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FMB Fanclub

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  • Oooo hob nobs, damn it I gotta go shopping in a bit, gonna end up with a cupboard full of bicies and not mucl else at this rate pmsl......... kids'll love it!!!


    • Right, I have just had chocolate fingers (no rude remarks please)I nibbed the ends off and sucked my tea through them. It is amazing just how many you can get through in one cuppa. They are so nice, the packet has nearly gone........yummmm

      Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


      • I HAVE JUST HAD A WIN.....
        Sorry to shout, but I am so excited...
        Total of £3500 to be credited to me MBNA credit card.... I no longer owe them a penny.

        Its helped my abscess no end I can tell you


        • CONGRATULATIONS hun, thats brilliant news



          • Blood and guts well done Standing, I feel a new pair (or two) of FMB's coming on.!!!!!!!!!


            • Yay CONGRATULATIONS
              fantastic new's hun........ and just in time for your hols too!! Soooooooooo pleased for you. another winner to the circle


              • Lol enaid she gonna find it hard enough to decide which FMB's she's taking on her hols anyway!!!

                Standing hun........ i think yer gonna need a bigger case pmsl


                • Now Enaid, it is funny you should say that!!!!!!!!!

                  Seriously, won't see a penny of it, cos its a debt..... But not any more, no more nasty letters from MBNA, no more phone calls, no more bills... Its all over...
                  And I only threatned court, didnt even have to file, its cos they cannot supply me with the CCA, I knew I would win cos of it, but not so quickly.... soooo happy.... and still in pain !!!


                  • [quote=standingupformyself;11296]
                    I HAVE JUST HAD A WIN.....

                    Sorry to shout, but I am so excited...
                    Total of £3500 to be credited to me MBNA credit card.... I no longer owe them a penny.

                    Its helped my abscess no end I can tell you


                    ****CONGRATULATIONS *****
                    Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                    • back to the settee now for another doze... the woman phoned me up from MBNA, and asked if it was convenient to talk, I said well, yes but I have got an abscess so bear with me!!! she kept it short and sweet,

                      Such a happy FMB'er


                      • congrats again hun, keep up with those antibiotics now ya hear, get some rest........ and get better for ya Hols


                        • Thanks Tempty... I will come back online this evening..... see you all later xxxxx


                          • Well done standing........
                            Another Victory for someone who deserves it.........!!!

                            eerrrr.....I went all pink for a moment.....


                            • HOORAY FOR SUFM!!!!!!!!!! (I think I'll have to save that on Notepad so I can copy and paste it. There seems to be a lot of winners lately. )
                              My Blog


                              • Originally posted by sapphire View Post
                                Oh it can only be Hob Nobs or Digestives can't it.

                                Just watching Henman COME ON OUR TIM

                                NO!!!!! Boycott McVities.

                                The feckers bought out a local biscuit factory that had been going for generations, just to get the name, then closed it down and moved production down south. Feckers.

                                Also no HP sauce in our house. Or Hellmans Mayonaisse. Cos production is now in parts foreign. Oh, and no Branston Pickle, cos Nestle reneged on a promise not to close our Crosse and Blackwells factory when they bought that too. So no Nestle's products in LB's house.
                                My Blog


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