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  • Shoplifting

    hello, I’m a 20 years EU student in the uk and 3 weeks ago Lidl found me stealing some food (8 pound value) and I’m scared about the consequences of my action.
    I know I’ve done something really stupid and I’m feeling so bad for that, but I’m in a stressfull financial situation so I think that’s why I’ve done it.

    my question is: am I going to have problems in my immigration status in the Uk while I’m studying here? I’m going home soon (3rd of April) and I’m scared when I’m coming back (17 of April) they will deported me for some reasons. Should I be worried about?
    After 3 weeks I dint receive any letters... do you have any guesses when it will arrive?
    Note I’m a second year student and I’m going to stay in the Uk till the end of my studies that terminate in June 2020.
    During the fact they told me I’m going to receive a letter with the amount of money that I need to pay and if I’m not paying them the police will come to my accommodation and get stuff until they reach the value of the fine. They also take a video of me banning from every Lidl. I don’t know if the police where called... I mean one of them said “I’m gonna call the police right now” but I didn’t see any police officer. I signed a hand written paper but I didn’t read what it was about (I know stupid thing but I was panicking).

    thank you for the responses and you time
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Forget it
    Noting will happen except you will get a stream of begging letters
    If you don't pay the police will not be calling on you.
    UK police do not act as debt collectors and Lidl staff were just trying to frighten you.
    Just get on with your studies and enjoy your visit home


    • #3
      ^^^^^^ What des8 said! ^^^^^^

      This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

      You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
      Cohen, Herb

      There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
      gets his brain a-going.
      Phelps, C. C.

      "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
      The last words of John Sedgwick


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kek View Post
        hello, I’m a 20 years EU student in the uk and 3 weeks ago Lidl found me stealing some food (8 pound value) and I’m scared about the consequences of my action.
        I know I’ve done something really stupid and I’m feeling so bad for that, but I’m in a stressfull financial situation so I think that’s why I’ve done it.
        my question is: am I going to have problems in my immigration status in the Uk while I’m studying here? I’m going home soon (3rd of April) and I’m scared when I’m coming back (17 of April) they will deported me for some reasons. Should I be worried about?
        After 3 weeks I dint receive any letters... do you have any guesses when it will arrive?
        Note I’m a second year student and I’m going to stay in the Uk till the end of my studies that terminate in June 2020.
        During the fact they told me I’m going to receive a letter with the amount of money that I need to pay and if I’m not paying them the police will come to my accommodation and get stuff until they reach the value of the fine. They also take a video of me banning from every Lidl. I don’t know if the police where called... I mean one of them said “I’m gonna call the police right now” but I didn’t see any police officer. I signed a hand written paper but I didn’t read what it was about (I know stupid thing but I was panicking).
        thank you for the responses and you time

        thank you for your reply!
        It’s 3 weeks that I’m freaking out about the consequences of that... my mental health is down completely.
        Another question if I can get another few minutes of your time: if the police were not there (I didn’t see anyone) but called (but I’m not sure they were called too), am I going to receive some caution or something from the police department that can inflict on my criminal record? Can a criminal record like that inflict an application on the EU Settlement Scheme (just for the time I’m studying here) after brexit? I haven’t done anything else in my life so this is my first “criminal” action. Do you have any guesses on how much time such letters can come to my accommodation? It’s been 3 weeks and I didn’t see anything...

        thank you su much


        • #5
          Originally posted by des8 View Post
          Forget it
          Noting will happen except you will get a stream of begging letters
          If you don't pay the police will not be calling on you.
          UK police do not act as debt collectors and Lidl staff were just trying to frighten you.
          Just get on with your studies and enjoy your visit home
          (Just pressed the wrong quote sorry)


          • #6
            Relax, the police will not be involved.
            You will not receive a caution or any other sort of criminal record.

            The letters come when they come. There is no way of telling.
            But you are going to ignore them anyway aren't you, so don't worry about them!


            • #7
              To my best knowledge, this is the only time RLP took someone to a (civil) court hearing.

              An epic faiure for them!
              Attached Files
              CAVEAT LECTOR

              This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

              You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
              Cohen, Herb

              There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
              gets his brain a-going.
              Phelps, C. C.

              "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
              The last words of John Sedgwick


              • #8
                Sorry can you explain what an RLP is? So I’m worrying for nothing you think... I hope so! I had a few minutes of relief reading this messages! Thank you so much for everything!


                • #9
                  RLP is a firm called Retail Loss Prevention.
                  They are one of the leading companies who act on behalf of retailers in trying to recover imagined losses
                  There are others, and I'm not sure who Lidl use


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kek View Post
                    Sorry can you explain what an RLP is? So I’m worrying for nothing you think... I hope so! I had a few minutes of relief reading this messages! Thank you so much for everything!

                    My other half is always telling me off for using acronyms! [

                    RLP = Retail Loss Prevention.

                    des8 ....snap!
                    Civil Recovery services for businesses in the United Kingdom. We equip our clients with a deterrent to theft and the ability to reduce the cost of crime.
                    CAVEAT LECTOR

                    This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                    You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                    Cohen, Herb

                    There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                    gets his brain a-going.
                    Phelps, C. C.

                    "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                    The last words of John Sedgwick


                    • #11
                      Good evening everyone!
                      Today I’ve received a letter from RLP and the amount is 95£ and I think I’m gonna pay for it and don’t think about that anymore.
                      What I’m asking is: when I’m paying that amount is it a proof o guilty?
                      I didn’t receive any letter from the police and it’s been 4 weeks now so I think if the police were called I think in 4 weeks time I should receive something... Am I right?

                      thank you so much!


                      • #12
                        Please don't pay it
                        All it does is to make RLP and Lidl money to which they are not entitled,
                        it finances their pressurising of other people, very often innocent of any wrong doing.
                        Their method of operation is IMO more reprehensible than any shoplifter, as they do it under the guise of the law.
                        They are nothing more than vigilantes, acting as judge and jury without any trial
                        In the UK we have systems of justice and RLP act independently of them.
                        just ignore RLP letters and eventually they give up and pester someone else

                        You can view the letters they will send you here: https://legalbeagles.info/forums/for...rs-rlp-and-dwf

                        PS you won't be hearing from the police
                        Last edited by des8; 26th April 2019, 21:30:PM. Reason: spelling


                        • #13
                          Sorry if I didn’t reply but I had a surgery and now I’m feeling better fortunately... maybe a punishment for what I’ve done!
                          so I received the first letter from RLP and when I was in Italy my lawyer send them an email saying that there weren’t any damage for the firm so no payment for them. It’s been 2 months since that happened and no letter from the police.
                          I’m a Eu student so probably I’ll need to apply for the Eu pre settlement scheme for next year... and there is a window where I need to declare any criminal thing. I don’t know if I need to put anything inside and, in the case I get something from the police, do I need to put something on that? Will my application going to be rejected for something like that?

                          by the way I got the letter from RLP one month ago and no other letter since that day...

                          thank you for you help!!


                          • #14
                            As you have not been charged with,nor are there any charges pending,nor have you been found guilty of a criminal offence, there is no reason for this incident to be mentioned.


                            • #15
                              Hello again.
                              I didn’t receive any other letters from RLP in a month (only the first one the 2nd of April)... is it normal? By the way I’m gonna leave my accommodation on the 1st of June so I’ll not be able to read any other letter I’m gonna get at this address. Do I need to do anything to inform them that I changed my address? I’m gonna go in Italy for the university summer break and I’ll be back later on in September in another place.

                              thank you again this forum help me to avoid a mental breakdown several times!


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