Re: Bryan carter & VOdafone debt
Date wise, 5th June is the issue date then you have 33 days from then so a bit longer than you have estimated, but still if you get this in before you go on holiday you can relax and your mum won't have to deal with it.
Now, it sounds to me like not having a CCJ is quite important to you, and if you got one it would have major effects on you for the next six year, getting a mortgage is hard enough, I suspect your credit file may well be quite damaged because of this debt too and will show a default and the late payments. That will probably affect things for the next three years at least depending when it defaulted.
With that in mind you might want to try and negotiate with the claimants for a full settlement out of court or try and sort out a decent installment plan ( it would have to be £100 a month plus though to avoid the CCJ). Lowell will have bought the debt for around 10-15% of the original amount owing so there is a bit of room for manaoevure, if you could make a F&F offer of 600-800 to pay in one go (savings?mum?) it might do it. Any negotiations must be 'without prejudice'. Then get your sister to repay you/mum properly over the next couple years.
Not a lot you can do about the damage already done to your credit file but you should be able to stop it being extended to a registered CCJ until 2020.
Date wise, 5th June is the issue date then you have 33 days from then so a bit longer than you have estimated, but still if you get this in before you go on holiday you can relax and your mum won't have to deal with it.
Now, it sounds to me like not having a CCJ is quite important to you, and if you got one it would have major effects on you for the next six year, getting a mortgage is hard enough, I suspect your credit file may well be quite damaged because of this debt too and will show a default and the late payments. That will probably affect things for the next three years at least depending when it defaulted.
With that in mind you might want to try and negotiate with the claimants for a full settlement out of court or try and sort out a decent installment plan ( it would have to be £100 a month plus though to avoid the CCJ). Lowell will have bought the debt for around 10-15% of the original amount owing so there is a bit of room for manaoevure, if you could make a F&F offer of 600-800 to pay in one go (savings?mum?) it might do it. Any negotiations must be 'without prejudice'. Then get your sister to repay you/mum properly over the next couple years.
Not a lot you can do about the damage already done to your credit file but you should be able to stop it being extended to a registered CCJ until 2020.