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  • #16
    Shouldn't worry about them anyway.
    If you are concerned about mail turning up while you are away, arrange a PO Keepsafe (https://www.royalmail.com/personal/r...-mail/keepsafe) or redirect to a friend or relative.


    • #17
      Do you think a 3 month PO is gonna be enough? I mean it’s just so expensive... and I didn’t receive the second letter in more then a month so I suppose it is not enough for 4 letters to come.
      I’m gonna do the application for the EU Settlement Scheme soon so 100% certain to put no on the criminal declaration? How much time does the police have to be in touch with you if they gonna be informed of the episode? And can a criminal record be set without being notified in a written way?
      Sorry if I might be repetitive but I wanna be sure to do everything in the correct and better way possible.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Kek View Post
        Do you think a 3 month PO is gonna be enough? I mean it’s just so expensive... and I didn’t receive the second letter in more then a month so I suppose it is not enough for 4 letters to come. I wouldn't even bother
        I’m gonna do the application for the EU Settlement Scheme soon so 100% certain to put no on the criminal declaration? Yes
        How much time does the police have to be in touch with you if they gonna be informed of the episode?The chances of police being informed and taking any action are as close to zero as possible
        And can a criminal record be set without being notified in a written way? Relax, you do not have a criminal record
        Sorry if I might be repetitive but I wanna be sure to do everything in the correct and better way possible.
        Don't know which country you are from or what the criminal justice system is like, but stop overthinking the situation!


        • #19
          I know I’m sorry I’m overthinking but I’m in London for studying and my mother is doing a lot of sacrifices for me and the only small possibility that something can happen is killing me... I’m more scared to disappoint my mum then to the situation in general... sorry if I’m annoying you guys


          • #20
            You are not annoying.
            Just trying to reassure you that nothing is going to happen. Stop worrying.
            Relax, enjoy your visit home and make your mother happy


            • #21
              Personally, I've never backed down to bullies, not even when I was at school.
              I would certainly not capitulate to a bunch of shysters like these clowns.
              des8 is spot on.
              CAVEAT LECTOR

              This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

              You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
              Cohen, Herb

              There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
              gets his brain a-going.
              Phelps, C. C.

              "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
              The last words of John Sedgwick


              • #22
                Hello, I received the second letter from RLP after 3 months from the incident. Do you think It is a regular letter that I need to ignore again or do I need to do anything? My Italian lawyer wrote them 1 month and a half ago saying Lidl had no losses from this incident so no payment is due.

                thank you


                • #23
                  2019-05-29 15_39_45-Start.png
                  I beg to differ.

                  Probably two more letters to come, then maybe a letter with Red Writing on it... which you can also ignore ..... then fingers crossed that'll be that.

                  I wouldn't let your lawyer write to them again.... seems they didn't rcceive the last letter in any case as that is the bog standard third letter - aka this one from April 2017 -> https://legalbeagles.info/forums/fil...tch?id=1176267

                  Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                  Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                  • #24
                    So do you think they skipped one letter because my lawyer wrote to them? So 100% sure that I don’t need to pay it?


                    • #25
                      If that letter your solicitor sent mentioned Italy then RLP may have realised how futile it woul be continuing against you.


                      • #26
                        Whether they skipped one or more letters, whether or not they received your solicitors letter, and if they did whether or not they even read it, you do not have to pay them even one penny, Euro or even lira!


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