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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Just had this conversation on the phone with my son

    him: hi Mum

    me: hello

    him: how did you go on?

    me: with what?

    him: tickets

    me: Oh S***

    him: silence

    me: msl: got them

    him: thank you (the relief in his voice - priceless)

    No wonder they call me a witch msl:


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Hiya peeps, well its lovely and sunny here and the expected wave didn't reach us here.

      Di, I'm with you hun I love the telly and love the 'Jungle' hmmm think we need a thread for that eh :okay:

      And for the rest of you 'whats wrong with a small dog?' I just wan't something to cuddle as I seem to have the only 2 cats alive that don't sit on laps. Anyway I gotta convince Les that a dog is a good idea, and that is proving hard at the moment.



      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        lol jan that was a classic! i love doing that to my kids too
        the other day my 12 yr old son had a bath.i knew he'd been messing with my bath stuff.......
        so he said "i opened that bottle for you mom"
        i said" thats ok i dont use it for the bath"
        he said what do you mean?
        i told him it was toilet cleaner and if you put it in the bath it brings you out in bright red spots.i then promptly went down stairs!!!!pmsl
        then after a few minutes silence i called upto him.its ok i was only joking!!! lol
        he said "thank god for that"
        not that he had been using my stuff u understand!!!! lol
        arent kids great!


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Reading back I see I am not the worlds worst mum at all, there are indeed other candidates, not too far away pmsl

          Tis just about day light and although a tad windy, dry up to yet, I am talking weather here by the way lol.

          I see Sappy is on my side with "The Jungle" so I think a little thread of it's own might just appear lol. As it is a very serious and informative bit of TV, naughty and insulting posts will be ignored. Unless written by them in charge of course lol.
          So as the dancing and the X Factor get nearer to the end, another one pops up for little old me to keep watching.
          As for Robin Hood, well I don't know how long he has left, but I have enjoyed that very much as well. I hope they make another series or something similar anyway, it makes such a change from some of the crap they do put on. Only my opinion of course lol.


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Good morning world (or the world as we know it)

            Yes Jungle, thread, anywhere I can't find it please.

            But you are right about TV, remember the good old days, the two ronnies, morcambe and wise, generation game, open all hours, I could go on and on, what ever happened to proper telly?


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Jan, me and OH always have Last of The Summer Wine on sky a lot of them we have never seen. It's not everyones cup of tea I know but they are so well written, no bad language, no violence, just plain old fashioned fun. Great IMHO.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Well if it's confession time I have the full series of George and Mildred on Sky+ and Only When I laugh, well you've got to have something to do in bed haven't you?


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Originally posted by iancognito View Post
                  Well if it's confession time I have the full series of George and Mildred on Sky+ and Only When I laugh, well you've got to have something to do in bed haven't you?
                  I totally agree jan lol, I just hope we haven't opened a can of worms here and people think they have to post their bed time rituals on here lol if you get my drift pmsl msl:msl:msl:


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Morning peeps, well its a great day today, shopping and cleaning the carpets are my jobs for this morning.
                    After that its a great days viewing, sky sports this afternoon with the ever so lovely Jeff Stelling, then some food and a short nap. Then its X Factor, Strictly come dancing oh and Kylie's new show.
                    Yes I shall start the Jungle thread in a mo !
                    Talking of old telly programme's anyone remember Howard's Way, its showing the who of the series again in its entirety on UK gold at 1 am every day.
                    Oh dear do we lead sad lives msl: well you gotta watch something whilst the beached whale is laying next to you snoring its friggin head off.



                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Originally posted by sapphire View Post
                      whilst the beached whale !

                      Saffy that's not a nice thing to say about BLT!!! msl:

                      Got to go to Liverpool today!!! What fun that shall be not!!!


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub


                        I don't for one minute think any of you will have forgotten, but it is Remembrance Sunday
                        so I hope you all have your poppy's and can spare if only one minute a thought for the forces past and present.

                        I do hope you got back from Beetle Land Xena lol, although I can't imagine for one moment why they would want to keep you there lol.

                        Well what a good do on the TV last night.
                        All i can say is it's a good job I am not a talent spotter lol. I though Rhydian was a sure gonner after last week I went off him altogether. Then this week he does a blinder I really enjoyed his performance.
                        So Andy had to go, no surprise really the lad just has no umphhh lol.

                        The dancing, well yet again I was shot down lol although the results are not known until this afternoon I doubt the rugby player will go , he did very well

                        Robin Hood well what can I say I just love it lol. I thought he was a gonner last night again lol just goes to show lol good wins over evil in the end. (And yes I do know it's not real, but hey ho lol)


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Think I've finally recovered from friday night's celebrations, was feeling a tad delicate to say the least yesterday..lol
                          for those that don't know yet....... Mr Tempty has a job!!!! yipeeeeee
                          after months of endless applications.... sending out cv's.... and getting no where fast he was beginning to feel as though he'd been left on the scrap heap.
                          Then just like buses 2 come along at once
                          He was offered his old job at ATS .... but in another unit...miles away!
                          And got one he applied for on his own with PH Jones.. this is the one he's gone for... much more money then he's ever been on before and offers some real prospects for advancement. And with weekly pay it''s just in time for christmas :carrot:

                          So at last....... some good news in the Tempty household
                          he found out on friday and starts training tomorrow....so i gotta drop him off in bristol later on and he'll drive back in his new company van on wednesday .... then he's out with one of the guy's for a few day's before he's let loose on his own next week hopefully.

                          Think that may well be the end of my hardship claims though..... but hey ho.. the job is more important, if it means i now have to wait till the oft decide whats happening then so be it


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Everything you deserve, all the luck in the world to Mr T with his new job!!!!

                            Tempty, please tell us you'll be opening another account elsewhere to be paying his wages into!!!!


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Hey Tempty, tell Mr T well done from all us here in the Delat household, we really hope that this works out for him, and that he enjoys his job.


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Originally posted by iancognito View Post

                                Tempty, please tell us you'll be opening another account elsewhere to be paying his wages into!!!!

                                ooooo yes indeedy.... nastywest won't be getting anywhere near it lol


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