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PCN- Gemini

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  • PCN- Gemini

    Hi all ,

    Requesting some help please.

    Just received a PCN through the post for from Gemini.
    Had parked for a few minutes outside our nursery school to drop little one off to dance lessons on a Saturday afternoon , was in disabled bay.

    The area where car was parked belongs to the nursery not LBhealthcare and there are no sign posts indicating that that side of the road is
    overseen by Gemini. There are signs opposite LB healthcare which i am well aware of but the side i parked is for the nursery.

    The PCN says: " Failure to display a valid blue badge " at LB healthcare.
    " the contravention is a Breach of the terms and conditions of use of the facility. Signs are clearly displayed thoughout
    the area showing these terms and conditions. "

    I know very well that Gemini issue tickets if parked on the side of LBHealthcare but the other side of the side road ,
    all nursery staff and parents use.

    Should I reply that the ticket issued is not an area controlled by Gemini or ask for contract showing which area of the
    road they oversea as there are absolutely no signs on th esid eof the road the car was parked.

    Thanks for any help in advance.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Have you asked the nursery about this?

    Can you post up the PCN (remove name and identifying details, but leave in all dates and times)?

    When communicating with Gemini, or posting on here, do not identify the driver


    • #3

      I just got confirmation that the 2 bays for disabled are council owned from the nursery.
      In theory then I would have thought a private parking company cannot issue such a ticket , it would have to be
      a traffic warden or police ?

      Sorry times are : 12:11 on 21/09/2024
      nothing else showing

      Please see image.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by Rks2020; Today, 13:53:PM.


      • #4
        That notice is meant for the driver, but presumably they have your name and address as you are the registered keeper.

        So you can reply :along these lines:

        Dear Sirs,
        I am in receipt of your PCN number xxxxxx.

        I write to confirm I am the registered Keeper of the vehicle, registration number xxxxxxxxxx.
        I have no legal obligation to identify the driver at the time of the alleged incident, and will not be doing so.

        Please remove my data from your records.

        Yours etc

        But they will probably ignore that, so you could just await a Notice to Keeper which will surely come and should be easily defended

        If you do communicate with them do not identify the driver.

        You have left your name & address exposed on the Parking notice... suggest you remove it
        Last edited by des8; Today, 14:48:PM.


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