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  • well we try Nuddy
    sometimes feel's like you gotta laugh, coz if you don't you'll never stop crying!

    besides...laughter is good for soul


    • right I gotta go pay some money "into" the bank for a change!
      finally got my settlement money from the car crash, well the value we agreed for the car being written off at least...... whiplash/loss of earnings etc still going through


      • Thats great, at least you've got some capital now. Will you be looking for a new car or did you get one already?


        • Originally posted by nuddy View Post
          Hi again guys, no-one said hello to me last time - is it 'cos I haven't been around for a wee while? My friends son was killed outside a nightclub last week so had other things on my mind

          How are we all?

          1. Am sorry about your sons friend........its frightening that you cant go out for a drink without the fear of something tragic happening....

          2. Come on in the chat we dont bite.

          3.And apart from school hols am bloody great.


          • Hiya gobby, it's great to be great eh! I'm luck, scholl hols don't make a difference to me until, erm actually I don't know. My oldest is 2.5 so it's a while!!!!

            What the hell are you doing with you little one/s ? We struggle enough, mind since it's been hot we've shoved them in the garden at the weekend then gone to eat out in the sun. Gorgeous!!
            ..for a change that is!!


            • I have 6 off school at the moment...............5 are mine and the other is a little boy we foster......................its bedlam but fun.............oh and permanently knackered...........roll on September when I get back to Uni for a rest.........lol..............:banana::banana::ban ana:


              • Wow nuddy sorry to hear about your friend,

                I'm sick of the holidays....roll on September


                • No, I haven't always been a senior member, got promoted about 42 posts ago I think....
                  Is no longer here


                  • blimey, 6 kids, I thought I was busy!! WendyB, good to hear you were promoted thats great!! Hi Delta, thanks. He's having a celebration held for him, I think by his motocross team and something to do with Boro footy tomorrow so although I'm missing out, it seems that it's all upbeat so that makes everyone happy!!!

                    Sounds like everyones pleased for the weather but p'd over the school hols ! i'm afraid guys that the two come together and I'll have to be putting up with it soon!!!


                    • I'm not p'd over the school holidays, lovely quiet drive to work, bit p'd about the weather tho' coz i'm stuck in work all day while you lot can play out!


                      • Not so much, I work p/time to get away for a while - just 18 hours but still, it's 3 drives into work and it's great not to get stuck in traffic for a job you don't think you should be doing anyway - bloomin marvellous if you ask me!!!!

                        ...for now!
                        Hows goes it with everything else guys and gals? Watching BB tonight? No, didn't think so!!


                        • Not me Nuddy, rather stick pins in my eyes sorry if its your fav programme.
                          Just got a programme on here about consumer police or something and it's local, I may pick up some tips lol.


                          • Evening All
                            Hows everyonesday been?


                            • don't think you'll want to pick anything up from this enaid!


                              • God no, I watch if there's nothing else on or I'm not working thats rare so just listen in.

                                Only thing I like is Hollyoaks, yes everyone I know it's rather s**t but I've watched since it started ! lol!


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