hi county court claim dated 20 /2013 got it to day 23 /2013
els & cole solictors have issued the county court claim
sent cca to llyods black horse back in 2006
and stopped paying when nothing came back
the account should be time barred
all the time collecters sent letters i stated cca they backed off
we are on state benfits and i have health problems
the debt was in 2005 was paying debt mangment untill 206 then stoped paying them couldnt afford the payments
no lb letter was sent no default letter not sent
nor a credit agreement wasnt sent
no default letter
els & cole solictors have issued the county court claim
sent cca to llyods black horse back in 2006
and stopped paying when nothing came back
the account should be time barred
all the time collecters sent letters i stated cca they backed off
we are on state benfits and i have health problems
the debt was in 2005 was paying debt mangment untill 206 then stoped paying them couldnt afford the payments
no lb letter was sent no default letter not sent
nor a credit agreement wasnt sent
no default letter