their stone.
                          Is no longer here


                          • #43
                            Re: council tax and Equita

                            i know what binning means lol i just didnt know in what context you meant. eg just getting them off your/our backs or going for the big one and tryin to make them (the company)vanish for good


                            • #44
                              Re: council tax and Equita

                              Well it would take more than us to make them vanish for good, unfortunately....but every little helps..
                              Is no longer here


                              • #45
                                Re: council tax and Equita

                                thats what i was thinking but then you never know if someone has something up their sleeve


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